Friday, January 05, 2007

Official Identity Of A Door Nob

True to my word, I made an appearance at our local police department to obtain a copy of the report regarding the doornob next door. Now that I have a name of the man who beat the dog right out front the other night, I'm in a position to use the true power of the blog to expose the true character of one Josh T. Jones.

"Dear Mr. Jones;

Though I have a hard time addressing you as 'Mr.', I only choose to do so because I had parents that taught me better. I think the blog world should know who you really are within our community. The beauty about blogging is exposure of the truth. Between you and I, I'm the one in possession of the truth of what you are really all about.

What I witnessed you do the other evening was deplorable. Within two minutes of watching you, you spoke volumns about who and what you really are in society. If a young twenty-two year old man like you would beat a defenseless dog and turn on a woman with a cane, then you have no regard for anyone but you. If your parents (provided that you had a mother and a father like I had) would have whipped your hindend when you were growing up, your senseless rage the other night would never have happened. People like you think you can step on the world around you because you are too busy thinking of only you. Clearly, you proved that you are indeed a misfit. The day will come that you will be in jail with some new boyfriends wondering how you landed there in the first place.

Mr Jones, people who act as you did in public on January third commonly display the following: lack of parental discipline, lack of or no education, lack of common sense, lack of respect for authority, animal abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, lack of family responsibily, theft, lack of a job (you made it clear you are a Section 8?) beat women and children, abuse the elderly, sexual abuse of women and children, murder, rape or build a career as a serial killer. People like you definately increase the crime rate and the sad part about it is taxpayers foot the bill for your sorry irresponsible butt.

After visiting with the police department today, I was civil enough to get what I wanted -- proof that you lied about what you did to that poor dog. The staff had nothing good to say about you at all and that should not suprise you or me. I wandered over to the city dog warden's office and she had your report on her desk. I told her to do whatever she can get away with when she pays you a visit.

I enjoyed seeing three police officers stand in front of you the other night. You sure were not as bold to act up in front of them were you? I enjoyed watching you turn into the lying run off that you are. You are indeed a sick individual. Something went wrong with you the day you passed through your mother's birth canal. I'm just sorry sick people like you can not be pushed back inside your mother so that responsible people like me and innocent animals would not have to live around you. You are indeed dumber than cornbread in that you honestly think that those around you are as dense as you. This will be your downfall one day.

You are seriously mental in that you do not have enough sense to know that the secret of training a dog is in the leash. Furthermore, there is a dog training school a jaywalk away from you. You do not keep and train an animal by beating it near death and screaming at it. This is your version of discipline that you tried to pass off to the police according to the report. After examining the dog, legalities prevented those officers from beating and dragging your sorry hindend around as you did to your dog.

Mr. Jones, I can only hope that in your youth you will be willing to wise up and be remorseful for your violent actions. I researched your records and thus far you have no criminal record to speak of within this county ( I can not speak for your record elsewhere but I'm looking ). What you did to that dog and me the other night proves you may well be earning a future criminal history. Personally, I would like to throw your sorry butt in the back of my truck and dump you off at an Indiana hog farm. But don't forget, I'm better than you for the mere fact that I was raised better and I do regard those around me. However, in most violent cases such as yours, the evil within you only serves to get worse. People who began a life of any form of abuse do not usually turn back. Rather they make a career of violence at the expense of non violent people.

I have no intentions of retailiating against you but I will be watching you that you will literally feel me staring at you. Consider it a luxury of living next to me. If I ever see you harm another animal again you better think of me first. You are welcome to observe me as you may learn how to properly treat people and animals. The power of the blog officially exposes your evil deeds"

As for the officers, the warden, my fellow Dutch friend who honored my record request, and the lieutenant in charge, I am grateful for your professionalism, time and passion you put into a scenario that should have never happened. When you are continually faced with Josh T. Jones' out there I can imagine how hard it is to be as kind and professional as you all were with me. I hope all of you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!


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