Saturday, November 18, 2006

Madame Is In Charge

Grettings my darlings! Sorry I have been away for so long. I went for a medical checkup in September. Doctor discovered a few problems and next thing I know I faced surgery. Nonetheless, I had a great time at the hospital. They even let me go trick or treating in the hospital and accomodated me with my one hundred year high school reunion. What blessings I received! I was even re-elected class clown within one minute of my arrival at the reunion.

In the middle of all of this, I had to take my darlings to the vet for their annual shots and checkups. Teddy Bear did well and is not too bad of a passenger. However, though he is a spoiled rotten "mama's boy", he is incredibly nervous around other people. After visiting others who had not seen him since he was a baby, he had had enough. Needless to say, he peed in Mama's lap. The little darling is always by this laptop when Mama is working. He may serve as my editor as soon as he learns to stop plopping down on this laptop, rolling over only to want his belly rubbed. I can't count how much of my work he had deleted whenever he wants my undivided attention He is a sweety.

Moo on the other hand was quiet a different case with her check up. She hates going to the vet. I will give her credit for doing better on the way to the clinic. She stayed in my lap then entire drive. She did well in the clinic during our wait. It is when we got in back that she picked up on the fact that the doctor was not himself that day. I had noticed this myself.

The moment the doctor placed hands on Moo then that was it. Madame took control of the visit. Moo became angry. She left doctor 4 presents one of which was in his hand. He got upset at her and this made her worse. She no longer wanted him to touch her and he knew it. Man does she hiss! Her hissing made him decide to stop the examination. He then got testy with me. Would you believe I still had to pay for the exam in it's entirety? Common sense dictates that a practicing veterinarian of many years is no stranger to feline aggression.

Moo remained upset during the ride home. When I parked, I had one heck of a time getting her to calm down. Keep in mind, Moo has never conducted herself this way. I had no luck in getting her out of my truck. Finally, a friend came along and I asked for her help. Thank goodness she came by when she did.

Madame continued to remain angry the rest of the evening. It was not until late at night she finally jumped up in the couch to rest beside me. She was tired from all of the stress.

Moo certainly lives up to her full name, "The Divine Miss M". She is generally friendly with everyone but on HER TERMS! She is resentful of how she was handled this week. So we have decided that if YOU are having a bad day, stay away from us and don't feed on our joy. We have also decided that the little darlings will obtain their medical care elsewhere. If you are going to let a cat or two ruin your day, then you should stay at home, in bed, maybe pouting and blame the world for your miserable life. Moo, Teddy Bear and myself are destined to have a good time with this life. Don't even think of man-handling us either-we are not footballs!


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