Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Blair Witch At Dollar General

Darlings? I love Dollar General Stores! Unfortunately, the Blair Witch struck the Dollar General Store last Friday. Is this, what you may think, more complaining about customer service? Yup! Don't sit there reading this without thinking you have never had a rude awakening as a customer. I think you and I will agree that lousy customer service is becoming all too common today. I guess our local Dollar General is no exception. I'm just not afraid to pursue customer service, whether good or bad. Raises or demotions are determined by customer feedback. After what I experienced last Friday, I promise that my feedback will carry some weight.

A friend and I set last Friday aside to visit some shut in residents at a rest home. On the way back, we decided to stop at our nearby Dollar General to pick up needed things. I found some cat things as well as needed things. Next thing I know, the store manager comes barreling through, screaming for help from her subordinates, while shoving a shopping cart in my ribs. Whoa! I'm on a cane lady! Then, she proceeded to continue yelling for her associates in my ear! Next, she appoaches a shelf on my left, starts grabbing things off that shelf, throwing the items down the isle in which I was standing. All of us customers found ourselves in complete shock. An elderly lady stopped the manager to ask for an item that could not be located. This manager smarted off to her and told her she was just going to have to wait. Finally, when I came to the cashier to pay for my items, I calmly asked for the Dollar General Corporate phone number. That young lady acted as if she was relieved when I asked for that information. She regreted that I had to get that number from the manager. I stated I will wait. The manager approached me and told me to follow her to the back of the store to get the number. Fine, I thought. When she returned, she not only provided the requested number but she provided her name. I think she knew she had gone too far with the customers on this day. What a Blair Witch!

I started patronizing this store late in the summer as I grew tired of customers bringing their politcal issues from the "hood" into a nearby Family Dollar. I like to shop quietly, not say two words and leave my politcal thoughts at home. This, along with panhandlers outside was ignored by store managment. I discussed this with store managment but these problems seemed to fall on deaf ears. I'll just go elsewhere.

I had observed at this Dollar General, that the manager had a tendency to talk down to her associates in front of customers. One day this winter, she humiliated her associates because she was too hot and wanted the stores front doors left open! She pushed it last Friday!

Within minutes of my coming home, I called the corporate offices in Tennessee. The lady I spoke with was so shocked that she asked me why the manager would conduct herself in the manner that I witnessed. While I told her I had no explanation for the manager's behavior; that manager's conduct is not my responsibility. I further stated that someone ought to shoot that manager with a tranquilizer!

Meandering through the city this week, I was on my way to PAWS to drop off my aluminum cans and newspapers at this animal shelter. Behold! There was a Dollar General on my route. Darlings, I can't help it. I love Dollar General. I picked up some necessary items and some really cool cat bookmarks. I struck up a conversation with this store manager. I told her what transpired last Friday. She said "wait a minute! You are on a cane and you had a cart shoved into you and items thrown beside you by the manger?" This manager not only knew the location but she knew the manager by name. She further stated that all Dollar General Store managers are to have a regional meeting today! She advised me that she keeps getting "Robyn's" customers due to the way "Robyn" treats them and that she is going to bring this up at today's meeting. She told me that if the regional director did not return my call, to call her at her store after today. She is determined to pursue this matter. In the meantime, she welcomed me into her store.

Darlings, I am a firm believer that no matter how you are treated in any business, always let that business know how you were treated as a customer. A business will grow or die depending on how they treat their customers. If you fail to speak up, DO NOT go home and complain about it. Today, employees in many businesses are a bit more bold in how awful they treat people coming through the door. As a ordinary customer, I do not expect the Red Sea or furniture to be rearranged for me. I do expect to be treated with courtesy. Never, ever, interfere with me and my cane (someone tried this yesterday at a local pharmacy when they tried to make off with my cane in the shopping cart I was using. Sorry I had to treat this person like a deer in front of a pair of head lights. Don't touch someone else's cane, especially mine!) Also, I get tired of going into businesses and being waited upon by employees who makes it clear that they are only there to earn their beer, cigarette and lottery money but would rather be somewhere else rather than wait on me. I know the hard work, agony as well as blessings that was behind every cent I earned. So you can bet that I will be gaurded about where I will spent my money.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

9:08 PM  

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