Friday, October 20, 2006

Where Does The Apple Fall?

This week in our local Middletown Journal, there was a report of a thirteen year old boy and his father in their back yard shooting squirrels right here in Middletown. Their neighbor confronted the duo after finding a dead squirrel in his own yard. The boy's father became belligerent when confronted by the neighbor. The police were called and gave a verbal warning to the father and son.

Just this past August, this same boy had been arrested for setting a kitten on fire then knocking it out with a piece of wood. His claim for such a inhumane act was that he was tired of the kitten getting into the garbage. Where were the parents? I can assure you that they were not out buying a llid for the said garbage can. Oh, at the time of this first incident, the father was reported as being inside on the couch. When the boy was arrested, the father became belligerent with the police. Mom has never been mentioned. Needless to say, the poor kitten was euthanized.

This senseless act created an outrage in the community. Animal rights activists protested at the Butler County Courthouse when the boy made his first court appearance. His grandfather and aunt were quoted as saying the activists had no right to call the boy a kitten killer because he is a good boy with no record. Oh really? Junior is such a good kid that while under house arrest and pending a January 2007 follow up court appearance regarding the kitten incident, he and ol' dad learn a lesson by shooting innocent squirrels. I am concerned about having this father and son duo in my community.

The apple always falls under the tree.

For years, law officers have proven that seriel killers, pedophiles and other sick people get their sick criminal carreers started by abusing animals. This duo is sticking a neon sign out to tell the community just how sick and disgusting they are. What better place to do this than in Butler County.

Butler County, Ohio, coincides with the state's very lax laws regarding animal cruelty cases. Ohio ranks number one as the worst state to raise animals because those charged with animal cruelty are slapped with a misdemeanor. Butler County judges often do not follow up on animal cruelty cases. Rather they let these criminals get back into our community unnoticed. Just to prove this, I have a stack of newspaper clippings regarding local animal cruelty cases that I cannot follow up on because the media does not follow up and the court records are not available on line. I do follow up with local dog wardens regarding cruelty cases. They can certainly tell me more than any other entitiy.

Butler County is notorius for placing more hard core crimals in the care of psyichiatrists who in turn tell criminals that killing or raping is excused because mommy and daddy just didn't love you enough. Is it little wonder I have no respect for highly educated civil servants who insult me and other responsible citizens with this manure? For you psychiatrists, as children, our folks didn't hesitate to light the fire under our hindends when we were wrong. We had discipline! Today, you call discipline abuse. We did not have perfect parents but then again we were not perfect kids. We were also taught responsibility. We had one mom and one dad not mom and her boyfriends or a dad that I had to wonder where on earth he was. We had plenty to eat, clean clothes and a ton of work to do on the farm. We had no handouts. As a result, we are not part of the criminal population. Our mother will tell you that some of her kids own businesses not prison cells. Folks, we come from a traditional family background of hard work, discipline and responsibility. We were never treated as a matter of convenience or inconconveniece as are many families today. We were taught the fear of God, and attended schools where prayer, bibles and the Ten Commandments were welcome as part of our education. We all lived under the same roof and sat at the same table. We were not spread all over the place by a courthouse or psychological fiat. The only counseling I have any use for is from my pastor and my church who would not be afraid to hold me accountable for moral misconduct.

My apple fell under one of my grandmother's, Ella's tree. She always taught me to respect animals. She loved her cats and this certainly influenced me. She had zero tolerance for those who mistreated animals. To this day, among her kids, grandkids, great grandkids and great-great grandkids, there are many animal lovers of which I am the ring leader. As a result, I respect those who respect others and I am in the habit of surrounding myself with people who are responsible and like to get things done. Thanks Grandma!!!

Grandmother certainly was not like some sick man living here in our building. This man is so evil that residents treat him as a complete waste of time. Residents are literally waiting for this man to move or die, whichever comes first. This man stays outraged, yells and screams at people, threatens to fight them and tells all the pets owners here how much he hates animals. Wonder what went on in his household that someone isn't telling? I have noticed he never ever has any visitors. This guy gives me the creeps! He doesn't have to twist my arm to get me to believe that his IQ is equal to his shoe size. In the mean time I don't plan on turning my back on this man.

However, take this thirteen year old and his father. What I see now is a monster being created in the basement. Later in their lives, this monster will bust out of that basement doing God knows what. Maybe the little darling will go to school one day and open gun fire on the entire student body. Or maybe this time next year the lilttle sweetheart with be dealing meth out of his bedroom to all the neighborhood kids Then the monster will be in court waiting for a psychiatrist to tell a judge that this monster's mommy was never around so daddy did the best he could by teaching his son to kill animals, rape innocent people, rob for a living and murder just to be doing it all because the community bullied the son for senseless killing of animals. Dad? Where did your apple fall? Obviously your apple did not fall under the tree that would have taught your son that animals stray due to human negligence. The tree that would teach that animals get into garbage cans to scrounge for food. The tree that would have taught that animals can be kept out of garbage cans if lids are securely on the can. Dad, your apple comes from a tree that certainly bears much rotten useless fruit and gets mad at others because of it.

If you noticed in one of my previous blogs, I had mentioned as a child my pets has disappeared. I'll address this for you. I am a keen observer of people. I will watch how you treat others and life as I know it. I have had my suspicions as to who mistreated my pets. Some of these people are still living guilt ridden lives most miserable; I found one on the internet listed as a sex offender for sexually abusing his grandkids. There could be a host of things these suspicous people have done that I don't want to know. Some have died and taken whatever secrets they had with them.

It is a little known but valuable fact that if you want to measure your community standards, go visit your nearby animal shelter. This is a little known fact because our society chooses to be dumber than cornbread. Abuse cases flood animal shelters. Abuse cases that I personally ministered to should never have happened. For example, a kitten died because the boyfriend came home to his girlfriend upset at her. Rather than punch her out, he picked up the kitten that he got the girl, threw it against the wall and it died on contact. The girl concluded that her boyfriend was just upset and he will get her another kitten. Commonly, boyfriends are killing pets as a means to get back at the girlfriends. Girlfriends don't have enough sense in a donut to see that eventually she will be hammered by the boyfriend. When abuse cases involve children, I found that the child's reason for killing Spot or Fluffy was that he leanrned it from mom's boyfriend of the month. The things we do for love. The things we do for love. Oh-oh. The things we do for love.

Does today's blog sound morbid? I hope so. You should be concerned about how those around treat animals. If you see someone abusing an animal, there should be a red flag in your conscience. The first and only red flag should be asked "What is going on in that house?" Animal abuse is a learned form of hatred from those in a position of trust and authority. I can tell you that I have little respect and zero tolerance for anyone that mistreats animals because they will mistreat people. When you see animal abuse ask yourself if you are living next door to the next Jeffrey Dalhmer or John Wayne Gacy? These sick people proved that their apple fell directly under the tree and are dead because of it. Unfortunately, innocent people lost their lives to these sick people.

There are some lovely people who are an exception to this morbidity. People who were neglected and abused as children but chose not to sit on their circumstances and lead a miserable life hurting others. I commend you for not giving gaurd dogs sleeping pills. You are society's true judge and jury.

Today, Moo and Teddy Bear have chewed on my hair, knees, and newspaper. I haved been walked on and dive-bombed. My bathroom has been held hostage. I have tripped over playing kitties and toys. I have found them in dresser drawers, shelves and closets. It took forever to do this blog today what I didn't have a kitty laying on my laptop computer. They never, ever get into the trash can because they have plenty to keep them occupied and never without something to eat. They know they are safe, well cared for and most of all LOVED!!! Moo, Teddy Bear and myself do not know what it is like to not have a blast around here and apparently Mr Man and his little angel of a thirteen year old son don't know either.


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