Saturday, January 16, 2010

Curiosity Did Not Kill The Cat. Part I Dumber Than Cornbread.

You know the old saying, ''curiosity killed the cat''. Nowadays and more often, I personally see this cliche becoming a myth. Reality dictates many stupid humans are the most destructive driving force behind behind neglected/abused domestic animals. This fact alone has made Middletown, Ohio a pathetic city in regional animal rescue circuits. Within and around the confines of my apartment building and within less than a year, I am shocked as to how many animals have suffered at the hands of some very stupid people who should never, ever own an animal. Here are just a few examples:

In an apartment building next door, a young lady would chain her dog to a big tree outside regardless of weather. There was no bedding, food or water for this dog. This is illegal only within Middletown city limits. On her bad days, she would grab this dog by the collar and sling it against the wall. The sad thing is that residents in my building would stand outside and smoke their cigarrettes and do nothing to save this dog. I called animal control four times. Later, some children asked me "Did you call the police on Amy? The police were called on her nine times". Yup! I called four times. The little darlin is no longer living next door either.

These same children are mad at animal control for citing their mother, Jackie, several times for harboring a vicious dog without liability insurance, allowing a dog to die in her care and dogs running loose. Furthermore, Jackie had a cat named Dottie. Dottie has spent her life as a very pregnant cat. Finally, Jackie got mad at Dottie for staying pregnant and abandoned her. Jackie's "lovely" children, told me that they always take Dottie's kittens, place them in a box and dump them somewhere. Thank goodness, Dottie was adopted by a family down the street and she hasn't been pregnant since.

Brandon, in his thirties, got caught dumping his sister's kittens at a convenient store under the claim she can't care for them. Duh! Get the cat spayed. Brandon pitched a fit when he found his butt in court. Judge Wall let him off lightly (as most judges in this state often do). Now his grandmother here is still proud of him.

Linda, allowed her dog to suffer from bladder cancer for months. Determined to defy complaints from residents and management here, Linda paid her vet to write a statement with said diagnosis stating that her dog can live a quality life. Exactly one week later, this suffering dog died a sad death. This is also why this Dr. Bremmer here in Middletown does not touch my Darlins.

A woman named Julie talks about her own history with cats. She talks about having cats in the past that end up on i.v.'s. Julie puts her current cat in a cage at night "because he is always jumping on the bed when I sleep". As a result, this cat is denied food, water and his litter box while Julie gets her beauty sleep. Yet, Julie complains that her cat is always sick. I was asked to come look in on this cat. She is right. Not only is the cat sick but he is also depressed. I would be suprised if he is still here in the building let alone alive.

A very stupid man, Will, who likes to brag about his grown daughter going to jail for assault, didn't want his little cat anymore. Will just opened his window and tossed the cat out. It was sad to see such a sweet kitty stare at Will's window begging to be let back her home.

Another stupid man, Barry, kept complaining that his cat stopped eating and drinking. Barry has no trouble what so ever getting a ride to get his cigarrettes. He came to me as if I can do something. I pleaded with him to rush the cat to the vet. Barry was more focused on shopping for his friends while said cat suffered greatly. After more than a week, Barry was desparate for someone else to do something that he should have done-take the cat to the vet. The service coordinator called me to see if I can help. I told her he ignored this cat's needs and he is looking for someone else to do what he should have done. Needless, to say, Barry's cat passed away. After telling Barry do not approach me, he had the audacity to place his cat's personal effects by my door. He is so upset that I am able to be proactive with my Darlins with love, vet care, education and plain common sense. By the way, Barry is a class example of pet owners who think as long as pets are indoors, nothing can go wrong. Two cats have died in two years under Barry's care. By the way, Barry just got back from getting his cigarrettes.

Then there is the "lovely" Patricia Profitt here in Middletown. She and her, what ever he is to her, called the police about their stolen 32" screen t.v. When the police arrived, they smelled a fowl stench and noticed food and feces all over the floors. Police went down to the basement only to discover a dead dog on a chain. Children were removed from this home immediatly. Miss Profitt has been found guilty of animal cruelty and has already broke her probation. She sits in the Butler County jail as I write this.

Ohio's ranking as the worst state for animal cruelty laws provides little help for these poor animals. Domestic animals have reached out to these very stupid people for love and care. In the end, these lovely animals met their fate. There is no excuse what so ever for these creatures to be neglected and abused because there are too many success stories among this sorrow.

In addition to being dumber than cornbread, all of these people have admitted that they like animals. Scary to hear this statement come out of such pathetic human bodies. To make life more hopeless for animals in these peoples' care is that Ohio law does prevent these people from owning an animal even after a history of neglect.


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