Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jesus Whoopin Crime

Darlings, I glanced at the front page of our Middletown Journal to see proof that the holiday season is indeed in full swing. Johnny Ray Watkins was finally found guilty for killing a homeless man over a twelve pack of beer. Retailers are encountering some really vicious shoppers (I hope I'm not on their gift list) that items deemed potentially anger provoking for fear of confrontation between shopper and clerk, are being removed from the shelves. A pizza delivery man was set up to be robbed only to be killed by his attackers. Raymond Tanner of Fairfield, who cut off his wife's head in 1990, now gets a Christmas slap on the wrist by getting his counseling sessions reduced to eight sessions a year at the mental hospital to where he was confined. Now we have an increase in Christmas vandalism dubbed by the Butler County Sheriff Department, "Jesus whoopin crime". This entails stabbing or stealing inflatable outdoor Christmas decorations. Of course the local news has been replete with brutal beatings if not killings of little kids by an angry mother or mom's current live in boyfriend. We have yet to hear of the reports whereby some guy will beat to death his girlfriend or wife for getting him the wrong shotgun for Christmas. We have to wait until after Christmas for this. I ask you; Is all of this in the name of Jesus? Would you want your good name attached to all of this crime as the name of "Jesus"? Though He is hardly mentioned around Christmas, He was born to die for all of this seasonal paganism.

You may say that some of my blogs during this season have been rather negative. I agree lawlessness abounds more and more each day. When I submitted to my friends desire for me to creat a blog, I promised I would talk about things that "You never think of or you are afraid to talk about to the Thawt Police". Therefore, some things may not be pretty to blog about which to blog. However, the wonderful thing about blogging is that the every side of the human race can be exposed. So remember, your behavior, whether good or bad, can appear on someone's blog. It seems unfortunate that humans real capabilities, such as I have just mentioned, seem to come out of a cage during this Season .

Do I see anything positive during the Season? Absolutely! I received a card from an elderly lady here, whom I do not know. Amist the numerous holiday cards I have gotten thus far, her card seems to stand among these cards because of what she said in the card; "Thank you for your friendly ways and welcomed smile". Now that comment may not mean much to you. I just found a note from a gentleman thanking me for giving him a 2007 Bible reading calendar. In his note he stated that he is really getting passionately involved in his daily devotion as a result of me not only giving him that calendar but talking to him in general. These are two examples that tell me that people are watching me and that somehow I have impacted their lives. This is the true spirit of giving. What these two individuals have just given me will not be found on the front page of the Middletown Journal nor can it come from the likes of people mentioned in the introduction of this blog. I would rather receive what these two individuals have just given me than what you can get out of a mall.

I think the more we get away from the true meaning of Christmas, the more lawless we become. I always say that you have a right to do anything you wish to do on this side of Heaven. You do NOT have the right to step on someone else while doing your own thing. Grant it, I enjoy the holiday decor, dinners, giving, etc. Most of all, come the day after Christmas I want to be spiritually refreshed and grateful. I do not want to celebrate the day after in debt, in jail, in front of a psychiatric witch doctor, hungover, or worse-dead as a result of sheer stupidty.

My darlings, I encourage you to read Luke, chapters one and two? Then the Spirit Of Christmas will no longer be a "Jesus whoopin crime" for you.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

NOTE: As I conclude this blog, 50 children have just arrived to sing Christmas carols. I opened a window and shouted "Merry Christmas!". It was really neat to see all of those little faces look up to smile and wave. Can't get this in any mall, morgue, jail or courtroom.


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