Thursday, February 08, 2007

Parenting And Pizza Boxes

How would you, as a parent, like to have your parenting skills listed on a flyer then pasted to a pizza box? This is what our county sherriff's department has come up with in rounding up deadbeat parents. Partnering with the department are local pizzarias. Darlings' I don't know about you, but there are parents out there birthing innocent children like a cat has kittens. There are parents out there that need to be spayed or neutered. Rather than use common sense and be responsible, adults out there "loving the one they are with" are ignoring the fact that having children renders an adult's life over as they know it. Darlings, I get so tired of seeing innocent babies come into this world in which the parents do not want to care for them. My cats have a better parental upbringing and feline lineage than do many children today. If a mother or father does not give a dern about having their parenting skills listed on a pizza box, chances are they will not care about much else but themselves. I would not be suprised if I get a pizza delivery having one of those flyers attached, there will be a deadbeat parent of whom I will know.

Deadbeat parents abound in our society. When I use the term "deadbeat" when refering to parents, I'm using the reference beyond those parents who fail to pay child support. I'm including parents who fail to provide a solid foundation at home for their children. Whatever a child is taught at home, then that goes with them in life. Churches, schools, grandparents and the state can only do so much. YOU should be raising you child. If you think that your parenting skills deserve no more than "Most Wanted" posters in your local post office, chances are that your children will have a most wanted photo as their senior picture. Several scenarios come to mind as I write this.

Around fifteen years ago, some teenage girls and their brother attended a Sunday school class I was teaching at the time. Already there was much trouble within that family. One day, one of the girls brought in some snapshots from her home. In all of those snapshots were the kids, their mother and a man sitting around a coffee table running over with empty beer cans, a couple of whiskey bottles, and ashtrays brimming with cigarette butts. The man was the mother's current boyfriend. To date, all of these kids along with their mother, are in and out of jail. None of what was once children have been able to keep their own families together. Bouncing from relationship to relationship while having their grandparents raise their kids has only served to increase the crime rate. The boyfriend is lying maimed in a rest home due to an auto accident incurred under the influence of any chemical he could get his hands on.

Another episode I recall occured when I worked at Middletown Christian Schools. All too often I saw parents treat this solid Christian based school as nothing more than a babysitting service. There was one little girl that was determined to do whatever she wanted. At age five, she had already become a pro in stealing. Catching her and another little girl stealing the candy bar stash out of another teacher's class, I sat both of these little girls down and talked to them about why stealing is wrong. The next day, the school director called me into the office. She stated that a parent overheard me talking to the little girls about stealing. This parent resented the fact that I was teaching the little girls right from wrong. I then told the director I will not apologize. Had they been my kids, they would have got their hindends busted! Furthermore, I asked the director to arrange a meeting with her, the parent and myself so that I will have a witness when I tell that parent face to face I apologize for nothing. The director then stated that she does NOT want me to apologize and that she considered the matter dead. She stated she will tell the parent accordingly.

Finally, and currently, is a trend that is all to common. I ran into a mother the other day who told me she is currently trying to help her teenage daughter determine the father of her baby. Furthermore, she stated that she is going to have to take her other daughter for a pregnancy test. This lady spoke of this as if she just returned from Disney World. Give me a break! In my teenage days, my mother was teaching me how to run an efficient household or helping me find my prom dress.

If these examples plan on becoming traditional families in the future, then we can count on more lawlessness. While I realize there may be a few exceptions out there, I have yet to find them. It is said that on the surface we either look like our mother or our father. However, deeper down, we bear the values, whether good or bad, of both parents. I was taught that family is not a matter of convenience. Rather family is divine, responsibility, permanent and not a matter of a better tax credit. These teachings are so obsolete that they are being treated as out of date jokes. As a result, our courthouses are packed tighter than a livestock sale with no solutions other than throw out traditional family court proceedings by fiat. An example of this is right here in the state of Ohio. If a spouse ruined a marraige by infidelity, the cheated spouse could file for divorce on the grounds of adultry. Not so any longer. When I went through a divorce, the judge granted the divorce on the grounds of incapatability. I sat there thinking is this the best our court system can come up with? How incompatable can you get as a male and female? Why not state "this court grants you a divorce on the grounds that your soon to be ex-spouse is a no good, irresponsible, deadbeat piece of white trailor trash that is just taking up space in society. No one told you to not appreciate and mistreat your spouse. Now git!"

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.


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