Friday, November 24, 2006

Let It Snow...Whiny Butt

Cold weather has finally arrived here in Southwestern Ohio and already people are complaining. Summer was just here and complaining prevailed about the heat and humity. Six months ago, people griped about too much rain. Winters around here seem to be mild. However, if there is snow, I'm sure someone out there will gripe about that. Don't forget, you are not the only human enduring what you consider inconveniences of the seasons. If the seasons are as bad as you think they are, remember, geographically speaking, someone else will benefit from your discomfort. I on the other hand, enjoy the seasons and make the best of them while they are here. Always packing a camera, I'm always ready to shoot something. As I was working on my archives, I finally completed Wings Of Grace. shot from various porches (please read my blog, Porch Revival) and while someone complained about the weather conditions. Photos from this series took first place in competitions. Most of all, this moth and butterfly beauty was incredible to watch. Looking at these photos today I tell myself I will have to wait eight months from now before I see these creatures again but they sure were beautiful in season. Blog technology does not allow me to show the entire series. Here is one of the series. Nonetheless, throw another log on the fire and enjoy.

More nature in the future my darlings, I promise! Merry Christmas!


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