Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ford; Reflections Before An Era

Today I watched televised coverage of former President Ford's funeral procession. Majestic! Not too bad of a guy for a Yankee. I was always sympathetic to the ol' boy as he took offfice during an intense time of our nation's history. Down to earth as he may have been, poor feller made the perfect scapegoat for the left. Today, as I watched the funeral procession, I looked back in history when Ford was president. I can remember being sad when he lost the election to Jimmy Carter (not one of my favorite southern politicians). I can recall having no anger toward Ford. It was his successor that disappointed me then and still disappoints me to this day.

I can recall the worst recession during the Carter Administration. It was the only time my parents were hit very hard in the pocketbook. For the first and only time, I actually saw my ol' Dad out of work though he never complained. We never went hungry as the farm we lived on and worked stocked the cabinets and freezer. As hard as times were, Dad got the bills paid on time.

It was the Iran Hostage Crisis in November 1979 that burnt me. I recall how Americans sat by their televisions watching this new form of terrorism at a stalemate for over a year. Just four years after the official end of the Vietnam War, we see taking hostages and car bombings emerge as a new warfare replacing Vietnamese guerilla warfare that caused a shameful loss to the American armed forces. Even worse, for the first time, we see a president vacillate about how to protect Americans abroad. This "hostage crisis", as it became commonly known, brought US-Middle Eastern tensions to the forefront.

For my younger readers and those who choose to forget, it is necessary to look at what created the hostage crisis. Iran had demanded the return of the Shah of Iran, claiming he committed crimes against his own people. The Shah, in exile, was welcomed to the US. When Iran demanded his return, the US refused to turn over the Shah to Iran. The Shah had also been in failing health in which he eventually succumed to cancer. Iran's response was to take hostage fifty-two Americans from the US embassey in Iran. I was shocked when this happened. I was more shocked the president attempted, though late, a failed attempt to rescue those Americans by the use of Delta Force. Those US soldiers were not even familiar with the desert terrain that their mission was botcthed. Needless to say, they lost their lives. Other than this, Carter did little for those hostages. It was not until Ronald Reagan's inauguation on January 20, 1981 that those hostages were released as Iran attempted to humiliate Reagan by allowing the plane carrying the hostages to take off from Tehran. Reagan was not one to be humiliated. As president, that ol' boy really blew my hat off into the creek. His response to the Middle East crisis; Americans stay out of the Middle East if you value your life. We failed to listen.

For over a year, I watched in anger, as the American captives were paraded in front of the media. I wondered why, as a superpower, we can't we just bomb Iran back to the Old Testament? Why not? They claim suicide bombing will send them to paradise so let's get them to their version of paradise (hell). Today, I have not changed my mind. Today, Iran has become a nuclear threat to the US and Israel. I have studied history and lived some of it in the twentieth century and see something that alarms me. Generals no longer conduct wars in which our soldiers are subjected. Generals have been replaced by politicians since the end of World War II. As a result, we lose more American lives and there seems to be less honor that our soldiers rightfully deserve. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing one of the most highly trained and deadly armed forces, the US armed forces, being subjected to conflicts that are run by politicians and not our generals. If you want to see how honor differs between WWII veterans and veterans in US wars thereafter, just ask them. I have never found a WWII veteran that regrets his service in the armed forces. He will tell you his service was for this country. Furthermore, there have been few great generals since WWII. Since that era, only retired Generals Colin Powell and Norman Swartzkopf stand out as outstanding genrals from the Persian Gulf War. Though I am grateful for the service of all of our veterans, I do find hostility from US veterans in wars thereafter. May I submit to you younger veterans the following; I did not meet you at the airports upon your return and spit on you nor scream out that you were a baby killer. I have never ever criticzed a US soldier. What I witnessed here at home was your "love-the-one-you're-with" generation destroy college campuses and turn their backs on you. My parents were working my hindend off on a garganguan farm while you did what the government told you to do. If it is anything to you after all these years, I'm still grateful for your service and I'm glad you are home. I was grateful then and remain the same today. I welcome your teaching but spare me the political whining. Your set back was and still are the love-the-one-your're with-liberal-wannabe's.

I firmly believe that apathy and disdain for the Vietnam war set the stage for tensions in the Middleast as we know it today. When those fifty-two Americans were taken hostage, it was as if our government were afraid to respond. This attitude cost Carter his bid for a second term. I will admit, I got so tired of our awesome military being kept on our shores by President Carter while fifty-two Americans were humiliated daily before the world that when Ronald Reagan ran for president I practically ran to the polls to give him my vote. After this many years, I would not change that vote nor the reason I voted.

The one thing that many Americans ignore and young Americans are not taught is a warning that the late Ayatollah Khomeini gave to West in 1979. He firmly warned that he and the Middle East "will export Islam to the United States. Islam will one day overun the United States. This will be achieved with patience. This will be successful when we establish schools in your country, we will invest in Wall Street, we will buy and establish businesses in your country. We will become a part of your government. We will eventually do this behind the barrell of a gun. We already have a knife at your jugular-OIL!" My oh my! Just look around you today. Islam is the fastest growing religion world wide. As part of tolerance, Islam is in this country disguised as a "peaceful religion". Islamic temples have sprung up everywhere. A temple was erected in the nineteen nineties just down the interstate from where I live. US companies are going over to China and India while Arabs are successfully setting up businesses here. I believe that Wisconsin citizens just put the first Muslim congressman in office this past November. Am I prejudice? Not in the least but I do believe in protecting this country's moral interests and legitiment security. I believe in religious freedom but my religious freedom should not be supressed to make room for yours. This great country stands on the shoulders of past people from all over the world as well as the original people already on this soil. I am all for foreign people for coming here for a better life. But they have to remember that they are in my house and we do things my way and not the way things were done in their oppressed country. If they don't like the way I run my house, they have the right to go back home. What Americans have to wake up to is the reality that we are selling out our wonderful nation to "tolerance", "revisionism", greed, apathy and out right stupidity. This is causing us to devour each other while we leave the back door wide open for the enemy to come right in and sit at the dinner table. The Ayatollah was correct in what he warned the West in 1979. Revisionists refuse to teach this to young people in schools today. The US government has adopted a tolerance policy in the Middle East as of 1979 with many American lives unnecessarily lost in the name of tolerance.

In looking at our nation's past wars, I am apathetic about the title "Commander in Chief". Some of our Commander in Chiefs have stuck our soldiers in countries in which we had no business. On the other hand our armed forces had potential and reason to respond to conflict on foreign soil but had their hands tied once they were dispatched. I think we should look to Israel as an example. Their government and armed forces respond swiftly if just one of their citizens is subjected to foreign agression. No. Our government plays footsie with blood thirsty "religious" fanatical countries that have made it clear that they hate us with a passion. Countries that could care less about my welfare and yours.

Also, I have grown disgusted with our government's desire to push what it calls "democracy" on other countries while it continues to take that democracy away from it's own people. For example, government has placed restrictions on my religious freedoms by allowing the ACLU (anti-Christ liberal unisexmorons) tell me where to pray, where to read my Bible and when and where to mention the name of Christ(actually the ACLU would prefer that I not mention His name at all). The government and ACLU will sure hold open the tax-paid-for Capital doors for Allah, Dhali yoo-hoo, Scientology geek John Travolta and others that have eyes but do not hear, ears that do not hear. The government has taken a great deal of my hard earned money to kill babies that some woman did not think she would concieve with the guy she met on the internet. The biggest atrocity is that someone's son or daughter went to fight and die in Iraq for a gender confused person back home having a sex change. All in the name of democracy, the US government placed devout soldiers in foreign lands inhabited by people who hate this kind of behavior by our citizens. I don't get it! Wonder what would happen if the US government acted in the name of Christ? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Ford's funeral today caused me to reflect on the fact that with the end of his presidency also came the end of our presence in Vietam and the Watergate scandal. Americans just wanted to forget and move on. I can recall that my older teachers (now in their 80's or deceased) were bitter over the loss of the Vietnam war as they were accustomed to victory in WWII. They despised the chaos here at home because they were from an era that taught them to respect authority. Today, with the loss of both Ford and Reagan, this country continues to spiral down a moral rollercoaster. The moral decline this country embraces compels voters that put in debauched representatives who reflect our social standards today-Bill Clinton? Our government continues to approach the Middle-eastern implosion that has already demonstrated it can invade our borders-911 proved this. Our response? After waving the stars and stripes for a while, we went back to our what-about me attitude, time consuming I-choose-to-be-offended ethnic squabbling, frivolous lawsuits, corperate greed, divorce, child abuse, rearing high school dropouts or uneducated high school graduates, school shootings, soaring crime (Cincinnati recorded a record 86 homicides in 2006 and it's first homicide today), outrageous health care costs, astronomical taxes, people who don't want to work more than three days a week, people, who think they are too good to work at McDonald's, the Rosie O'Donnel/Donald Trump feud (boy he let her have didn't he?), Jerry Springer, Howard Stern, Barbie doll whining in the Miss Whoever contest, internet sick people trying to harm children or think they looking for the right soul mate (get real and get a real life you sick people!), placing our faith in a legal system that offers "treatment" rather than shackles to pedophiles and murderers, road rage, cell phone rage, rage in general or rage because you did not have your morning cup of Crisco, and YOU know this list could go on and on.

Careful. You might be too busy doing your own thing that Allah is going to catch you off guard, knock on your door with a car bomb strapped to himself and blow you into Canada.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!


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