Sunday, December 03, 2006

Updates Galore!

Well hello my darlings! The dive bombs have died down so what an opportunity to close the night with a blog. Of course what would my blog be without my editor, Teddy Bear, by my side begging for a belly rub.

I got to see my friend from Indiana, Larry Harrison. This guy can get me those history books on the War Between The States by southern authors. I don't know how he does it, but he always has exactly what I'm looking for in southern history. While I have been educated by the North, I want to hear the southern version regarding this war. My, oh my, what a line of demarcation between North and South when it comes to written history. How does a guy from Indiana get a hold of southern history by some of the best southern authors? I get strange looks from libraries and bookstores up here when I request certain southern titles and southern authors. Thanks Larry and great to see you again. I will contact you soon for The South Was Right.

As a follow up to my previous blog, The Secret Of Seco, I had the pleasure of talking by phone with Mrs. Looney Thursday. What a lovely lady not to mention a marvelous conversationalist! She recommended Millers, Minehands And Mountaineers for my reading pleasure of coal mining history. We had a wonderful discussion of Seco as well as other nearby former coal camps. Sounds like she is gearing up for Christmas there for her customers. Call 606-855-7968 for reserves my darlings. I'm telling you folks, you have got to stop in or better yet, STAY at her bed and breakfast. You will not be disappointed. Go on line and do a search of Seco, Kentucky to learn more.

WCPO and WKRC out of Cincinnati are reporting that security cameras will be in place at the Nativity scene in Cheviot. As I had mentioned in my previous blog, Merry Christmas But Don't Shoot, about this time last year, Cheviot's baby Jesus was stolen twice. The second time He was stolen, a twelve year old girl donated her baby Jesus for the scene only to have it stolen as well. This past week just up the road in Hamilton, someone drew a pentagram on the baby Jesus in someone's Nativity scene. Gee! Grow up people! The hunt is still on for Osama Bin Laden and I'm sure someone could use your help in finding him provided you don't have to get up early to go to school.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings...meow.


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