Monday, January 29, 2007

Pentecostal Penelope

I have concluded that the more people I meet, I wonder who turns certain people loose. I get tired of dealing with people that use psychosis as an excuse to be careless. If you are one of these people may I say that you can hide behind that psychotic junk all you want but not on my coat tails. We have more and more people placing their lives in the care of psychotic witch doctors who tell their patients, "mommy and daddy just didn't love you enough when you were growing up. This is why you killed your entire family with a shotgun". Or I have heard stuff like, "mommy and daddy whipped you too much and this is why you turned out to be a serial killer". How about kids who are bullied at school? All too often these are the ones that carry guns back into their schools only to open fire. Darlings give me a dern break! When I was a kid, I constantly got bullied at school for being the smallest kid on planet Earth. I learned to hold my own as I got older. To this day I have yet to retaliate for any of this because I'm just too old. For the bullies of the past, I can only imagine what their kids are like today. As far as discipline, I had a parent around me at all times. My parents did not let us run loose. Rather, they kept us busy on the farm and made us finish school. Furthermore, they lit the fire under me plenty of times when I disobeyed. I still have my Dad's leather belt here as a good reminder for me not being a ward of the state. I can honestly say that I grew up with discipline twenty-four seven. I had one mother and one father ( because of them, I can also trace my family tree) who were determined to not raise a bunch of pagans that become a burden on society. My grandparents did not leave the discipline to my parents. Rather my grandparents disciplined us as they saw fit. As a result, I know of no known cases in the family in which irresponsibility was blamed on something psychotic.

However, I do seem to encounter other people claiming something psychotic. In the past week, I finally went to get my hair fixed. I was getting pretty dern shaggy. I made the usual appointment, at the usual salon with the usual hairdresser. I arrive, as usual, on time. A man came in after me. When he got in the door, he began to whine that he could not afford any time to wait to get his hair cut. I was asked to stand aside to allow my hairdresser to cut that whiners hair. I was the one on time for my appointment. This was strange. The whiner did thank me. I still thought being asked to step aside was bizarre. Finally, I sat down to get my shaggy hair cut. Next thing I noticed was that my hairdresser was not listening to me as I told her how I wanted my hair. She seemed wired! Then, she stabbed my left ear with the scissors. Scarey stuff! A few minutes later, she jerked my right earring out with the scissors. She responded like she was aggravated at me while she held the weapon in her hand. I spoke up and told her to pay attention to what she was doing or go take a pill. She stated she was on antidepressants. Give me a break! I told her if her behavior was caused by antidpressants then she should go home before she cuts my dern ears off.

The other person clinging to the psychotic stuff is a resident here of about four months. I call her "Pentecostal Penelope" because she thinks she will go to Heaven as long as she is in a dress and wears her long grey hair in a bun. Maybe she should meet my hairdresser. She has already angered other residents here with her behavior. This lady roams the halls like a wind-up toy bouncing off the walls. She stands in the middle of peoples' conversations, always asking what people are doing. She swoops around residential doors before pounding on them. She annoyed me with her constant off-the-wall-if-not-personal-insulting-questions. I just brush her off by wishing her a good day. However, some residents are not so nice. They have resolved that if this lady does not leave them alone, they will report her. Usually, when a resident gets out of control here, they eventually get evicted. I'm afraid that this is what will happen to Pentecostal Penelope.

Unfortunately for us here, we have another resident who is overweight, obnoxious and down right filthy. She can't speak to anyone without insulting them. Also, she has it in her thinking that she needs a wheelchair even though she can walk. Her reason for all of this is "clinical depression" and diabetes. Get real! I have many friends who are diabetic, overweight and physically confined to wheelchairs. They are some of the most intelligent, responsible, organized people on the planet. By far, they do not choose to live like a sweathog.

Combing the ESORN page as often as I do, I discovered an elderly lady that I know, wants her son to be able to come into her building to visit her. Her request was denied on the grounds that it would violate her son's probation. His crime? As a 60 year old, he served only a year for four counts of rape on an impaired little girl under the age of twelve. A gentleman spoke up and said the man should be allowed to visit his mother because his time was served. I asked the gentleman if he would be willing to allow that man to visit if that man's elderly mother lived next door to him? To up the ante, I also asked the gentleman if he could tolerate these visits while his own grandchildren visited? I further stated that as part of the pedophile's probation, he is not to be anywhere near children. Now, I ask you, can you show me who twisted the pedophile's arm to hurt that little girl? He chose to ruin this little girl's life forever and now he is whining about not being allowed in his mother's apartment building to visit. As a busy aunt and great aunt, I would not want the feller around my neices and nephews.

I was asked one day how I felt about psychologists and psychiatrists. I stated that their profession rose during the last century thanks to Sigmund Freud. Responsible people have no use for this profession. The criminal defense system sure love them as do hard core criminals. As for people who have resorted to this profession for help? I ask you, why do irresponsible people have to stay under the wing of a psychiatrist for life? These psychotic people never get better because they are medicated and their behavior condoned. Depression is a choice. Killing people is a choice. Raping is a choice. Molesting is a choice. Alcoholism is a choice. Drug abuse is a choice. Driving while intoxicated is a choice. Illiteracy is a choice. Misery is a choice. Stupidity is a choice. Disobedience is a choice. Furthermore, the psychiatric profession will excuse every bit of this by tagging these as a "disease" and say it is ok and you are not at fault. I have yet to find one case in which someone's arm was twisted to molest an innocent child or torture an innocent animal. Only when people get caught in their evil deeds then will the guilty party do the blame game on their past when in reality they regret getting caught. It is clear to me that our society looks for ways to cohabitate with evil rather than address head on.

Before I had to retire, I was alarmed at the rate that coworkers were taking medications for merely making bad choices. This became obvious when I went to my boss to get his help on paper work. Before I could say anything, he looked up at me and asked if I will be taking time off from work. I thought to myself, what strange question. He enlightended me to the fact that seven of his girls were off work because they either had boyfriend problems or just found out that they were pregnant. I submit to you that not one arm was twisted on any of these girls that got them in the predicaments in which they found themselves. These girls made a choice in their lives. Their irresponsibitly caused my boss to come up very short of his work team. Nonetheless, these women eventually returned to work, one by one, though medicated on some kind of anti-depressant.

I know a seventy-six year old man that is finishing his last days in the hospital. I'll accept none that this has got to be the most hateful man on the planet. His son, a police officer, excused his father's behavior by stating that his father was one of the greatest guys to get along with when he drank heavily. Others excuse the old man's behavior in that he can't read nor write. Not! I learned to read at the age of four because I had good teachers and parents determined to see to it that I got an education. They saw that I loved books and encouraged me to enjoy them. I enjoyed school and other kids there. I have asked, at age seventy-six, why hasn't this man got off his address and learned to read? What has this man done with his time? If you can only sign an "x" on the dotted line after a hundred years then you have surely squandered your time.

Do you know why I do not act like these people mentioned? I too have made choices. I am who I am today as a result of any decision I made yesterday. The greatest blessing in life is to have the priviledge of responsibility. The greatest setback in life is to try and survive it on excuses to not live life to the fullest as it was meant to be lived.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!


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