Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lawn Ornaments Of A Moron

Hello my darlings. I'm sad to greet you this morning with a negative story but reality abounds.

I received an email from Animal Friends Humane Society that broke my heart. In it was a report of an ongoing investigation with the Preble County Sheriff's Department and AFHS. On October 9, both agencies had raided a farm on Winnerline road north of Eaton, Ohio. Authorities found animals without food, water, some of which were tied to run down school buses. Authorities found no water on the premises and all these animals were being fed was white bread. Around 100 animals were found in deplorable conditions. These animals looked like run down lawn ornaments. Those that needed immediate medical attention were removed. Some were found dead.

Fox 45 News out of Dayton, Ohio found people living in the house with small children. Red flag!!! Abused animals and children do not go together. When one finds the two together then one has to wonder how the children are being cared for by those who are supposedly caring for the animals. I am concerned for those children.

Fox 45 News also tried to talk to a man living there with small children. He claimed he did not know what they were talking about. A lady found walking among this mess with a bucket of white bread made the same claim. Excuse me, but if people living among starving animals claim they do not know what is going on needs a reality check and I'm afraid they are going to get one soon. In my experience, when people such as these on this farm get caught in the act of animal cruelty, they commonly make the claim of ignorance or the claim of being bipolar. In every animal cruelty case I've listened to in a courtroom, I've heard the same defense; "I didn't know".

Another alarming fact is that this same news station investigated the owner of this farm. It has been discovered that he has had sixteen animal cruelty violations since 1992! I'm alarmed that this man has been allowed to live among his community for fifteen years with just one animal cruelty violation.

Unfortunately, Ohio law does not prevent owning animals even if you have been cited for animal cruelty. Furthermore, this lame law only charges animal abusers with a misdemeanor. As I had said before, judges have the animal cruelty law at their disposal but rarely use it. As a result, abusers get their slap on the wrist, go back to their communities to quietly elevate more crimes against people. This is exactly how every serial killer in th US grew into monsters.

Animal cruelty and neglect are a red flag and against the law!

NOTE: Photos submitted by AFHS.

Until the next dive bomb...


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