Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Beauty Box

A typical day for me is to began at Moo's and Teddy Bear's beckon. This means that I sleep when they sleep. Here are some photos that illustrate their demands. Their demands are the following:

1. Get up!

2. Feed me and do it now!

3. Look at my beauty for as long as I deem necessary (Moo)

4. Rub my belly (Teddy Bear)

5. Tell me how beautiful I am (Moo)

6. Play with us whether you had sleep or not

7. Clean the litter box before I poop (Teddy Bear)

8. Make the bed so we can jump and play on it

9. Get on the internet so I can plop down on the computer (Teddy Bear)

10. You can't have the shower until I am done playing in it (Moo)

11. I want a drink out of the bathroom sink so turn on the water (Moo)

12. We want the windows open so we can hear people say "hi" to us.

13. Get my toy mice out from under the refridgerator (Moo)

14. Tell me more about how gorgeous I am (Moo)

15. We loved walking on you while you were trying to sleep

16. We are tired now. You have to go without sleep so you can watch us sleep

Typical day but I would not trade one moment of my time with these two little kitties.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow!


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