Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mike Is THE Man

On this date one hundred years ago, I finished my course of study at Miami University. If any one individual stands as being the most influential on this side of Heaven, hands down, professor Michael J. Griffith is the man! The aesthete of all time, Mike taught me the value of patience in art. As a result, I probably take more time to observe my surroundings and appreciate what I see while others trounce down everything. Aesthetics knows no end and is constant. While I may not make a fortune as an aesthete, I have a wealthy sense of inner peace. What I wouldn't give to have a huge portrait of Mike with his trademark pipe hanging in my home. I can just smell the Captain Black now just as if I were standing in the Center of Performing Arts. Never was there a time I left his office what I didn't go without answers to my many questions, a good cup of coffee, many laughs and leaving with my head up. Mike, as he was known to all of us, could take you into artistic places that you felt you did not belong. Believe me darlings, the day he taught me how to "marbalize" with paint, I stayed close to this boy as I was anxious to see what else he could drag out of me. Because of Mike, I love paint. He just had this ability to get all of his students to honestly examine where they are and where they are going. His syllabi were hilarious and something in which to look forward. Who can say they actually enjoyed getting those? Of course I could never forget those infamous peanut M&M's he passed out during finals. My one and only final exam that I actually enjoyed was the day Mike brought in a five gallon paint bucket chocked full of stage scenery hardware. We did not know what to think. Proceeding to light his pipe, he emptied that bucket of hardware on the seminar table telling us to identify each piece and explain their use. I do not recall the remainder of the exam nor how well I did but I do recall having a good time.

Mike? You gave me the very best and I could only wish you the very best. Many thanks!!!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.


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