Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Winner "Phrase Of The Year"

After a hot bath and a glass of chardonnay, I remembered my promise to all of you darlins to do a final year end blog. What I won't do is remember past and almost toxic New Year's parties-too boring and some still bring me hangovers.

Nonetheless, I would like to congratulate this year's 2009 "Phrase Of The Year" winner, city MTS driver, Jan for her phrase, "Don't Bite My Bus". This in reference to the day I took the bus to the store when a dog came running toward the bus. Jan was not only afraid the dog would run in front of the bus, but she was afraid the dog was going to attack. You must understand that if Jan does not know you, she is quite and professional. "Don't Bite My Bus" was totally unexpected. I delivered her cat prize at the terminal today. She just laughed.

Phrase of the year began in 2004 from a life long passion I have with people watching. I meticulously watch and listen to people. Trust me, people say and do what they do for a reason but they just don't realize it much of the time. I just expect people to justify their behavior. Sometimes, things are not too pretty too hear nor see.

Inyhoo, being a lover of humor in the midst of the uncooth, I love being caught off guard by the antics of people. Believe me, when it is good it is good. I mean that I love laughter that drenches me and makes me fall off of the dern furniture when people say the most hilarous things!

Candidates for "Phrase Of The Year" are:

1. Ordinary people.

2. Quite/Reserved people-category with the most wins.

3. Respectable/responsible people

4. clergy (they come up with some good ones too!)

5. Little kids( they are so innocent and cute)

Inelligible people:

1. Morons

2. famous people

3. people who hurt children and animals

4. people who do not make me laugh

5. wannabees

6. People who are mean-mean people suck!

7. People who hate cats!!!!

These categories are just of the top of my head. I'm sure you can think of some eligible/ineligible people too.

Now to get into the pool of phrases of the year, you have to have been a participant in "Phrase Of The Week" which is held 52 weeks out of the year. Results come in every Monday which is my favorite day of the week (no lie my darlins, I do love Mondays and wonder why everyone else has such a problem with this very special day).

Prizes are indeed available for both "Phrase Of The Week" and "Phrase Of The Year". You just have to make me laugh a lot. Of course the prize always has something to do with a cat.

This is just a little something positive that I look for in an ever increasing unkind world. I will love the fill of laughter in my body until the day that I die. Laughter when it enters the body, mind and soul never, ever hurts no matter what you are going through in life.

And now my darlins, Moo, Teddy Bear and I would love too sit and window watch, watch movies, have another glass of chardonnay and enjoy the privacy that we crave so much this night. For all of you enjoying the end of year celebrations, please have fun, be kind to each other and animals, be safe and most of all, until the next dive-bomb, MEOW!


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