Monday, January 08, 2007

Senior Or Senior Moments

Darlings? I could not resist this one. This photo was shot by a high school classmate at our "One Hundred Year" high school reunion at the Preble Shawnee Arrows. I am the gorgeous one in the blue blouse. It is interesting that the three of us were senior favorites in school; I was class clown and re-elected in the role about twenty minutes after my arrival on the day this picture was shot. Jackie was the ever present cheer leader and her husband Jeff, was the school's football captain. Today, they are grandparents! What's more, we are rapidly approaching the other senior part of our life-Senior Citizens! Eeeeeeeeek!

Long ago when our graduating class discovered that I was destined for college, they predicted that I would raid every fraternity on campus and then drop out two weeks into my first semester. Too funny. At our reunion, I was asked to clarify that course in my life. Indeed I did have a very wild time (so wild, I still avoid telling my Mother what really transpired during my college career. She would be sad. Truth be told, I should have been locked up) Nonetheless, I graduated with a B.S. in History and a second major in Theatre. Not bad for an old farm girl-farmer's daughter. My goal was to be a drunken history professor. The university was cool with the drunken part of the history professor but they did not like the fact I refused to teach as a revisionist. Though I stay in touch with college friends and attend university football games, I do not attend college reunions as I'm not permitted to carry my Confederate flag. Oh well. No love loss nor hard feelings. I have my Confederate flag here and they can't touch it!

It has been four months since our high school reunion. It was wonderful to see everyone and to realize we can calm down! Lotsa love to them all!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings--meow! Incoming!!!


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