Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Divine's Return??

Hello, Happy Holidays and of course Merry Christmas my darlins! It has been quite some time since I've indulged myself into blogging. Why the return? Well, during the Christmas holiday with family and friends, one of my sisters in law signed me up on Face Book. I must say that I was unimpressed. This of course is not my sister's in law's fault. After looking at what I saw on Face Book, I thought, is this what people my age do when a lot a grey hair sits in ( by the way,I love my gray hair)-post photos of class mates that never show up to reunions let alone stay in touch? My darlins, don't get me wrong, I went to school with many wonderful people who have met success and have loving families. It is the wannabees (see my profile) that I don't want to waste my time on. Come on! Photos don't always tell the truth about the lives of people. Character and how you treat those around you tell everything.

Therefore, I like blogging. I like expressing thoughts as well as reading the thoughts of others. So whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot or whatever one is comfortable using, then more power to you and more power to me. Yes, I know that I have not blogged since April 2008, but I have been reminded by those close to me that I should get back on line and do something with all my politically incorrect thoughts. What the hey. Why not?

Inyhoo, my darlins, are Moo and Teddy Bear still here? You bethcha they are!! They are still the little loves of my life and the main reasons why I should blog again.

Please join me tomorrow as I resume my blog. On New Year's Eve you say? Yup! New Year's Eve is the one night I do not go out to celebrate. It seems the older I get, I never have a good feeling being on the roads on this one night. However, I will certainly relax with a drink tomorrow night and maybe share some wild memories of New Year's parties that I went to as a young woman. We'll see.

Until the next dive-bomb, please enjoy the photos of The Little Darlins...


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