Monday, February 05, 2007

The Liberal Rag

As a follow up to my displeasure with prejudice comments posted in yesterday's Middletown Journal, here are the words voiced by a very anonymous, ignorant citizen;

"I see a lot of people driving around this city with the rebel flag painted on the back window on their truck. Some people want to call that 'Southern pride'. I think we should call it what it is-'loser pride'. If you have a rebel flag, you're a loser... Your side got their butts kicked in the Civil War and you lost. If you really like the South, go to the South-because this sure isn't the South... So take your loser flag and your loser philosophy and your bigotry-and everything that comes with it-and go to the South. We won't miss you".

Today, I called the Middletown Journal to cancel my subscription effectively immediately. The associate wanted to know why. I stated that is one thing that this individual is ignorant and prejudice but it is another thing that the Middletown Journal would print such bigotry. I further stated that the paper encouraged such bigotry the moment these remarks were printed. Had I expressed such hateful, judgemental, prejudiced remarks against blacks, Arabs, Jews, or other ethnic peoples, my remarks would not have made it in print anywhere. I have bit my tongue long enough. I am tired of writers constantly criticizing and insulting their white readers. Furthermore, because of one sided editorials and prejudice, this is why this paper is refered to as a "liberal rag". Personally, I refer to it as the "Middletown Urinal" which does not exceed a eigth grade reading level. The printing of these remarks in yesterday's edition has angered many Southern people who built this city let alone the county. Unlike other disgruntled people, we do not lead protests and marches. We like face to face confrontation. Today, I could only conduct my displeasure by phone. The associate said someone from the paper may call me to discuss my concerns. I stated I'm wide open for discussion but no arguing. In the meantime, I'm a busy woman.

As for the anonymous author of ignorance, I ask you, does the Southerners to whom you wish would go back home include other Southern ethniticy? Do you honestly stay North for all of your vacations or do you treat the South as your southern peninsula? Do you stereotype all Southerners in pick-up trucks with a rebel flag? Did your Mother teach you this ignorance? Where are all of these rebel flags in this city for which you claim to see everywhere? I want one. I wonder...are you so disgruntled that you have nothing better to do than possibly sit in a beat up recliner covered in duct tape while living as a ward of the State? Did you ever consider that a Southerner may have authorized your food stamps? Do you not realize why the "Dixie Highway" runs through major industrial cites from South to North? Do you realize that the War Between The States ended one-hundred and forty-two years ago? Are you really this far behind the times? Does your education exceed the reading level of the "Middletown Urinal"?

I'll accept none that the people who have shown more respect and interest in my Southern background have got to be, hands down, my Jewish friends of New York City, Cleveland and Chicago. Knowing little as they do about my background, they have always been very polite to me and eager to learn. We love trading stories about our upbringing and have a great time listening to one another. I could sit for hours listening to my Jewish friends tell me their stories and traditions. The beauty of our friendship is that we don't beat each other over the head with our roots. We just try to learn from each other and have fun in the process.

I always say that people are repsonsible for their own opinions provided they are equally justified. Without justification, your opinions make you as if you just like to talk just to hear your brain rattle. I have a wealth of friends from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds. We do not always agree but we remain loyal friends. We do not sacrific friendship over prejudice. Clearly, the bigot in yesterday's edition is destitute in the friendship department.

In the meantime, may I suggest to this miserable soul and the Middletown Urinal staff to research Alabama Senator Charles Davis's thoughts on the Confederate flag. Unlike the poor souls mentioned above, Senator Davis thoroughly did his homework before he spoke. If you read his speech regarding international flags verses the Confederate flag, you may learn some things you never knew. He reveals prejudice that you never thought existed.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.


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