Sunday, November 19, 2006

Things I Just Don't Give A Dern About Right Now.

Today, there are noteworthy news stories I just don't give a dern about right now.With all the hype about the Ohio State/Michigan football game today, I ponder that annual question I get from my Yankee friends every year, "Who do you hope will win the game?". My answer is annually the same; I'm not a fan of either team. If you are a fan of one of these teams well then wonderful. My people come from southeastern Kentucky where we only care about our UK Wildcats. You may say "what an attitude". Ok, I don't blame you only if you have done your homework first. Part of your homework should include the fact that the great state of Kentucky has no professional sports. As a result, the professional field and college field of sports is wide open for us to choose whomever we like. I have my favorites.

Another response I give to my Yankee friends about this annual contest is the fact that not only do I not care who wins but I don't indulge in an annual rivalry where the fans act like complete idiots. I will see these fans on the eleven o'clock news tonight. Good thing me and my Yankee friends get along.

I have always been annoyed by Ohio State's mascot "Brutus" the buckeye and the buckeye leaf. I shared my thoughts recently with a very good looking gentleman who is from Columbus and is a die hard OSU fan. I told him I thought that the head of Brutus looks like a turd and the buckeye leaf looks like a pot leaf. To my suprise, this gentleman gave me his phone number. Too funny!

I also pick on my friends from Pittsburg when it comes to the Steelers. They mistakingly thought I was a Steelers fan due to the awesome pictures I shot of Ben Rothelisburger. I had to explain that I had great pleasure of watching Big Ben play at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and I showed them the pictures I shot of him (as soon as I find the disk, I will post a photo of Big Ben in his Miami jersey that I shot before a game). While I think a great deal of Big Ben as an outstanding quarterback, I'm not interested in the Steelers. Furthermore, I'm not interested in how much people in Cleveland and Pittsburg hate each others guts.

I'm also not interested in the new Sony Playstation on sale this weekend along with all the yahoos camping out in hopes of being the first in line to buy this whatever it is.

I could give only a fart about Tomkat's wedding. I guess that boy is going to do what most people fantasize about marriages; keep marrying until they think they get it right.

I'm not interested in a Middle-eastern war in a country whose people have made it clear for three decades they hate Americans. Yet, our brain dead government spends two billion dollars a day for a war that has taken too many American lives. This same government will not acknowledge let alone help the needs of the rising lower class here in the United States.

I definately don't give poop about the city of Middletown's tax woes when the liberal rag Middletown Urinal reports that various council members failed to pay their own taxes.

I definately was not interested in the politicians on the ballot when I voted on November seventh. They sure convinced me they are all "Demacrooks and Repoopblicans". I have faithfully voted since the age of eighteen but voting is becoming increasingly difficult because all politcians have lost touch with American citizens. One of my doctors admitted the only reason he went to vote was for the new levy for the Butler County animal shelter (by the way, it passed thank goodness). I am just as guilty.

Finally, I don't care about the AK lockout here in Middletown. I got fed up with this the day it was disclosed the AK's CEO earns over $900,000 annually.

There is more stuff that I'm not interested in so much that I'm not going to print it.

Folks , there is some stuff that gets dragged out to repetative proportions that before you know it, you just don't give a dern.


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