Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cows Or Cats?

With my love of cats, I have been asked if I like other animals. Hey! I'm an ol' farm girl! Who are you talking to? My first pet was a little polled white face heifer named "Popeye". Cows are so docile and the calves are even more docile and always smell like fresh milk. As a little girl growing up on the farm, I turned all livestock into pets. I learned to put a cow to sleep while it was standing just by petting it on it's throat-they love it.

I was once given a couple of rabbits not knowing at the time that they reproduce every thirty days. I never let my parents down as I took care of them daily. Dad decided to go out and see just how well I was taking care of my darling fluff balls. When we finished counting, the math proved my rabbit population grew to seventy-four rabbits! I enjoyed sneaking the babies indoors. If I thought my folks were on their way to my bedroom, I would put the little critters in my desk.

I can't ever forget my horse "Patsy". She was part Palamino and part Tennessee Walker. I spoiled her by daily grooming and giving her carrots, apples and oats. It is little wonder that she always followed me around like a puppy dog. I still remember the day my Dad sold her and her her colt because we were moving to another farm. My reasoning was to take her and the colt with us but Dad had different reasons for letting them go.

I still love farm animals. I was blessed to be taught how to approach them. Actually, I along with my brothers had little choice in learning how to approach the livestock as we had to work and take care of them daily. However, I would get very sad when "my pets" met their fate to the dinner table. Though not a vegatarian, I would always worry if I was actually eating my "pets".

Today, armed with cameras, I still wander into a county fair or pull off on the road side to shoot pictures or pet the livestock. While I think county fairs are educational to teach youngsters about farming and livestock, I do get sad knowing that the livestock has spent a week at a time chained to stalls in humid temperatures. Yes, I'm very guilty of getting too emotionally involved with animals. I do not get out and protest. Rather I serve as a peaceful advocate for humane treatment because I always remember that God put them here for a purpose (I will come after you or turn your butt in if your ever mistreat an animal!!!). I will always enjoy the presence of the animal kingdom and I hope mankind will feel the same.

Until the next dive bomb, meow.


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