Monday, December 11, 2006

Merry Mother At McDonald's

This past Saturday, I visited a friend at the hospital in Hamilton. Praying that all will be well with him, there is no doubt that we count our blessings when we find ourselves lying in a hospital bed. However, there are those misfortunates that do not view their circumstances this way as the mother I had seen in the nearby McDonald's later. They seem to be born this way.

Saturday was indeed a busy day for me. As usual my kitties kept me awake so I was surely lacking sleep. Nonetheless, I got up as I had much to do. I had a great deal of baking to do for tonight's fellowship and errands to run. I received a phone call the night before about a friend of mine who had been admitted to the hospital so I comitted to go visit him. It was not until late in the day that I realized that I had not eaten all day. I resolved to go where most go when they need to hurry and eat-McDonald's.

As I drove up to McDonald's I saw that the drive-thru was packed. Rather than waste gas waiting at the drive thru, I decided to go inside. Experience has proven to me that sometimes things move faster inside than at the drive-thru. After washing my hands, I got in line and placed my order. I noticed a lady with a boy of about six or seven years of age standing next to me. She began to get impatient because she had to wait. Not caring that other customers had to wait like her, she began cursing. What inspiration for the boy waiting with her. A young male employee placed a couple of soft drinks on her tray. She responded by telling him the soft drinks did not belong to her tray. That not being enough to convey a simple misunderstanding to the employee, she just had to proceed further when she humiliated the young man with her obscene mouth. My order was placed in front of me and I thanked the young lady who waited on me. However, the irate mother got angry at me when I got my order. This poor pitiful soul had an opportunity to express her displeasure to the Manager standing in front of her but cowered from the opportunity. All the while, I kept thinking this lady is teaching a poor lesson to her son when it comes to customer service. I also knew that I could easily teach the young son what happens to his mother when she shoots her mouth off to strangers. To be honest, I would have loved to have told the lady to shut up and this would have been fun to do so. Instead, I opted to just demonstrate humility. As I write this I still wonder if this lady talks to her own mother with a filthy mouth.

I found a table, placed my tray down and said grace. Realizing I had no ketchup, I returned to the counter and asked "If I don't cuss you out will you give me some ketchup?". The young lady laughed and was happy to help. I told her there is no sense in talking to others in the manner the hateful "Blair Witch" mother talked to the young man that took her order. This attitude can make or break the day of someone else. The more this mother was determined to make a scene, the more of a miserable soul she proved herself.

Rememember, evil communication corrupts good manners; Romans 15:33 KJV.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.


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