Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Can Your Kid Do This?

For quite some time, I have been trying to get a new dinnette set. But for lack of physical stamina and the fact that furniture has to be put together, I refrained from the endeavor. Monday, I went to different locales and just did not find what I wanted. Something pulled me into a certain establishment and behold, I found something suitable. I sat down and talked with a young man named "Phillip" (for his privacy, I am leaving his full name and work place secret). I asked were I to buy a particular set, would I have to assemble the dern thing. Yup! It is what Phillip did next that impressed me.

Knowing that I would not purchase the dinnette set, Phillip asked if I would be home the next day. Sure I would be home! He offered to come over after his school let out, unload the set from my truck and put the set together. I made it clear that cat haters are not to be in my home. Phillip stated that he liked cats. I believe that Phillip made the offer from a sincere heart as he does not get a commision from the sale.

At about 3:30 p.m. the next day, my phone rang and I heard Phillip's voice. He was down in the lobby. I touched the secret button and let the lad in. Of course I had to introduce him to Moo and Teddy Bear. I think all of them got along famously. After introductions, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

When all was done, I asked Phillip if he had plans for the evening as I did not want to rob him of any commitments to his school or job. He stated that he had an evening bible study to attend. Not wanting to hold him up, I paid him for his time and work. After he left, I kept wondering what kind of ministry this young man will hold in the future? It is clear to me that he is certainly destined for a ministry. He knows this, I know this, and God knows this. Only God knows what the ministry will be for this young man. We also do not believe this entire episode was just a mere coincidence since God does not act on coincidences.

After meeting Phillip I could not help but to wonder about the conduct of other young people today. Goodness, I even thought of the many people my age out there who have yet to grow up and stay out of trouble. When I compare irresponsible people to Phillip, it becomes clear to me that people choose their destiny. Most of these destinies do not extend beyond the length that I can stretch my arms. I even know of men my age that think they can't get by unless they live with mom and dad. Give me a break my darlings! Phillip is living proof that people choose to be rude, uncaring, selfish, greedy, ungrateful, obscene, reckless, miserable, nosey, whiney, etc as he is the opposite of these attributes. I never heard one complaint about anything from Phillip. I did not so much as even hear any slang from his mouth! Phillip is clearly the opposite of people I discuss in my profile. I would not have to worry about him serving my french fries while focusing on an infected pierced lip as he just doesn't indulge in body piercings and tattoes. As a matter of fact, he is the only young person I have heard tell me that he likes his job. I have yet to hear an adult admit this let alone a youngster.

The question is, can your kid do what Phillip does? If so, prove it.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.


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