Friday, November 24, 2006

Volunteers Needed!

Merry Christmas my darlings. Hope yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Here at home, we begin our day with a kidnapping. Moo has decided to kidnap Teddy Bear's "Morris" catnip pillow. May I say that my babies have mastered kidnappings around here. However, Madame is not asking for a ransom. She is just daring us to take Morris away from her. This is the "thanks" I get for waking up this morning. Nonetheless, I don't mind. My babies wake me up no matter my lack of sleep. Typically, they wake me up to either watch them play or they want me to play with them. What would my wake up call be without a hair pull or a dive bomb. We have loads of fun all the same. I still awoke with many blessings!

Will I join the "Black Friday" crowd today? Not!!! I will watch the evening news to see greedy shoppers start fights at the malls. I am curious as to who the selfish shopper will be broadcast on television tonight. Modesty seems to be rare around the holidays. It becomes clear that Jesus is NOT the reason for the Black Friday season. Frankly, I don't recognize the Christmas season any more as today's shoppers recognize it.

I intentionally took time out yesterday to see something I have heard about all my life but refused to acknowledge. I wanted to see what life is like for the less fortunate. I was shocked at the people I had encountered. I found people that not only have less in terms of material things but family who completely ignore them around this time of year. I chose not to delve into why they are alone as I'm sure they were uncomfortable discussing their singular lives. It is obvious the Black Friday crowd is not even aware of their existance. Of course there are those who think of the less fortunate when a box of macaroni or a can of peas that has sat in a pantry all year needs to go so why not pass it off to whom you would never stoop to interact. So I ask, is your real reason for the season vaninty? Shopping? Guilt? To be seen? Expect something in return? Don't know? Have no opinion? All of the above? If you answered 'yes' any of these, then you poor soul.

I fully realize that there exists dysfunctional families. There are some people that are naturally born to be so selfish so as to mistreat their family. I personally have witnessed people out there that are so engulfed in their own world that they will step on their own family to get what they want. Sad to say, this has probably created more lonliness that surfaces during the holidays than any other time of the year. As a result, it is the selfish, not the lonely and less fortunate, that battle to cope with the upcoming new year.

Do I have a solution! Absolutely! However, you have eyes but they do not see; you have ears but they do not hear. I can't change the world but I will try to make a difference in it. So I decided to think less of me and become part of the solution. I will share one of my volunteer efforts. One thing I did during this year was get involved in a Saturday ministry for an elderly group. This group loves to watch Gaither videos and just fellowship with each other. Their families rarely take time for them. Nonetheless, I have never witnessed a group of lonely souls that have such a great time that they forget that they are alone at that moment.

Finally, for those of you wondering about my gratitude during the Thanksgiving holiday. I am grateful that God's mercy is new everyday. "I laid me down and slept. I awakened, for the Lord sustained me". Gratitude feeds me to the fullest. Greed creates thirst for more. Volunteer where you can make a difference and consider doing so year around. Seek volunteer work where you are qualified. Everyone has some sort of gift that would benefit someone else. Be honest and find work where you will touch a life. I promise that you will soon see less of yourself and more of others. The blessings are amazing.

Merry Christmas my darlings!


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