Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kitty's Secret Santa

With just two days before Christmas, I was delighted to spend the evening ministering to the elderly. When I came home, there was a gift bag left at my door. As I looked inside the bag, I became amused that Moo and Teddy Bear continue to steal the hearts of our neighbors. This is the third Christmas that different neighbors bring by little gifts for my kitties. Inside the gift bag were little toy fur balls, a tray to sow green grass (for those who are unaware, cats do crave green grass) and a host of cat nip. Moo is partial to cat nip but Teddy Bear does not respond. He is enjoying the fur balls. Of course, as their cat mom, I do put up little stockings for them at Christmas and I get them little toys for their birthdays. As a cat mom, I confess I am a hopeless sucker for my kitties. Moo stole a ninety-one year old lady's heart today. When Moo darts off, she knows I can not run. I found Moo down the hallway in this elderly lady's arm's enjoying kisses on the head. It touches my heart that Moo and Teddy Bear bring so much love and happiness into hearts of people.

Merry Christmas!

Until the nest dive bomb my barlings-meow


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