Sunday, October 14, 2007

Psychotic Misfit

Darlins, I don't know about you, but when I go to my local pharmacy, I like to get in and out without incident. However, there are those unfortunate ones who show up with their own drama.

Recently, I made a quick trip to my local pharmacy. I went to the back to pay for my items. There the staff and I traded our hellos. A lady in line before me went on and on about how employees embarrassed her and she would not return to the pharmacy. Ok. She is entitled to her opinions. Unfortunately, she dragged her point beyond absolute boredom that I was left in line about ten minutes praying to pay for my merchandise.

The pharmacist apologized over and over to this lady. I mean he did everything humanely possible to make things right with this lady. Finally, he had had enough. He stood up to her and explained that any time there is a change in a customer's prescription then he is bound by law to contact the customer's doctor and he refused to apologize for doing his legal duty. Good for him for saying it like it is and remain professional. At one point during her rage, we honestly thought she was capable of pulling out a gun. Nonetheless, this lady went on and on and on and on.... Finally I had had enough.

I walked over to the pharmacist and told him he was welcome to call my doctor any time he felt necessary for the mere fact that I thought the pharmacist was a complete babe. Next, this lady tried to blow a pipe with me. She had the audacity to tell me to stay out of her business. I slammed my cane down on the counter and told her I'm not in her business but I am in line waiting for her to finish acting like a psychotic misfit so I can pay for my items. I also told her that she just talked down to six staff members on the other side of the counter but her circumstances are are now different on my side of the counter. I then offered the pharmacist five dollars to call this lady's doctor back and see if he will prescribe a tranquilizer for her. The staff have a right to refuse service to any idiot that causes havoc in their business. I think she finally got the picture and left. My offer to the pharmacist still stands.

I never did figure out what this lady's claim to being embarrassed was all about. She made it her purpose to humiliate six pharmacy staff members because she obviously has no life. Just look at her picture. After watching her make a complete fool of herself I no longer cared as to what was her claim. All to often today, customers forget that all they are owed from any business is courtesy and service but nothing more. Customers are not entitled to force any employee to join the kiss-my-address-club. Furthermore, businesses are not obligated to rearrange the furniture nor part the Red Sea for unruly customers. My darlins I don't know about you but I get tired of going into a business and having to deal with a lab coat, stressed out, riled up, unhappy employee because they were humiliated from people like this lady before I walk in the door. If you are one prone to conducting yourself as did this lady then you should only get one apology because that is the most that any human being has to give. Allow the business to make things right with you then move on. If it takes numerous apologies to appease you, maybe someone should never let you out of your cage.

Until the next dive-bomb my darlins-MEOW!


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