Friday, December 15, 2006

Love On Ten Legs

I am amused by the attention that Moo and Teddy Bear draw into our home. Friends and strangers somehow know them by name. These two darlings are loved by just about everyone. I am amazed at the passersby that always look up to our windows, call them by name and say hello to them. Most who know me know what an animal lover I am especially with cats. I hope that with my cat fascination and the reputations of Moo and Teddy Bear others will learn to appreciate what I consider the most misunderstood and most mistreated animal within the animal kingdom--the CAT! However, for us here, we are just love on ten legs.

Moo pretty much owns this place along with me and Teddy Bear. If she could speak, I'd swear that she would card every human in whom she comes in contact. Teddy Bear and I no control of anything here. We have no life of our own. We are enslaved to Madame. I just pay the bills and feed all of us.

Teddy Bear is just content in his role as "Mama's Boy". He is a big orange sloppy spoiled rotten lazy ball of sweetness. It is when he gets around other people that he becomes incredibly nervous. He is happy with life between Moo, me and himself.

The one thing these two little darlings agree on is the living room window. This window is strictly theirs and they love the attention they get from passersby. This is why we get so many visitors. Other people in this building own cats but mine have become celebrities. As a matter of fact, I never see other cats in this building's windows. I think it is because I open our windows as they love fresh air. I'm also guilty of allowing my kids get their way. I strive to maintain a clean, healthy and fun environment for us. I have observed that some pet owners just feed and water their pets and nothing more-this is emotional robbery on indoor pets.

I am often amused that we get curious visitors that just have to meet the little window darlings in person. Just yesterday, two ladies stopped by to meet them. They were amazed that Teddy Bear understands the words "friskies" and "groom". I had to explain that he is addicted to his favorite food and favorite lazy pastime. Later in the day, a gentleman stopped to inquire if I was the lady who owned the two kitties in the window. Just a few moments ago, I found some cat pictures under my door that someone left for us. We always receive cat collectibles from strangers and friends alike.

So, we hope that we have peaked others interest in the feline world. If you out there are current cat owners, we hope that we can encourage you to love your feline friends as much as we love each other here.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.


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