Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas; Epilogue

Darlings, it is indeed a wonderful day as is every day! I owe no one for my Christmas gifts. This giving and receiving was straight from the heart. I don't have to worry about January debt due to irrational shopping. My role model is that Jesus gave from the heart and on the spot. He never has and never will use an I.O.U. I did not wake up hungover nor in jail though some will wake up in this state. I discovered I will be a great aunt for the third time. Moo and Teddy Bear have vandalized the place with their Christmas toys. I do not have to sneak off from work to make returns at the stores. The coffee is hot and fresh. Through all of this, I did think of my Dad. He never let go of holiday tradition. I think if he were here today, he would be appalled at the nonsense that happens at Christmas.

If you read my previous blog, Coalminer's Christmas, you will get more perspective regarding my Dad. Dad always strived to please everyone at Christmas but he expected the season to be a family affair. He always managed to get everyone for what they asked. He called upon or received family from out of state. Locally, he expected all of us to be present-no excuses. The Adams household was packed with good home cooked food and family because of Dad's efforts. When Dad passed many years ago, he may have taken with him, the ability to draw family in during the Season. Today, I have noticed that all family, not just Adams', seem to go through the motions during major holiday seasons. During this Season, I did become aware of people who have family that did not spend nor invite them for the holiday. As Christmas becomes more commercial, traditional family gatherings are disappearing. I tell my family that old cliche; times are short but give me your rose now while I am capable of enjoying it. Don't wait until I'm flat on my back in a hospital only to then give me the rose in hopes you appease my conscience and yours.

Enjoy and love your family today and every day. Trying to change them to be like you doesn't count for anything but anguish. For those of you who are parents unexpectedly, your life is over as you know it and you have kids to raise. If you feel your life has been interrupted because of an unplanned family, you should have thought about that the night you were out looking for love to come to town via Planned Parenthood instead of Santa Claus. Don't expect someone else to do what you are supposed to be doing-raising your own kids. I got a novel idea. Spend Christmas with your family. For those of you living an irresponsible life that you are grieving your family-stop it! Please do not use a Christmas holiday to let all of this junk surface and then be a emotional curse on you and everyone around you for the upcoming new year. Believe me, I want no part of your misery and neither does anyone else for that matter. I am too old for this nonsense inyhoo.

I feel blessed to hold on to the tradition and meaning of this Season. I am blessed to wake up with the grateful heart that I have in my spirit. As I have already been out and about today, all I encountered were people returning gifts. Where is your gratitude my darlings? If that sweater is too big find someone else who can use it. It was a gift to you so you're not out anything. So you didn't get a Play Station? Go get a job, save your money, camp out on a mall parking lot and get your own Play Station but you may be required to go to work after Christmas along with Mondays and Fridays. Ok, so Aunt Martha gave you a fruit basket and you don't want it. Send it to me. I love fruit! As a matter of fact if there is anything you got for Christmas but do not like; shut up and send it to me my darlings. Oh wait! What about all of those Christmas cards you got? Someone thought enough of you to send you a card right? Didn't those mean anything to you? How about that guy who cussed me out in the elevator today? What kind of spirit is that all about? Wow! I bet he won't do that again. On purpose I took the elevator to his floor, drove him crazy that he was glad to get off the dern thing. What a piece of sandpaper! Too funny yet sad for the miserable soul.

Sound like an angry blog? You bet my darlings as this is what transpires around me so don't get mad at me. I'm documenting exactly what people refuse to acknowledge. Here is more...

Cincinnati has recorded it's eighty-second homicide of the year-the highest recorded homicide rate for this city. This is not the 'Reason For The Season'. I will be willing to bet you that it will only be worse next year. I don't know if I should cut back with attending Reds games or take a pit bull with me. I'm still pulling for the Reds.

The good news of this Season other than my joy-the baby Jesus was NOT kidapped in Cheviot this year. Amen.

My darlings, I hope the Season brought you many blessings as it did for me! I don't have much nor do I need much but I am truly blessed.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.


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