Monday, January 08, 2007

The Biography Of Moo

People are often amused by Moo's biography. As you can see, she is almost the exact replica of her Mother (Moo is the top photo and her mother is the bottom photo). She is also the image of her grandmother. Moo's mother has two black eyes and her "cow spots" are in opposition to Moo's "cow spots". Her father was obviously the neighborhood gigolo and I know nothing of him. With the help of her former owner, I have managed to trace her roots. I only wish I could do the same for Teddy Bear. All I know of him is that he and his family were abandoned to a local shelter. I did get to see his family. His mother was a sweetheart Birman and he had two little siblings. I am still sad that I had to break up his and Moo's families.

Moo was given to me after the death of my beloved cat Echo, who was a victim in a hit and run while I was out of state. In my grief, one of my sister's in law, called me and said there was an ad in the paper for free kittens. Later that evening, we went to a lady's house to see these kittens.

When we drove up, I saw a yard scattered with playing kittens. After introductions, I began examining all of these kittens. I originally picked out a little tuxedo male. As I continued to watch these little fur balls, Moo started to stand out. She appeared smaller than the rest but she seemed to be in charge of all the kitty play within the yard. I went over and picker her up. She let me know that I had interrupted some serious cat play.

The lady introduced me to Moo's mother, Big Girl, and Moo's grandmother. Wow! What identical resemblance there was among these girls. The lady, Mrs. Walters, said Moo is part of Big Girl's first litter. Big Girl was only seven months old when Moo was born in a litter of four. As I looked around, there were certainly more than four kittens. Mrs. Walters said there was a mysterious explanation for this large litter of kittens. A few days before Moo's birth, Big Girl was seen making these trips back and forth in the yard. With each trip, she had something in her mouth. Mrs. Walters went out to have a look. She discovered that Big Girl kidnapped another cat's kittens and carried them one by one home. Needless to say, Moo's mother is an outlaw. Moo spent her first seven weeks raised with kidnapped kittens.

I chose Moo and thanked Mrs Walters. Mrs. Walters' son picked up Moo's mother and held her in front of Moo to say goodbye. Big Girl licked Moo on top of the head. However, Moo did not get to say goodbye to her grandmother as we could not find her. I then placed Moo in the car. With a passion, Moo has hated automobiles every since I took her with me. When I got her home, I thought, "What a little dirt ball!" She was scrawney to boot.

I like to observe an animal before I name it. Moo was no exception to the rule. However, it took about a week before I could come up with a name. Finally, I came up with the name, "Divine Miss M". "Divine Miss" is for her bossy but independant nature. The Moo part of her name is for the mere fact that she resembles a holstein dairy cow. When people first meet her they always say "she looks like a little moo cow".

I have visited Mrs. Walters twice since Moo came to live with me. On the day I shot this picture of Moo's mother, Big Girl was a mother of her second litter of kittens for two days. Today, I do not know if Moo's mother or grandmother are still alive. I am delighted that because of Moo, she and I have introduced the "Moo kitty" to the world. Others who have met her suddenly want a "Moo kitty". I think Moo is aware of her influence as she always plops down in front of me and demands that I tell her how beautiful, all knowing and all powerful she is in this world. She is also a healthy, strapping porker of eleven pounds-bigger and healthier than her poor little mom.

Moo and Teddy Bear are indeed the loves of my life. The more people I meet, the more I love cats. My little darlings rob me of sleep, vandalize the home and eat like crazy. They are worth every bit of the chaos. I wouldn't trade them for this world. They never second guess their safety and the love they get from their cat mom.

Thus concludes the biography of Moo.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings--meow!


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