Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Human Race

Why can't we humans slow down and be this sweet?

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Pentecostal Penelope

I have concluded that the more people I meet, I wonder who turns certain people loose. I get tired of dealing with people that use psychosis as an excuse to be careless. If you are one of these people may I say that you can hide behind that psychotic junk all you want but not on my coat tails. We have more and more people placing their lives in the care of psychotic witch doctors who tell their patients, "mommy and daddy just didn't love you enough when you were growing up. This is why you killed your entire family with a shotgun". Or I have heard stuff like, "mommy and daddy whipped you too much and this is why you turned out to be a serial killer". How about kids who are bullied at school? All too often these are the ones that carry guns back into their schools only to open fire. Darlings give me a dern break! When I was a kid, I constantly got bullied at school for being the smallest kid on planet Earth. I learned to hold my own as I got older. To this day I have yet to retaliate for any of this because I'm just too old. For the bullies of the past, I can only imagine what their kids are like today. As far as discipline, I had a parent around me at all times. My parents did not let us run loose. Rather, they kept us busy on the farm and made us finish school. Furthermore, they lit the fire under me plenty of times when I disobeyed. I still have my Dad's leather belt here as a good reminder for me not being a ward of the state. I can honestly say that I grew up with discipline twenty-four seven. I had one mother and one father ( because of them, I can also trace my family tree) who were determined to not raise a bunch of pagans that become a burden on society. My grandparents did not leave the discipline to my parents. Rather my grandparents disciplined us as they saw fit. As a result, I know of no known cases in the family in which irresponsibility was blamed on something psychotic.

However, I do seem to encounter other people claiming something psychotic. In the past week, I finally went to get my hair fixed. I was getting pretty dern shaggy. I made the usual appointment, at the usual salon with the usual hairdresser. I arrive, as usual, on time. A man came in after me. When he got in the door, he began to whine that he could not afford any time to wait to get his hair cut. I was asked to stand aside to allow my hairdresser to cut that whiners hair. I was the one on time for my appointment. This was strange. The whiner did thank me. I still thought being asked to step aside was bizarre. Finally, I sat down to get my shaggy hair cut. Next thing I noticed was that my hairdresser was not listening to me as I told her how I wanted my hair. She seemed wired! Then, she stabbed my left ear with the scissors. Scarey stuff! A few minutes later, she jerked my right earring out with the scissors. She responded like she was aggravated at me while she held the weapon in her hand. I spoke up and told her to pay attention to what she was doing or go take a pill. She stated she was on antidepressants. Give me a break! I told her if her behavior was caused by antidpressants then she should go home before she cuts my dern ears off.

The other person clinging to the psychotic stuff is a resident here of about four months. I call her "Pentecostal Penelope" because she thinks she will go to Heaven as long as she is in a dress and wears her long grey hair in a bun. Maybe she should meet my hairdresser. She has already angered other residents here with her behavior. This lady roams the halls like a wind-up toy bouncing off the walls. She stands in the middle of peoples' conversations, always asking what people are doing. She swoops around residential doors before pounding on them. She annoyed me with her constant off-the-wall-if-not-personal-insulting-questions. I just brush her off by wishing her a good day. However, some residents are not so nice. They have resolved that if this lady does not leave them alone, they will report her. Usually, when a resident gets out of control here, they eventually get evicted. I'm afraid that this is what will happen to Pentecostal Penelope.

Unfortunately for us here, we have another resident who is overweight, obnoxious and down right filthy. She can't speak to anyone without insulting them. Also, she has it in her thinking that she needs a wheelchair even though she can walk. Her reason for all of this is "clinical depression" and diabetes. Get real! I have many friends who are diabetic, overweight and physically confined to wheelchairs. They are some of the most intelligent, responsible, organized people on the planet. By far, they do not choose to live like a sweathog.

Combing the ESORN page as often as I do, I discovered an elderly lady that I know, wants her son to be able to come into her building to visit her. Her request was denied on the grounds that it would violate her son's probation. His crime? As a 60 year old, he served only a year for four counts of rape on an impaired little girl under the age of twelve. A gentleman spoke up and said the man should be allowed to visit his mother because his time was served. I asked the gentleman if he would be willing to allow that man to visit if that man's elderly mother lived next door to him? To up the ante, I also asked the gentleman if he could tolerate these visits while his own grandchildren visited? I further stated that as part of the pedophile's probation, he is not to be anywhere near children. Now, I ask you, can you show me who twisted the pedophile's arm to hurt that little girl? He chose to ruin this little girl's life forever and now he is whining about not being allowed in his mother's apartment building to visit. As a busy aunt and great aunt, I would not want the feller around my neices and nephews.

I was asked one day how I felt about psychologists and psychiatrists. I stated that their profession rose during the last century thanks to Sigmund Freud. Responsible people have no use for this profession. The criminal defense system sure love them as do hard core criminals. As for people who have resorted to this profession for help? I ask you, why do irresponsible people have to stay under the wing of a psychiatrist for life? These psychotic people never get better because they are medicated and their behavior condoned. Depression is a choice. Killing people is a choice. Raping is a choice. Molesting is a choice. Alcoholism is a choice. Drug abuse is a choice. Driving while intoxicated is a choice. Illiteracy is a choice. Misery is a choice. Stupidity is a choice. Disobedience is a choice. Furthermore, the psychiatric profession will excuse every bit of this by tagging these as a "disease" and say it is ok and you are not at fault. I have yet to find one case in which someone's arm was twisted to molest an innocent child or torture an innocent animal. Only when people get caught in their evil deeds then will the guilty party do the blame game on their past when in reality they regret getting caught. It is clear to me that our society looks for ways to cohabitate with evil rather than address head on.

Before I had to retire, I was alarmed at the rate that coworkers were taking medications for merely making bad choices. This became obvious when I went to my boss to get his help on paper work. Before I could say anything, he looked up at me and asked if I will be taking time off from work. I thought to myself, what strange question. He enlightended me to the fact that seven of his girls were off work because they either had boyfriend problems or just found out that they were pregnant. I submit to you that not one arm was twisted on any of these girls that got them in the predicaments in which they found themselves. These girls made a choice in their lives. Their irresponsibitly caused my boss to come up very short of his work team. Nonetheless, these women eventually returned to work, one by one, though medicated on some kind of anti-depressant.

I know a seventy-six year old man that is finishing his last days in the hospital. I'll accept none that this has got to be the most hateful man on the planet. His son, a police officer, excused his father's behavior by stating that his father was one of the greatest guys to get along with when he drank heavily. Others excuse the old man's behavior in that he can't read nor write. Not! I learned to read at the age of four because I had good teachers and parents determined to see to it that I got an education. They saw that I loved books and encouraged me to enjoy them. I enjoyed school and other kids there. I have asked, at age seventy-six, why hasn't this man got off his address and learned to read? What has this man done with his time? If you can only sign an "x" on the dotted line after a hundred years then you have surely squandered your time.

Do you know why I do not act like these people mentioned? I too have made choices. I am who I am today as a result of any decision I made yesterday. The greatest blessing in life is to have the priviledge of responsibility. The greatest setback in life is to try and survive it on excuses to not live life to the fullest as it was meant to be lived.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cowspot Comparison

I'm Moo. What's your name?

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

OSU Fans, Get Over It!

Each year, it becomes clear to me why many Ohio State University fans wind up in jail. They are some of the sorriest, yet vicious fans in the United States. They are the Al Quida of all sports fans. Rarely have I seen OSU fans accept loss with grace. Based on the testimony of friends and alumni of OSU, fights commonly break out among OSU fans and the fans of the opposing team. For the past several days, I have grown tired of going about my personal affairs only to walk into a verbal argument with OSU fans and non-OSU fans. This is a big turn off for those of us who enjoy competition in sporting contests. OSU fans, face it; you lost to Florida. The game is over! When I say I am not a fan of either team, then that is what I mean. I do not need OSU fans chasing me down, challenging me because I am not a OSU fan. Leave it alone. You OSU fans are why I do not like your school nor your sports program. I think it is a shame that fans like you exist north of the Ohio River. Though not a fan of Ohio or Florida, I think it is just aweful that you criticize a state that you treat like it was Ohio's southern peninsula when it comes to your vacations Come on! Even a squirrel knows which side of a buckeye to eat and which side is poison. Perhaps if you change your team logo from a buckeye leaf to a orange barrel (Ohio is the construction orange barrel capital of the world) you might do well in the next Bowl game. Arrogance does not with contests. Skill, agility, conditioning, coaching, etc. wins contests. Furthermore, if you respect people who support teams other than yours, maybe I will have a better blog for you in the future. Remember, this blog is in response to how I have been treated like you in the past. The sad reality is you are not stupid and can do better. However, you choose to act like you get up in the morning without having your morning cup of Crisco. Whaaaa. Whaaaa. Whaaaa.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Biography Of Moo

People are often amused by Moo's biography. As you can see, she is almost the exact replica of her Mother (Moo is the top photo and her mother is the bottom photo). She is also the image of her grandmother. Moo's mother has two black eyes and her "cow spots" are in opposition to Moo's "cow spots". Her father was obviously the neighborhood gigolo and I know nothing of him. With the help of her former owner, I have managed to trace her roots. I only wish I could do the same for Teddy Bear. All I know of him is that he and his family were abandoned to a local shelter. I did get to see his family. His mother was a sweetheart Birman and he had two little siblings. I am still sad that I had to break up his and Moo's families.

Moo was given to me after the death of my beloved cat Echo, who was a victim in a hit and run while I was out of state. In my grief, one of my sister's in law, called me and said there was an ad in the paper for free kittens. Later that evening, we went to a lady's house to see these kittens.

When we drove up, I saw a yard scattered with playing kittens. After introductions, I began examining all of these kittens. I originally picked out a little tuxedo male. As I continued to watch these little fur balls, Moo started to stand out. She appeared smaller than the rest but she seemed to be in charge of all the kitty play within the yard. I went over and picker her up. She let me know that I had interrupted some serious cat play.

The lady introduced me to Moo's mother, Big Girl, and Moo's grandmother. Wow! What identical resemblance there was among these girls. The lady, Mrs. Walters, said Moo is part of Big Girl's first litter. Big Girl was only seven months old when Moo was born in a litter of four. As I looked around, there were certainly more than four kittens. Mrs. Walters said there was a mysterious explanation for this large litter of kittens. A few days before Moo's birth, Big Girl was seen making these trips back and forth in the yard. With each trip, she had something in her mouth. Mrs. Walters went out to have a look. She discovered that Big Girl kidnapped another cat's kittens and carried them one by one home. Needless to say, Moo's mother is an outlaw. Moo spent her first seven weeks raised with kidnapped kittens.

I chose Moo and thanked Mrs Walters. Mrs. Walters' son picked up Moo's mother and held her in front of Moo to say goodbye. Big Girl licked Moo on top of the head. However, Moo did not get to say goodbye to her grandmother as we could not find her. I then placed Moo in the car. With a passion, Moo has hated automobiles every since I took her with me. When I got her home, I thought, "What a little dirt ball!" She was scrawney to boot.

I like to observe an animal before I name it. Moo was no exception to the rule. However, it took about a week before I could come up with a name. Finally, I came up with the name, "Divine Miss M". "Divine Miss" is for her bossy but independant nature. The Moo part of her name is for the mere fact that she resembles a holstein dairy cow. When people first meet her they always say "she looks like a little moo cow".

I have visited Mrs. Walters twice since Moo came to live with me. On the day I shot this picture of Moo's mother, Big Girl was a mother of her second litter of kittens for two days. Today, I do not know if Moo's mother or grandmother are still alive. I am delighted that because of Moo, she and I have introduced the "Moo kitty" to the world. Others who have met her suddenly want a "Moo kitty". I think Moo is aware of her influence as she always plops down in front of me and demands that I tell her how beautiful, all knowing and all powerful she is in this world. She is also a healthy, strapping porker of eleven pounds-bigger and healthier than her poor little mom.

Moo and Teddy Bear are indeed the loves of my life. The more people I meet, the more I love cats. My little darlings rob me of sleep, vandalize the home and eat like crazy. They are worth every bit of the chaos. I wouldn't trade them for this world. They never second guess their safety and the love they get from their cat mom.

Thus concludes the biography of Moo.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings--meow!

Senior Or Senior Moments

Darlings? I could not resist this one. This photo was shot by a high school classmate at our "One Hundred Year" high school reunion at the Preble Shawnee Arrows. I am the gorgeous one in the blue blouse. It is interesting that the three of us were senior favorites in school; I was class clown and re-elected in the role about twenty minutes after my arrival on the day this picture was shot. Jackie was the ever present cheer leader and her husband Jeff, was the school's football captain. Today, they are grandparents! What's more, we are rapidly approaching the other senior part of our life-Senior Citizens! Eeeeeeeeek!

Long ago when our graduating class discovered that I was destined for college, they predicted that I would raid every fraternity on campus and then drop out two weeks into my first semester. Too funny. At our reunion, I was asked to clarify that course in my life. Indeed I did have a very wild time (so wild, I still avoid telling my Mother what really transpired during my college career. She would be sad. Truth be told, I should have been locked up) Nonetheless, I graduated with a B.S. in History and a second major in Theatre. Not bad for an old farm girl-farmer's daughter. My goal was to be a drunken history professor. The university was cool with the drunken part of the history professor but they did not like the fact I refused to teach as a revisionist. Though I stay in touch with college friends and attend university football games, I do not attend college reunions as I'm not permitted to carry my Confederate flag. Oh well. No love loss nor hard feelings. I have my Confederate flag here and they can't touch it!

It has been four months since our high school reunion. It was wonderful to see everyone and to realize we can calm down! Lotsa love to them all!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings--meow! Incoming!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Red Or Blue?

My darlings, as an avid outdoor woman I have noticed a species missing? Where, in this region has the Blue Jay gone? Up until 1999, Blue Jays were plentiful and I never had a problem attracting them to my bird feeder. They do not migrate so where are they? Since the West Nile Virus scare began, Blue Jays bore the blame as science concluded that this bird was a carrier of the virus. I have heard no reports as to whether this beautiful bird is being exterminated. My birdwatching friends have noticed their abscence just about everywhere. I do not know what it is like in your region but I would be interested in your feedback.

At winter and Christmas time, we all direct our attention to the male Cardinal. I must say he is a hansome bird and fun to watch how he treats his wife during mating season. He goes all out for her. Then in the off season, he virtually ignores her. Poor girl. She forgives him for his off season behavior when Spring rolls around.

As part of my curiosity, I went back through my archives and indeed I found the last time I photographed the Blue Jay up close. This photo was shot through a screen thus the quality has been compromised. I do indeed remember these on the back porch and have not really seen them since.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings--meow!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Always Offended

Meandering through today's local paper, an article in the Dear Abby section caught my attention. A fourteen year old girl was complaining about ageism. I thought to myself, being on this planet after only fourteen years, this youngster is already griping about ageism? Typical of our citizens to always choose to be offended.

I then reflected on my visit yesterday to our local police department. My Dutch friend who obtained records for me struck up a conversation about the Netherlands. I told her that while I am alarmed at the liberalism in the old country, the Dutch have always prided themselves on tolerance. Throughout history, other foreign citizens continue to find a haven in the Netherlands. I then spoke up and asked her, "Have you ever noticed that the only thing we are noted for are our wooden shoes?" (my wooden shoes are around here somewhere) and Dutch characters are placed on cleaning products but we never complain". She agreed. I then told her I don't make a big deal out of it and I don't have time to indulge in ethnic squabbling. The staff seemed to be relieved that I made that statement. Though I am very proud of my heritage, I just don't have time to tell the world that I'm Dutch, Native American, southern, white, female all of whom have bore the brunt of stereotyping and prejudice. Chances are the average person does not care anyhow. I am just another ordinary American citizen with plenty other things to do right now. If I leave the political overtones out of my ancestry, I find I get along with more people. I do not let organizations tell me how to interact with other ethnic peoples. I just get along as I never know a stranger.

For those who do jump on the ethnic bandwagon, they tend to cover up the fact that they do not go back to their home country. Also, they fail to listen to what their ancestors in the old country really think of them. However, my Dutch friend at the city offices is an exception. She returns to the Netherlands each year. She and I are delighted that the featured country at MidFest 2007 will be the Netherlands. I'm excited because people know so little about the Dutch. Why? The Dutch retain their humility.

Appalachian people pride themselves on hospitality more than anything within their heritage. They take it so serious that they do become sensitive to ridicule as they think you are throwing hospitality back in their face. I always warn Northerners that if they ever find themselves lost in those mountains, never, ever ridicule it's residents. They are still reeling from the 1973 movie Deliverance and are prone to shoot at you if they sense that you treat them like the characters portrayed in that sick, sick, movie. While they percieve Northeners as lacking common sense they are aware that Northerners think they are toothless, uneducated, backwards and behind the times. Gee, am I scalawag for having all of my nice white teeth and a college education? The point is that Appalachian people, proud as they are, have not jumped on the "I choose to be offended" bandwagon. The region of Appalachia I travel does not have one ethnic nor special diverse organization in existance. They also proudly display the Confederate flag and yet have never met any hostility for doing so. As a result there is no ethnic squabbling, no protests, and no hate crimes. As a matter of fact, they enjoy having Northerners come down and learn their culture. They are eager to teach but don't ever tell them how to run things as they are happy with the way things are now. They do not understand why people elsewhere squabble over discrimination. Darlings, I get offended all of the time. While I may not like it all of the time, so what? This is America. Every country in the world is represented in our population and everyone can't be pleased.

I love being exposed to other cultures because I love learning. Culture is fascinating! What I dislike is the creation of ethnic groups shoving their culture down my throat. I dislike oraganizational ideas crammed into my thinking. I will respect you and learn from you because you are a human being but I will not bend down and kiss your hindend because you feel you are a special ancestor or belong to an organization that feels it deserves special treatment. The only people that deserve special treatment are children, handicap, terminally ill, and elderly because they have a legitimite need called compassion.

Of all foreigners, I have learned more from black Africans in how Amercians are looked upon. They see us as very spoiled people and always fighting among ourselves. They also wonder why those Americans claiming African ancestry never come back home. I never knew this. The most profound observation I ever heard in my life came from a black African missionary. Thirteen years ago, he was a visiting professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Miami University under a one year contract. My church also heard that he was a missionary. We asked him to preach at our church. This man had a spectacular testimony. Me, being the question lady, I wanted to hear his view on our country. He said he was not suprised at our country in that everything he heard about us was accurate. The next thing he said blew my hat into the creek. He said "I am shocked at the godlessness in your country". Wow! As he continued his work on a campus that claims to be diverse, this man bore the brunt of ostracism, ridicule and threats because he was a Christian man. He decided to break his contract and return to Africa. Before he left, I gave him a Christmas gift of tree ornaments and shared with him the American tradition of Christmas. In return, he gave me a chart on how chairs and chickens are used in tribal traditions. I often wonder how he and his family are doing. I am just so sad that he left our country with such a first hand negative opinon of us as a nation.

As for the little fourteen year old girl making ageism a part of her short life; she has time to learn as she gets older. Learning is the beauty of youth. She complained that young people are stereotyped as being unfriendly and irresponsible. She is too young to know that there have been two revolutions in this country. The first revolution was fought to gain our freedom. The second revolution, the sexual revolution of the 1960's, has created more human bondage than can be imagined. Out of this revolution came, abortion, permiscuity, STD's, divorce, extended families, illegimate children, high school drop outs, co-habitation, lawlessness, godlessness and any other "ness" you can think. As the most technological advanced country in the world, we have more of our own citizens imprisoned than any other country. Our citizens consume ninety percent of the world's tranquilizers. Our citizens have the happiness of citizens in a third world country. More and more of our children are being born out of wedlock. As a result, these children have no parental upbringing that would make them the respectable youth that they once were of long ago. The very group responsible for creating the unfriendly and irresponsible youth of today are the 1960's generation. That generation has yet to acknowledge the backlash of their "love the one your with" philosophy. Her thinking is not her fault in that she aquired it from those responsible for her. Thus there is this fourteen year old little girl wondering why adults look upon today's youth as being rude and calling it ageism. Perhaps she is one of the lucky few kids that are in a home with guidance and discipline. However, you and I know that Americans are rapidly developing a reputation for being rude among it's own citizens. I hope this little girl will be able to adjust as she gets older because the times are getting worse.

Until the next dive bomb-meow!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Official Identity Of A Door Nob

True to my word, I made an appearance at our local police department to obtain a copy of the report regarding the doornob next door. Now that I have a name of the man who beat the dog right out front the other night, I'm in a position to use the true power of the blog to expose the true character of one Josh T. Jones.

"Dear Mr. Jones;

Though I have a hard time addressing you as 'Mr.', I only choose to do so because I had parents that taught me better. I think the blog world should know who you really are within our community. The beauty about blogging is exposure of the truth. Between you and I, I'm the one in possession of the truth of what you are really all about.

What I witnessed you do the other evening was deplorable. Within two minutes of watching you, you spoke volumns about who and what you really are in society. If a young twenty-two year old man like you would beat a defenseless dog and turn on a woman with a cane, then you have no regard for anyone but you. If your parents (provided that you had a mother and a father like I had) would have whipped your hindend when you were growing up, your senseless rage the other night would never have happened. People like you think you can step on the world around you because you are too busy thinking of only you. Clearly, you proved that you are indeed a misfit. The day will come that you will be in jail with some new boyfriends wondering how you landed there in the first place.

Mr Jones, people who act as you did in public on January third commonly display the following: lack of parental discipline, lack of or no education, lack of common sense, lack of respect for authority, animal abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, lack of family responsibily, theft, lack of a job (you made it clear you are a Section 8?) beat women and children, abuse the elderly, sexual abuse of women and children, murder, rape or build a career as a serial killer. People like you definately increase the crime rate and the sad part about it is taxpayers foot the bill for your sorry irresponsible butt.

After visiting with the police department today, I was civil enough to get what I wanted -- proof that you lied about what you did to that poor dog. The staff had nothing good to say about you at all and that should not suprise you or me. I wandered over to the city dog warden's office and she had your report on her desk. I told her to do whatever she can get away with when she pays you a visit.

I enjoyed seeing three police officers stand in front of you the other night. You sure were not as bold to act up in front of them were you? I enjoyed watching you turn into the lying run off that you are. You are indeed a sick individual. Something went wrong with you the day you passed through your mother's birth canal. I'm just sorry sick people like you can not be pushed back inside your mother so that responsible people like me and innocent animals would not have to live around you. You are indeed dumber than cornbread in that you honestly think that those around you are as dense as you. This will be your downfall one day.

You are seriously mental in that you do not have enough sense to know that the secret of training a dog is in the leash. Furthermore, there is a dog training school a jaywalk away from you. You do not keep and train an animal by beating it near death and screaming at it. This is your version of discipline that you tried to pass off to the police according to the report. After examining the dog, legalities prevented those officers from beating and dragging your sorry hindend around as you did to your dog.

Mr. Jones, I can only hope that in your youth you will be willing to wise up and be remorseful for your violent actions. I researched your records and thus far you have no criminal record to speak of within this county ( I can not speak for your record elsewhere but I'm looking ). What you did to that dog and me the other night proves you may well be earning a future criminal history. Personally, I would like to throw your sorry butt in the back of my truck and dump you off at an Indiana hog farm. But don't forget, I'm better than you for the mere fact that I was raised better and I do regard those around me. However, in most violent cases such as yours, the evil within you only serves to get worse. People who began a life of any form of abuse do not usually turn back. Rather they make a career of violence at the expense of non violent people.

I have no intentions of retailiating against you but I will be watching you that you will literally feel me staring at you. Consider it a luxury of living next to me. If I ever see you harm another animal again you better think of me first. You are welcome to observe me as you may learn how to properly treat people and animals. The power of the blog officially exposes your evil deeds"

As for the officers, the warden, my fellow Dutch friend who honored my record request, and the lieutenant in charge, I am grateful for your professionalism, time and passion you put into a scenario that should have never happened. When you are continually faced with Josh T. Jones' out there I can imagine how hard it is to be as kind and professional as you all were with me. I hope all of you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Neighbor The Doornob

With a busy schedule this week, I finally found time to run to the grocery to pick up a few items. I ran into a friend that I had worked with for a long time. Needless to say, he and I must have sat in our trucks for over an hour just catching up on things. After we wished each other well, I went next door to get my kitties their stuff. Afterwards I went home not feeling to well from one of my meds.

I made a turn on my street and was shocked at what I saw. In front of this building was a pretty good size man beating a dog mercifully. I pulled up into the lot, stepped out and so as to not make things worse, calmly spoke up "Sir? Is everything ok?". I noticed the dog was yelping which told me immediately that he was in danger. The man was screaming at the poor dog while hitting it and dragging it by it's collar down the sidewalk. The next thing I knew, the man cussed me out and told me to mind my own business. He then proceeded to drag the dog by it's collar. The man dragged the dog down the sidewalk and into an apartment building next door. I told him I have his Christmas present. I reached into my jacket, pulled out my cell phone and diled 911. I was determined to save that dog.

You must understand the neighboorhood in which I live. I live in Middletown's old industrial district which has been undergoing a revitalization. This former industrial district used to be a "red light" district. Despite the revitalization into art shops, Art Walk, cafe and coffee shops, some of what I call "run off" is still around. What we call "run off" refers to Section 8 types and those who just routinely get arrested. Around me are some really nice townhouses occupied by some hard working people. The city police department, Twelfth Circuit Court of Appeals, my bank, library, grocery, my pharmacy, airport are just some entities within blocks of me. Therefore, the runoff is easy to locate in such a renovated part of the city. The creepy dwelling in this neighborhood is a run down Section 8 building next door where the dog owner lives. When how I saw that young man carried on last night with that poor dog, it is little wonder that neighborhoods do not want Section 8 housing near them. I can't blame them.

I am aware of some people that have little else to turn to other than a Section 8. These people are elderly, widowed, in failing health and disabled. However, they volunteer in there communities and make a difference. They are also law abiding citizens. They do not have much but they choose to be responsible. The man that lives in the building next to me is the classic Section 8 doornob.

When I called 911, the dispatcher was reluctant to send an officer on the grounds I could not provide an apartment number where I saw the man drag the dog. I told her that I was standing down the block and could not see an apartment number. I further stated that as enraged as the man was with the dog and me, I did not think it would be wise for me to go over there on someone else's property to see an apartment number. I did tell her that I would be happy to meet an officer in my parking lot and go over with an officer to identify the dog owner.

As I stood waiting, an officer arrived within minutes. The first thing that I said to that officer was "I now see why people look down on Section 8 people. They are dumber than cornbread. I have lived here for a while and the building next door should start renting units over there to the city police department as much as the police are over there". The officer said that forty percent of his calls are due to people like the man who just beat up his dog. I then introduced myself to the officer. Then ironically, some lady came walking up to us with her dog and started ranting to me that the officer blocked her path while she was walking her dog. Gee lady! Get a life! It's fun!. I told her to file a complaint with the officer in the cruiser. She turned her nose at the officer and left. Darlings! Do people thrive on how stupid they can be?

I was so hurt over that poor dog, that I was now becoming angry. I begged that officer to go get the poor dog, bring it to me, then bring the owner to me, stand him in front of my pick up truck and we will call it even. Then I told the officer the only reason I will not run over that boy's hindend is because I value my IQ. The officer assured me he would go next door, examine the dog and make sure it was ok. Later he would turn over his report to the city dog warden whom I have worked beside on occasion.

After I got my groceries out of my truck, I turned and saw that the officer order the man to bring the dog outside. The man must have become difficult because two more police cruisers with additional officers appeared. As I stood there watching and listening, I could just imagine the man whining, "Oh my dog ran out the door and I had to go get him. He will be ok". Hey Junior! If you jaywalk with your dog across the street, you will find the Middletown Dog Training Center. Go there instead of beating your dog half to death over here. What a doornob!!!

If anyone is determined to own a pet-PLEASE NEVER USE PHYSICAL FORCE! Last night's doornob is a classic example of people that should never own pets. If he can not properly handle a dog darting out the door then he should not be a pet owner. I have seen too many abused animals come into our local shelters because of people like this man. Dogs and cats have died unessessary deaths at the hands of cold and calculated people like the "run off " I encountered last night. Remember, this misfit is being kept up with OUR tax dollars!

I swore that if I ever see anyone mistreating an animal I will turn their sorry hindend into the authorities. Everyone who knows me well are aware of this fact. The doornob at 323 Reinartz now knows I turned his sorry butt into the police. God did not put these animals on this planet so that misfits like Skippy next door can abuse them. Anyone who mistreats animals are a big fat red flag. They end up abusing children, women, their mothers, the elderly and start a career as a serial killer. So when I see abuse the red flag I get is "What else is really going on inside that home?" When you see any animal abuse, take it seriously and contact your local police. As for Skippy next door; if he told me he came out of a box the way I saw him conduct himself, he'll get no argument from me at all. He certainly proved that his brain functions like it is full of holes. When you demonstrate that your head works like a spagetti strainer then guess what? People are going to strain spagetti through your meager head. Act like your IQ is no larger than your shoe size then guess what? Society will treat you like you are a rock head. If you are living next to me and abuse animals you will quickly become an ex-neighbor.

In the meantime, my heartstrings are seriously strained. I get emotional when I witness animal abuse. I can not shake the image of that poor dog crouched down on the sidewalk in total fear due to screaming, kicking, slapping, choking and dragging all of which were directed at him with so much force. I can not shake the sounds of that poor animal yelping for help. He knew he was in danger. Now I can understand why the poor animal ran away from his owner. This has been on my mind all day and I will take it to sleep with me. It is easier for me to sit here and write the details rather than speak. If I speak about the details, I just break down. I need to wait this one out a while. Later, it dawned on me that I was in danger as enraged as that man was he could have turned on me. I just did not give this any thought as I saw the defenseless dog in danger. I would do it all over again. However, I believe that God protects those who have a heart to protect what rightfully belongs to Him.

For now, I am waiting a few days to get a copy of the police report. I am tempted to plaster the walls with copies of it but I don't want my good name to be associated with doornobs. I then want to follow up with the city warden to check on the welfare of the dog.

I close with this thought. It amazes me from where such human violence toward animals come. I can conclude none other than evil. I'll admit that I am bitter over last night's scenario. I have no respect for people who mistreat the weak animals or people. Moreover, I am still very sad for that dog. I have only had one mishap from a dog in that I was bit in the knee by an aggressive Chow long ago. I had no disire to retaliate as I knew I got into his space. I got kicked in the face by a colt when I was a kid. I learned the hard way to never stand behind a horse-they just don't like you back there. Other than this, I have not had any bad encounters with animals. All my life, onlookers have been amazed at how affectionate my pets have been (I too have been amazed!) I can surmise the reason for this is the more you love your pets, then they will return the favor (provided it is a animal born with this instinct). Many have said "I don't like pets in the house". Then don't get one if it will not be safe outdoors. Many have said "I con't like pet hair indoors". Then clean up the pet hair and your own hair while you are at it. Some have said "People treat their pets like human kids". Moo and Teddy Bear are my kids and I don't expect you to understand and they treat me far better than many humans I know.

I have been blessed with a desire to learn to respect the animal kingdom and learn to love it all the same. A good gauge to know the heart of those around you is to watch how they treat their pets, your pets or neighborhood strays. Most of all, I learned at a very early age Who created the animal planet as we know it and I treat it with awe.

Until the next dive-bomb my darlings-meow!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ford; Reflections Before An Era

Today I watched televised coverage of former President Ford's funeral procession. Majestic! Not too bad of a guy for a Yankee. I was always sympathetic to the ol' boy as he took offfice during an intense time of our nation's history. Down to earth as he may have been, poor feller made the perfect scapegoat for the left. Today, as I watched the funeral procession, I looked back in history when Ford was president. I can remember being sad when he lost the election to Jimmy Carter (not one of my favorite southern politicians). I can recall having no anger toward Ford. It was his successor that disappointed me then and still disappoints me to this day.

I can recall the worst recession during the Carter Administration. It was the only time my parents were hit very hard in the pocketbook. For the first and only time, I actually saw my ol' Dad out of work though he never complained. We never went hungry as the farm we lived on and worked stocked the cabinets and freezer. As hard as times were, Dad got the bills paid on time.

It was the Iran Hostage Crisis in November 1979 that burnt me. I recall how Americans sat by their televisions watching this new form of terrorism at a stalemate for over a year. Just four years after the official end of the Vietnam War, we see taking hostages and car bombings emerge as a new warfare replacing Vietnamese guerilla warfare that caused a shameful loss to the American armed forces. Even worse, for the first time, we see a president vacillate about how to protect Americans abroad. This "hostage crisis", as it became commonly known, brought US-Middle Eastern tensions to the forefront.

For my younger readers and those who choose to forget, it is necessary to look at what created the hostage crisis. Iran had demanded the return of the Shah of Iran, claiming he committed crimes against his own people. The Shah, in exile, was welcomed to the US. When Iran demanded his return, the US refused to turn over the Shah to Iran. The Shah had also been in failing health in which he eventually succumed to cancer. Iran's response was to take hostage fifty-two Americans from the US embassey in Iran. I was shocked when this happened. I was more shocked the president attempted, though late, a failed attempt to rescue those Americans by the use of Delta Force. Those US soldiers were not even familiar with the desert terrain that their mission was botcthed. Needless to say, they lost their lives. Other than this, Carter did little for those hostages. It was not until Ronald Reagan's inauguation on January 20, 1981 that those hostages were released as Iran attempted to humiliate Reagan by allowing the plane carrying the hostages to take off from Tehran. Reagan was not one to be humiliated. As president, that ol' boy really blew my hat off into the creek. His response to the Middle East crisis; Americans stay out of the Middle East if you value your life. We failed to listen.

For over a year, I watched in anger, as the American captives were paraded in front of the media. I wondered why, as a superpower, we can't we just bomb Iran back to the Old Testament? Why not? They claim suicide bombing will send them to paradise so let's get them to their version of paradise (hell). Today, I have not changed my mind. Today, Iran has become a nuclear threat to the US and Israel. I have studied history and lived some of it in the twentieth century and see something that alarms me. Generals no longer conduct wars in which our soldiers are subjected. Generals have been replaced by politicians since the end of World War II. As a result, we lose more American lives and there seems to be less honor that our soldiers rightfully deserve. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing one of the most highly trained and deadly armed forces, the US armed forces, being subjected to conflicts that are run by politicians and not our generals. If you want to see how honor differs between WWII veterans and veterans in US wars thereafter, just ask them. I have never found a WWII veteran that regrets his service in the armed forces. He will tell you his service was for this country. Furthermore, there have been few great generals since WWII. Since that era, only retired Generals Colin Powell and Norman Swartzkopf stand out as outstanding genrals from the Persian Gulf War. Though I am grateful for the service of all of our veterans, I do find hostility from US veterans in wars thereafter. May I submit to you younger veterans the following; I did not meet you at the airports upon your return and spit on you nor scream out that you were a baby killer. I have never ever criticzed a US soldier. What I witnessed here at home was your "love-the-one-you're-with" generation destroy college campuses and turn their backs on you. My parents were working my hindend off on a garganguan farm while you did what the government told you to do. If it is anything to you after all these years, I'm still grateful for your service and I'm glad you are home. I was grateful then and remain the same today. I welcome your teaching but spare me the political whining. Your set back was and still are the love-the-one-your're with-liberal-wannabe's.

I firmly believe that apathy and disdain for the Vietnam war set the stage for tensions in the Middleast as we know it today. When those fifty-two Americans were taken hostage, it was as if our government were afraid to respond. This attitude cost Carter his bid for a second term. I will admit, I got so tired of our awesome military being kept on our shores by President Carter while fifty-two Americans were humiliated daily before the world that when Ronald Reagan ran for president I practically ran to the polls to give him my vote. After this many years, I would not change that vote nor the reason I voted.

The one thing that many Americans ignore and young Americans are not taught is a warning that the late Ayatollah Khomeini gave to West in 1979. He firmly warned that he and the Middle East "will export Islam to the United States. Islam will one day overun the United States. This will be achieved with patience. This will be successful when we establish schools in your country, we will invest in Wall Street, we will buy and establish businesses in your country. We will become a part of your government. We will eventually do this behind the barrell of a gun. We already have a knife at your jugular-OIL!" My oh my! Just look around you today. Islam is the fastest growing religion world wide. As part of tolerance, Islam is in this country disguised as a "peaceful religion". Islamic temples have sprung up everywhere. A temple was erected in the nineteen nineties just down the interstate from where I live. US companies are going over to China and India while Arabs are successfully setting up businesses here. I believe that Wisconsin citizens just put the first Muslim congressman in office this past November. Am I prejudice? Not in the least but I do believe in protecting this country's moral interests and legitiment security. I believe in religious freedom but my religious freedom should not be supressed to make room for yours. This great country stands on the shoulders of past people from all over the world as well as the original people already on this soil. I am all for foreign people for coming here for a better life. But they have to remember that they are in my house and we do things my way and not the way things were done in their oppressed country. If they don't like the way I run my house, they have the right to go back home. What Americans have to wake up to is the reality that we are selling out our wonderful nation to "tolerance", "revisionism", greed, apathy and out right stupidity. This is causing us to devour each other while we leave the back door wide open for the enemy to come right in and sit at the dinner table. The Ayatollah was correct in what he warned the West in 1979. Revisionists refuse to teach this to young people in schools today. The US government has adopted a tolerance policy in the Middle East as of 1979 with many American lives unnecessarily lost in the name of tolerance.

In looking at our nation's past wars, I am apathetic about the title "Commander in Chief". Some of our Commander in Chiefs have stuck our soldiers in countries in which we had no business. On the other hand our armed forces had potential and reason to respond to conflict on foreign soil but had their hands tied once they were dispatched. I think we should look to Israel as an example. Their government and armed forces respond swiftly if just one of their citizens is subjected to foreign agression. No. Our government plays footsie with blood thirsty "religious" fanatical countries that have made it clear that they hate us with a passion. Countries that could care less about my welfare and yours.

Also, I have grown disgusted with our government's desire to push what it calls "democracy" on other countries while it continues to take that democracy away from it's own people. For example, government has placed restrictions on my religious freedoms by allowing the ACLU (anti-Christ liberal unisexmorons) tell me where to pray, where to read my Bible and when and where to mention the name of Christ(actually the ACLU would prefer that I not mention His name at all). The government and ACLU will sure hold open the tax-paid-for Capital doors for Allah, Dhali yoo-hoo, Scientology geek John Travolta and others that have eyes but do not hear, ears that do not hear. The government has taken a great deal of my hard earned money to kill babies that some woman did not think she would concieve with the guy she met on the internet. The biggest atrocity is that someone's son or daughter went to fight and die in Iraq for a gender confused person back home having a sex change. All in the name of democracy, the US government placed devout soldiers in foreign lands inhabited by people who hate this kind of behavior by our citizens. I don't get it! Wonder what would happen if the US government acted in the name of Christ? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Ford's funeral today caused me to reflect on the fact that with the end of his presidency also came the end of our presence in Vietam and the Watergate scandal. Americans just wanted to forget and move on. I can recall that my older teachers (now in their 80's or deceased) were bitter over the loss of the Vietnam war as they were accustomed to victory in WWII. They despised the chaos here at home because they were from an era that taught them to respect authority. Today, with the loss of both Ford and Reagan, this country continues to spiral down a moral rollercoaster. The moral decline this country embraces compels voters that put in debauched representatives who reflect our social standards today-Bill Clinton? Our government continues to approach the Middle-eastern implosion that has already demonstrated it can invade our borders-911 proved this. Our response? After waving the stars and stripes for a while, we went back to our what-about me attitude, time consuming I-choose-to-be-offended ethnic squabbling, frivolous lawsuits, corperate greed, divorce, child abuse, rearing high school dropouts or uneducated high school graduates, school shootings, soaring crime (Cincinnati recorded a record 86 homicides in 2006 and it's first homicide today), outrageous health care costs, astronomical taxes, people who don't want to work more than three days a week, people, who think they are too good to work at McDonald's, the Rosie O'Donnel/Donald Trump feud (boy he let her have didn't he?), Jerry Springer, Howard Stern, Barbie doll whining in the Miss Whoever contest, internet sick people trying to harm children or think they looking for the right soul mate (get real and get a real life you sick people!), placing our faith in a legal system that offers "treatment" rather than shackles to pedophiles and murderers, road rage, cell phone rage, rage in general or rage because you did not have your morning cup of Crisco, and YOU know this list could go on and on.

Careful. You might be too busy doing your own thing that Allah is going to catch you off guard, knock on your door with a car bomb strapped to himself and blow you into Canada.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Convictions From A Mockingbird

Lately there has been a mockingbird hanging around, of all places, the parking lot. A common bird species that does not migrate and is not romantic this time of year, I have no idea why he is staying here. Though mockingbirds do not migrate, I really do not often see them in the winter. As I watched him out my window, I could just feel my IQ drop like blood pressure. I wondered what he knew that I did not know as he sat in a tree full of berries. Other birds eat those berries but this feller does not touch them. Wonder why? Mocking birds love fruit. Maybe these berries are not fruit. Maybe I should learn more about the tree in which he sat so as to understand him better.

Another note about this usually active bird is that he is quiet. The only time mockingbirds are quite are when they mate. When not mating, they are so noisy that it is common for them to sing their other bird impersonations around the clock. I have heard them chatter and sing into the wee morning hours that I have lost sleep.

Mockingbirds have this unusual "loop to loop" and it is unknown why they do this. I have enjoyed watching these birds sit atop fence posts, jump off like they are falling to the ground only to loop back to a sitting position atop the post. My little residential mime is not doing the "loop to loop". Could winter have something to do with this?

Though I was glad to see my little friend on this New Year's day, something he did really humbled me. I saw him light on a black Cadillac only to begin to drink water from big beaded water drops of the morning rain. As I watched him scoop up that water, I could just envision an enraged owner seeing this bird on the car. I mean with the way society worships it's automobiles, bird poop alone can ruin a car owner's day and send a car owner frantically to the car wash. I continued to watch the bird gladly lap up those beads of water. I felt jolted in that God reminds us that nature does not have to worry about what the day will bring as He provides for creatures such as this mockingbird. This reminded me of the things I'm guilty of worrying about each day. We are all guilty. Ok, maybe I won't find myself drinking water from the hood of a car but I forget the little stuff that God has promised to provide for me. He brought me to this New Year's day for starters. I have electricity in which to do this blog. The bifocals to help me see this blog are a benefit. The body parts in which to sit here to blog are fine. I am using rationale in which to think for this blog. Oh wait! I got out of bed this morning alive! I can choose what I want to eat today. I could go on and on. The point is that God provides for His Creation as He has promised. Humanity frets while nature gets on with life.

Watching my little friend out the window made me wonder how much of my time I have wasted in worrying about things out of my reach or things I just don't need while I have ignored the necessities of life. My little friend proved to me today that he will live his life as he was created to live. I'm grateful that God sent this little angel to my window with much needed conviction. Though he is quite for now, he still spoke volumns to my heart today. I will be looking for him tomorrow. What will you be looking for tomorrow?

I wish I had a photo of this bird species but one does not exist in my archives. My apologies.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!