Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry CHRIST filled day for you my darlings!

I began the day will a bit more rest than usual but as Moo and Teddy Bear would have it, they wanted their mom up and awake. I got up and got the coffee going. While that was under way, I got the kitty stockings down and let the darlings have their toys. Moo has been on top of the refrigerator trying to get into their little Christmas stockings as you can see. Here it is several hours and a pot of coffee later and the little darlings are still dive bombing the place.

Then of course I had to call my Mother to wish her a very Happy Birthday. I did tell her I'm still trying to give my pack of brothers away (they are still up for grabs). They still live and think like a football team. I hope they and theirs have a wonderful Christmas.

In my quest for some quiet time, I think this will be the only day for the opportunity. So I've elected to run around in sweat pants and beat up Miami University t-shirt and hide. Rainy as it may be, today is still a wonderful day. Sooooooooo, I'm going to throw another imaginary log on my imaginary fire place and relax. Tomorrow, I will be entertaining a long time college friend from out of town so I want to be rested up.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!


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