Saturday, December 01, 2007

Cotton Cries

Named "Cotton" due to his big paws that look like cotton balls, this big boy came as a stray eight weeks ago. He arrived with the other two darlins I mentioned last month. Successfully finding homes for the girls, Cotton remains here yet. He is bigger than he looks in the photo. His story is one of growth yet, like other strays, his story is sad.

When Cotton first arrived, he was tired, hungry and defensive. Clearly he had been in many cat fights and he had the wounds to prove it. The bite wounds and deep scratches he laid upon me are still healing. Moreover, he was after the little females I recently placed in homes. As hard as it was to approach Cotton, he remained defensive though he returned to eat only when it was dark. Despite his attitude, I convinced myself not to give up on him as all strays know they are where they are because of humans. Cotton was going to take some extra time and work for me. His vigil for the two little girls outside was as intense as mine but for reasons of his own. I knew in my heart Cotton was going to be treated with the same attention that I provide for other homeless and abused kitties.

The next time I saw Cotton was when the fall rains began on October 18th. After rains slowed down a bit, Cotton was vying for shelter in a wet pile of leaves under a bush. I went out to talk to him so as to coax him up to the front landing. I just told him to leave the girls alone. Poor boy acted as he wasn't good enough to come to the front landing.

After the girls were placed into their new home, Cotton was depressed for a few days. He approached me one night at a few feet. I crouched down and extended my hand to him. That big boy just melted right then and there. It was at this time I observed that he had a poor coat, "stud tail", halitosis and many fight wounds. I resolved to get him in shape and calm him down. It was also at this time I found what a huge appetite he brings with him. Knowing that the winter is ahead and I'm not permitted other animals but Moo and Teddy Bear, I placed some warm blankets in a patio chair for him. He faithfully appears out on the landing in the wee hours of the morning and in the evening hours after dark.

My disappointment for Cotton came when I took him to get neutered. Rather, I'm disappointed with the vet. I requested that Cotton be examined and neutered. In the back of my mind I just knew that Cotton was at risk since he was still intact and a stray tom. I called the vet later in the day to check on Cotton's prognosis. I was told that he tested positive for FIV. I just was not surprised. At least in the next several weeks Cotton will calm down.

When I went to get Cotton the next day, the staff asked me what I was going to do with him. I said I was still going to find a home for him. Boy did I get a lot of strange looks and a "You are?". I spoke with the vet who advised me that when FIV cats are brought to his clinic he proceeds to euthanize them. I was shocked. FIV is not a death sentence. All to often are vets who know only to euthanize. This is where I want to deviate from the story in turn for an explanation.

FIV cats are not hopeless as long as they are placed indoors for the remainder of their lives. Why? Their immune system is compromised and outdoor cats are exposed to too many bacterial and viral elements out there that could kill them. Indoor altered FIV cats can live long, happy, healthy lives. They can share their bowls with other cats and not transmit the virus because the virus does not survive outside the body. The virus has to be transmitted through deep, penetrating bite wounds from unaltered toms who are driven to compete for a mate. This virus can be transmitted through mating as well. Therefore, spaying or neutering cats prevents transmission. Also, FIV is species specific-it can't be transmitted to humans nor other animals. An friend of mine has three FIV cats living with all of the other household cats. One can not tell anything is wrong with them. As a matter of fact, a previous FIV cat lived to the ripe old age of twelve. Futhermore, what vets do not tell us cat owners is that the shot our cats get to protect from FIV turns into a positive. Vets do not know why this happens. For example, though Moo and Teddy Bear do not have FIV. The FIV booster they got as babies would be positive if they were tested today. This is another reason to keep your vaccinated kitties indoors. If they were to get out, get into the confines of a animal shelter, rest assured your little darlins would wind up euthanized that night. I don't deal with shelters that employ euthanasia period!

Moreover, the vet did not report Cotton's health regarding heart, lungs, dental, etc. Therefore, I have Cotton scheduled to get another opinion and a CRV shot. Cotton is not hopeless!!!

Today, Cotton is indeed calming down and growing into a sloppy big baby. Eight weeks later, he lets me groom and love on him though I'm still not allowed to bring him indoors. Yes, he is still at risk as long as he is outside. Just this week he starting doing cat things like kneading in my lap (he loves to lay in my lap after he finishes his meal), purring while I love on him. I took a few cat toys out to him and had him playing fetch all over the court yard. He still has to sleep with one eye open at all times. Cotton is just slower in letting his "catness" come out. After all, he is in his predicament because of humans. I can say he does trust me. Sad that there are eighty-nine other residents in my apartment building many of whom ignore my "Please Do Not Disturb" sign by asking for handouts such as money, prescription drugs (if you have reduced yourself to asking your neighbor for prescription drugs, perhaps it's high time you visit your doctor or address a potential drug problems you may have) or transportation but will not take a few seconds to reach down and at least pat Cotton on the head. These same people make time to way lay their neighbors to back-bite and devour them in the name of Jesus but could use this time to help kitties like Cotton. Cotton knows I'm the only one he can count on to be there for him. He does not stay around if no one else takes time out for him. He has tried to stay around a few times hoping that someone would come out that front lobby and love on him but I think he just gave up. I wonder if he is convinced that there is no love during daylight hours? I hope to convince him otherwise. Cat Connection of Cincinnati has done a courtesy listing for him as I'm determined to find him a committed loving home. Darlins, you can go to and see his profile. Just be sure it is the Cat Connection of Cincinnati. It will take a big hearted committed human to take him on and I don't think you will be disappointed either. I will not give him to someone who leaves him outdoors. If I even think someone is just going through the motions or just does not fully understand pet responsibility, you will be staring at my back pockets as after I say good day to you.

In the meantime, Cotton still has a voracious appetite. I tease him by telling him he is on steroids because he is all muscle and weighs a ton. I treated him for fleas and worms. The stud tail is already clearing up with no permanent skin damage. His coat looks like a clean winter coat. His wounds are healing nicely. He has no congestion. A good diet has cleared up the halitosis. He is growing into a big handsome boy. I can imagine how wonderful and beautiful he would be indoors and I'm confident I will see this. For now, it feels there is never enough time as animal cruelty cases mount and I get less and less sleep. Nonetheless, Cotton is counting on me and I won't let him down. When he is in my lap as I love on him, he will often look up at me as if he wants to be sure I love him. He is one kitty that lacks confidence in himself. I brace the extreme cold day and night for him because he deserves better than what someone has dealt to him in the past. Cotton cries but he will find his rainbow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the latest on the Cotton?

10:36 AM  
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