Halloween. Final Thawts.
I've spent much of the day passing out treats. With all of the Halloween parties last night, people act as if they are drained today. I suppose they are in the right. This same exhaustion occurs after other celebrations. We are human and now have enough candy that will eventually turn up after the New Year with leftover Christmas candy. I will have time to go out and make sure my feline strays will be safe. I'm happy to announce that I found a home for the little black kitty, Pebbles, and she will be picked up this week. I still have to find a home for Butterscotch. Both little kitties have put on weight since they came under my wing not to mention become very spoiled. I can definitely say October started with a blast from De Roodneuzen of the Netherlands and will end with all my kitties (both indoors and outdoors) safe, fed and loved. Happy Harvest!
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
Halloween Hasbeens
Darlins, every since I can remember, Halloween was a reminder of harvest for this old farm girl. Of course, as a child my brothers and I were permitted to participate in tricking or treating provided our parents could find a nearby small town. I can still recall how my oldest brother, as laid back as he is, would try to master mind some pretty cool mischief. These were the days that Halloween was innocent and we used pillow cases or big brown grocery bags to hold tons of candy. Poor Mother had to drag around a bunch of little kids that came home on a school night froze to death but loaded with candy. Though each of us had much candy, we would try to steal candy from each other. We ate so much candy we were ready to climb the walls and jump off the roof. Nonetheless, this innocence and fun is long gone as my brothers and I live to see grandkids. Sure, there still prevails the super religious and satanic types that have their Halloween input. I have no problem ignoring them. I still try to enjoy Halloween. This year I am concerned about two certain groups who have now entered the Halloween havoc--sex offenders and the Chinese.
Imagine my shock that over in Warren county, a psychologist threw a Halloween party for sex offenders. I'm not going to dignify this any further except to wonder what kind of psychotic Thanksgiving and Christmas these vicious people will be handed in the coming months. I think parents should be outraged at this mockery.
The Chinese have entered the Halloween picture with maximum poison. Just about all of the Halloween decor I bought this year has been recalled do lead poisoning from Chinese manufacturers. In all honesty, I'm not angry at the Chinese for this deadly mess. I intend to lay blame on the shoulders of whom it belongs-American big business. American big business has gone to China with our government's blessing while we are being poisoned here at home. American big business is ignoring the fact that while they are after big profits in a country that has little manufacturing safety regulations, I, along with millions of others are being affected by Chinese-American crap. This summer has been the worst I've ever seen for recalling Chinese made products from toothpaste, pet food and now Halloween products. It is a sad and dangerous day when I seriously have to guard my pets and major celebrations from the Chinese. What will happen next? Will I eat a lead-based Thanksgiving turkey next month? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas may be inclined to relinquish Christmas for fear of high levels of lead based toxins.
A long lost phrase that all of us used to hear is heard no more: "Made In America". Sad to see that American celebrations and traditions are in the hands of other countries.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins-MEOW!

The Mind Of Moo
Between, Moo, Teddy Bear and myself, hands down Moo has all the brains. You know what? Moo is an awesome team leader. She has a heads up on peoples personalities. Look out if you get on her bad list. She has good judgment when it comes to people-I trust her instinct. She even knows before I know if I am going to have a good day or a bad day. As for Teddy Bear, he is in charge of housekeeping and he is very picky when it comes to the litter box. Overall, we love each other like no one will understand but on the other hand we expect no one to understand. In this household, Teddy Bear is indeed a "Mama's Boy" but the mind of Moo rules.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins-MEOW!
Cat Capital
A friend of mine recently attended a fund raiser for the cat organization in which she volunteers. From that evening, she reported that Cincinnati, Ohio ranks as the worst city for stray cats and the fifth worst city in the United States for torturing/killing cats. Living approximately twenty-three miles from Cincinnati, I'm embarrassed by this statistic. This statistic shed some light on the fact that after eight days, I have been unsuccessful in finding placement for the two little kitties abandoned where I live. When there are strays, there persists human negligence.
I have called fourteen no-kill shelters. Only six of these returned my calls, one admitting that when she got my message, she dreaded my call. I think her statement reflects why the other eight organizations did not return my calls. The six organizations that did return my calls did inform me that they absolutely had no room for two darling little kitties. It is a sad day when it becomes impossible to place two innocent unwanted kitties in a no-kill facility because the walls are bursting at the seams with unwanted or abused cats. Making matters worse is the fact that while people continue to refuse spay and neuter their pets, they dump their pets on shelters that are severely strapped for funds.
I always say that if one wants to see what our society has become, just visit your local animal shelter. Animal shelters are a true measuring stick of our true character. An example of this is when I recently stated that I truly believe God does place a needy animal in our paths to test our true character. Two ladies on their way to church who have grown resentful of my efforts to save the little kitties did not like what I said (not that I really cared). I then stated that one can go to church until the doors fall off the hinges. How one treats animals still reveals the truth about that soul. As a matter of fact, I rarely meet any church goer involved in any capacity to help any needy animal. I would like to see this statistic change for the better. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not here to bash any faith based organization nor am I out to get people of any particular faith. Many of my friends are lovely Christian people who have inspired me in more ways than one. I would like to see more rescue efforts from this sector of our community but I do not wish to hear what great pious things this sector does (but I am watching you) when apathy for the animal kingdom is under their feet. What happen to Noah's ark and all of those animals that were rescued for mankind's sake? God was very specific about how He wanted this task completed. Did not Adam have the divine privilege in naming all animal kingdom? The Christian sector of our community has a divine privilege to help change Cincinnati's poor image for animal neglect and cruelty. I have yet to get one of God's people to become part of the solution.
I had some residents locate me because a gentleman expressed interest in one of the kitties. When I discovered his identity, I became suspicious of this man when he changed his mind about this kitty claiming he wanted a kitten instead. He told me this six months ago. Local shelters are filled with adoptable kittens and this man has not found a kitten yet? I'm very suspicious of this man's motives and asked residents to be careful around this man.
I will continue my efforts. For now, I ask that you look at a web page, foreclosurecats.org. I was introduced to this web page by a lady whose organization could not accept the kitties. You will see a sad cat situation that occurred in Cincinnati earlier this year in which she was involved. This event should have never happened but it did happen. This scenario is why we must choose to be responsible human beings. This web page will pull your heart strings while offer solutions.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
Through The Window
My darlins and I are avid window watchers. We have pulled our talents since last Thursday night so as to keep a close eye on our recent feline guests. We want to keep them safe. We never know what to expect beyond our windows. Click on the image to enlarge so you can see what is actually in the tree.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
The Dean of All Men
Dr. James W. Thomson, or "Jimbob" as I like to call him, was recently honored at the Black Walnut Festival. As my doctor, I've known him for roughly thirty years. More down to earth and at times unethical in speaking to his patients, I suppose I get along with him-he picks on me and I pick on him. As a patient, I've had fun with Jimbob over the years. I stole all of his Halloween candy one year and made him mad. He and I sat in a waiting room taking turns with my cane smashing pee cups. He sent me a birthday card with a cat on it this year but I can't repeat what he wrote on it. Let's just say it had to do with the fact he has the distinction to see my anatomy.
Jimbob has a history of going all out for his patients. He helped me get Teddy Bear two years ago. Most of all, Dr. Thomson was good to my Dad right down until Dad passed away years ago. He respected Dad enough that he came to pay his respects at Dad's funeral.
The good news is that though Jimbob can now retire he announced that he does not intend to do so. I think he feeds off of everyone in the community. If truth be told I think he enjoys the people more than the medical profession.
Jimbob, thanks for all that you have done over the years and here is to many more years to come.
Until the nest dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!

First Look
Here is a first look at my outdoor little darlins. Pebbles, the little black girl, was photographed through a glass door. This was the best shot I could get of her for now. She is squirmy when she wants attention. Butterscotch, the orange and white little girl, was a bit more accomodating for my camera. Right now, the darlins are absent due to current rain. Actually it has been raining for about three hours. I'm sure they will arrive as soon as the rain lets up. No complaints for now as I have not seen this much rain since March. I seen more of Brittany Spears on my dern t.v. than I have seen rain. I'll opt for the rain as it is far more useful. Then hopefully, Pebbles and Butterscotch will return for the night.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
Grand Parade Of Me
Our society abounds with that train of thought, "it's all about me, _______ you, I've got mine" and not always at the billboard level. In addition to this, people who think this way also think those around them are obligated to help them. This theme was rampant around here since Friday as I stayed home to guard my little stray kitties. Here are just a few examples.
Friday, our building maid was fired for borrowing money from residents and not paying up. The mere fact that she violated policy by taking advantage of residents got her fired. She became angry at these residents and ran down a list of her grossly exaggerated health issues, things she is doing without and all the bills she owes. But the fifty something man she is shacked up with that refuses to work and refuses to take care of her is not at fault. Duh! Her life is not the responsibility of someone else. She needs to get rid of the "parked car". Waaaaaaaaa!
A U.S veteran residing here was asking women residents, not male residents, to take him to the V.A. today. This man is provided with VA transportation at his request. All he has to do is make a simple phone call. I personally witnessed his driver provide a business card to the veteran and specifically stated anytime the veteran needed a ride to make a phone call. However, the veteran claimed transportation was not available. Actually, he often complains about drivers authorized to help him. His grown children often help him as well. For this man, there is a non-existing gifted horse.
Moreover, there are some residents here that feel the entire building is all about them believing apartments should not be rented to men or women younger then them. Excuse me, this discriminating mentality went out the door in the 1960's. Come up to time.
Finally, during football season, I always my "Please do not disturb" sign on my door. I'm guarded a about about my football games. Reality dictates that "please do not disturb" means just what it means. I make exceptions if someone has a pet emergency, the building is on fire, a tornado has touched down, you know, act of God things. There is just that one person out there that chooses to ignore a simple friendly little request. Even worse, the visitor that ignored my privacy last night talks at 1600 psi and upsets Moo and Teddy Bear. I never as much as completed one sentence that I had to ask the visitor to leave.
Please do not think of me as a grinch. I'm all for helping people IN NEED not in greed. Lord knows how I was raised to help a neighbor, family member, friend, fellow man all of whom are going to hit a rough spot at some point in their lives. It is normal to help needy people. I'm sympathetic to help one who has a legitimate need and will help with what resources I have at my disposal. However, if I'm being sucked by a sucker, my resources would be depleted to help one who really has needs. Unfortunately, our society thrives daily thinking that everyone else is bound to help no matter how much dishonesty prevails. Social leeching like this is why I work harder in animal rescues.Animals only ask for love and food and risk their lives in daily pursuit of the two. There is just something unconditional about the animal kingdom. Sadly,our society has become sinister.
If there is something that you are unable to understand about my little sign, by all means, contact me.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
The Vigil Goes On
Darlins, at this time there is nothing like a good cup of coffee and knowing that my new feline residents are safe. I have now named the little black kitty, "Pebbles" and the orange and white kitty, "Butterscotch". I'm amazed at some of the support of some of the residents who have been kind enough to keep an eye out on these precious little darlins. People have pitched in to give them a little food and to love on them. Moo and Teddy Bear are helping with the watch. Some residents have taken it on their own to call me up to let me know where Pebbles and Butterscotch are located around the building. I think Pebbles and Butterscotch feel a bit safer because of the support. They have set up camp on the front landing after dark. At least they are out of the elements and hopefully out of harm's way. In the meantime, my efforts to find them room at a no-kill facility are still nil. There is no space anywhere as the shelters are crammed with unwanted or abused animals.
A friend who has helped me place rescues called me yesterday to check on Pebbles and Butterscotch. She had attended a fund raiser for her cat organization. She gave me sad statistic. Cincinnati is now ranked #5 in the United States as the worst and busiest place to dump cats. This sad statistic goes just perfect with Ohio's animal cruelty law that is considered the worst in the nation. No wonder I can not find any safe openings for Pebbles and Butterscotch.
Nonetheless, we will continue the vigil for Pebbles and Butterscotch despite the odds.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
What A Cat Week!
Indeed it has been a busy cat week for me and my darlins. I think the long awaited thunderstorms literally rained cats around my apartment building. My attempts to rescue all of them have taken some time from my schedule and playtime from Moo and Teddy Bear. Most of all, my heart strings have been stretched a bit for the lives of these sweet kitties.
Of course Baby Doll was Monday's success story. She has paid her visit to her vet. Though testing positive for FIV, she is in a loving home. However, I have three more little kitties around the building that took her place. There is another little black queen, an orange and white queen and a big ol gray and white tom with a case of "stud tail" vying for the girls attention. The little black kitty shows signs of pregnancy. Because of her pregnancy and the fact that she is black puts her at greater risk for her life.
My efforts to place them in a no-kill facility have been unsuccessful as they are filled to capacity. P.A.W.S. here in Middletown seemed to be on another planet. The staff lack passion and acted as if they are just there to put in their time. Definitely not friendly people. Their attitude may be why adoptions are down. They are actually going to hire a PR person. P.A.W.S definitely needs help with people and animal skills.
In the meantime, all I can do is continue trying to place these little darlins in loving homes. Sad to say, loving homes are becoming extinct or people would be kinder and these animals would not be left to fiend for themselves. The little black kitty stays around the building more as she craves attention from residents who walk past her. The other two darlins leave at daybreak. All in all, there have been some of us who have been placing food and water outside for all of these kitties. They seek shelter on the patio landing after dark. I'm discouraged at the moment and lose sleep worrying about their safety. However, I have to realize that not every rescue attempt will be met with success.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW
Virginia Ritan's Poor Excuse
At the request of a recent Dutch musician and new friend, I meandered over to Middletown city offices to collect recent MiddFest memorabilia. Saying hello to other office staff on my way up to the fourth floor, I was in good spirits as usual. Judge Mark Wall's bailiff, Gene came by and gave me a hug. Dot Dunlap was really sweet. Nonetheless, I made my request at MiddFest offices and a lady failing to introduce herself grew defensive at my efforts to honor a commitment that I am still going to honor. She actually seemed as if she did not want me to gather anything for our Dutch friends but insisted that she be the only one to send this memorabilia. She then tried to touch the ceiling lights with her nose and stomped away. I was shocked to find that this lady is none other than Virginia Ritan, MiddFest International Chairwoman. In the minute or so that she spoke to me I concluded a sad but voluminous image of Mrs. Ritan.
Ms. Ritan, you do not rule the solar system. Perhaps the rooster did not crow at your house this morning. Indeed you are why national polls consider %65 of Americans rude. You would be more suitable in fueling the negativity prevailing within the city. While you may think you are geared toward hosting international guests, please don't forget that charity starts at home. If you can not treat your fellow Americans with respect and dignity, how do you manage to fake your way in welcoming our foreign visitors? Please don't embarrass us in front of our foreign visitors. Remember, you do not run a kiss-my-address club. You are just another Middletown citizen like me. Most of all, you are a complete embarrassment to Middletown. You are what we in the south call a typical Yankee and rude to boot. You are why gravity is lost north of the Ohio river. Middletown and Middfest are not about you. If anything the two are about all of us. The recent Middfest was the most successful I had ever attended because of our Dutch visitors, volunteers and festival enthusiasts. I did not know you existed until I came to your office. Don't ever forget this reality.
As I strolled around the vicinity collecting memorabilia, businesses were happy to contribute based on how Virginia Ritan presented herself to me. I even ran into the lovely Deb Silverman from Cincinnati's WCPO news. Mrs. Silverman remembered our August interview. A business owner invited over to her home to join her, her husband and dogs for fellowship. The Middletown Journal contributed some news articles for my collection. Management at Manchester Inn made a contribution. Steve Murphy, in charge of Middletown Metro system was nutty as ever. All of these wonderful people are extremely busy but always happy to take time out for anything I need. No sucking up required.
Maybe we don't meet Virginia Ritan's standards, whatever they may be, but we are respectful of those around us no matter whom they are . Hey Virginia! You forgot to ask me "how are you?" In case you were wondering; I am fine and it's great to always be fine. You should try it sometime. While you may not care how you present yourself within the community, I do. I don't want to find myself on someone's blog acting like you did today in your office. So why is Virginia Ritan so special? Well the problem is that she is the only soul that thinks she is special. How sad. Imagine how much she is missing out on by distancing herself from so many wonderful people around her. Mrs. Ritan if you can not equally respect all Middletown citizens and contribute to a positive image for Middletown, maybe France is for you.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!
Baby Doll Tests Positive
I just received an email from the organization that took in Baby Doll yesterday. She tested positive for FIV. I'm so sad for her. She is such a lovable, sweet little kitty. The fact that she was so well socialized leads me to believe that someone obviously loved her. I wonder if her previous owners knew she was FIV positive. Along with the fact that she is jet black and it is October, she would have been subjected to horrible treatment. Still yet, she was part of the family of tenants next door that were evicted. According to newsletters from veterinarian schools that I receive each month the boosters that cats receive will cause a cat to test positive for FIV so you better hope that your cat does not stray and find itself in a shelter or it will be euthanized.
As for Baby Doll, she can not be placed for adoption. Because her life will be very short, she will be placed in a old Victorion home down in Cincinnati to finish up what life she will have left. Volunteers spend time with cats like her loving and caring for them. I would rather Baby Doll spend the remainder of her life this way as opposed to being subjected to human violence.
I am sad...
Until the next dive-bomb Baby Doll and all of my darlins-MEOW!

Darlin Costumes
Do my darlins dress up for Halloween? You bet. Here is Moo as a stalker and Teddy Bear as a lion.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins-MEOW!
Baby Doll's Bad Luck?
October and black cats always seem to up the ante for ignorance. Quite simply put, black cats are a target for pranks, rituals, mistreatment and sadly, death. Superstition dating back to colonial America tends to fuel the poor survival rate of these beautiful gentle cats. As a result, black cats are off limits for adoptions from October 1st to November 1st. All of this may have gone in favor of my new little friend, Baby Doll.
Moo introduced me to Baby Doll when she spotted her out of our window late Saturday night. I looked out and saw under the street light a small little black cat. I spoke to it which compelled the little black youngster to approach my window. Each time I spoke, the little cat would meow back on queue. I quickly grabbed some of Moo's and Teddy Bear's dry Purina One, a small bowl of water and hurried downstairs.
Instinctively, this little kitty met me on the other side of the door. It seemed thrilled to see me. After trying to determine it's gender under a street light, it was obvious this little black beauty was a female. Craving affection more than the food and water, this little kitty and I hit things off very well. She was the most affectionate little stranger of a kitty I ever met. I got the feeling she planned our meeting.
After playing with her for awhile, I had to go back up to my apartment. My heart went out to this little kitty.
Getting back inside, I looked out my window and the little darling was back in her spot, sitting on the ground, looking up at us. It is at this time I referred to her as a gentle little "baby doll". She and I talked back and forth until I saw two visitors exit the building. Little Baby Doll went straight up to these ladies to beg for attention. Nervously, I watched this confrontation. The ladies looked down at Baby Doll only to move on about their business.
Unable to sleep a wink, I worried about Baby Doll. I would get up on and off throughout the wee morning hours and look out my window. Sure enough, Baby Doll would be sitting on the cold ground looking up. My heart strings were really being pulled. I began to feel helpless due to building policy preventing residents from feeding or harboring stray animals. Sadly, she stayed on the cold ground all morning.
By daylight, Baby Doll was gone.
I called a cat rescue organization that helps cats and kittens in dire straits. I also called a friend of mine who volunteers with this organization as I knew she could be a huge help. It was decided that if I could catch Baby Doll, the organization would take her into their foster network. I had a gut feeling that Baby Doll would be back.
At about 8:10 p.m.Sunday evening, trotting across the parking lot came Baby Doll. I spoke to her and next thing I knew she was back beneath my window. Somehow I knew that she knew she and I now had a routine. So I got some more food and water. Sure enough, Baby Doll met me at the same spot downstairs. We were glad to see each other. After loving on each other, I picked her up and placed her in the cab of my truck. I hurried back upstairs to grab a pet carrier for the ready. I called my friend who advised me to bring Baby Doll over to her house. The plan worked!!!
Today, I successfully turned Baby Doll over to this cat orphanage. The lady who took her assured me that Baby Doll's odds of survival are nil during the month of October if left on her own. Coupled with the fact that Baby Doll was black right down to her little whiskers and it is October, this lady readily accepted Baby Doll into foster care. Our meeting was brief as Baby Doll was going to go straight to the vet. Sadly, I said goodbye to Baby Doll, handed over some cat food, new litter box with litter, cat toys and a donation.
As I drove home feeling good about another rescue, I could not help but feel that the so called bad luck associated with black cats can rightly be attributed to the superstitious ignorance of humans. For Baby Doll, this senseless bad luck became good luck for her on this day.
I must be honest about my observations regarding Baby Doll and other strays like her. She was often seen next door with a couple who recently got evicted. Commonly, evicted residents try to retaliate by leaving the pets behind. I witnessed Baby Doll roaming around the couples' building as if she was looking for them. Despite being abandoned and the black cat superstition, I'm glad Baby Doll chose to come to me. I truly believe that God does send needy animals to the people He knows will love and care for them. For this, I am honored Today she is safe and sound.
Finally, if you noticed, I did not mention the cat orphanage and the friend who helped me by name. The reason for this is that this organization is not a shelter nor do they wish to be treated like one. They take in cats who are in danger or have serious health needs. The have helped me in the past when it comes to rescuing cats. They do not want to be swamped with humans who no longer want their pets. This organization survives on donations and volunteers willing to foster cats until these lovely cats are adopted. They are strict as to who is allowed to adopt. For example households with small children or too many animals are denied adoptions. Further grounds for denial are allowing the cat outdoors.
As for myself, I would prefer that people in and around my apartment building not know about my rescues or I will be hammered with requests to take their pets that they no longer want. Many around her know my love of animals and of course they know what a devoted cat-mom I am to Moo and Teddy Bear. As a result, I'm approached by people asking me to help find a last minute home for the pets they no longer want.
Sad and never ending are the animal stories I encounter almost daily but God keeps me going.
Baby Doll, until the next dive-bomb my little darlin, good luck and MEOW!
Psychotic Misfit
Darlins, I don't know about you, but when I go to my local pharmacy, I like to get in and out without incident. However, there are those unfortunate ones who show up with their own drama.
Recently, I made a quick trip to my local pharmacy. I went to the back to pay for my items. There the staff and I traded our hellos. A lady in line before me went on and on about how employees embarrassed her and she would not return to the pharmacy. Ok. She is entitled to her opinions. Unfortunately, she dragged her point beyond absolute boredom that I was left in line about ten minutes praying to pay for my merchandise.
The pharmacist apologized over and over to this lady. I mean he did everything humanely possible to make things right with this lady. Finally, he had had enough. He stood up to her and explained that any time there is a change in a customer's prescription then he is bound by law to contact the customer's doctor and he refused to apologize for doing his legal duty. Good for him for saying it like it is and remain professional. At one point during her rage, we honestly thought she was capable of pulling out a gun. Nonetheless, this lady went on and on and on and on.... Finally I had had enough.
I walked over to the pharmacist and told him he was welcome to call my doctor any time he felt necessary for the mere fact that I thought the pharmacist was a complete babe. Next, this lady tried to blow a pipe with me. She had the audacity to tell me to stay out of her business. I slammed my cane down on the counter and told her I'm not in her business but I am in line waiting for her to finish acting like a psychotic misfit so I can pay for my items. I also told her that she just talked down to six staff members on the other side of the counter but her circumstances are are now different on my side of the counter. I then offered the pharmacist five dollars to call this lady's doctor back and see if he will prescribe a tranquilizer for her. The staff have a right to refuse service to any idiot that causes havoc in their business. I think she finally got the picture and left. My offer to the pharmacist still stands.
I never did figure out what this lady's claim to being embarrassed was all about. She made it her purpose to humiliate six pharmacy staff members because she obviously has no life. Just look at her picture. After watching her make a complete fool of herself I no longer cared as to what was her claim. All to often today, customers forget that all they are owed from any business is courtesy and service but nothing more. Customers are not entitled to force any employee to join the kiss-my-address-club. Furthermore, businesses are not obligated to rearrange the furniture nor part the Red Sea for unruly customers. My darlins I don't know about you but I get tired of going into a business and having to deal with a lab coat, stressed out, riled up, unhappy employee because they were humiliated from people like this lady before I walk in the door. If you are one prone to conducting yourself as did this lady then you should only get one apology because that is the most that any human being has to give. Allow the business to make things right with you then move on. If it takes numerous apologies to appease you, maybe someone should never let you out of your cage.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins-MEOW!

Big Ben's # 7
Normally, I do not blog more than once a day as I am too busy. I must make an exception. Today, my alma mater, Miami University retired Ben Roethlisberger's # 7 jersey. As a graduate of Miami, I can tell you that I never as much as heard of an athlete's jersey being retired at this university. Why? Miami has only retired three athlete's numbers in it's history. Big Ben did attend the ceremony today. Thanks for not forgetting us Ben!
So I spent much of the day, searching through thousand's of photo archives for the Ben Roethlisberger shots I took of him while he led the Miami Redhawks as our quarterback. I must say that the way you see him play with the Pittsburgh Steelers is the same way many Miami fans and alumni saw him play for the Redhawks.
Needless to say, I have not found the Big Ben photos I wanted which tells me I need to archive better. Nonetheless, I will resort to what little I did locate. In one photo you will see the exact kind of jersey Big Ben wore as a Redhawk during home games. These were sold at campus bookstores during his last year at Miami. Instinct told me to buy one. Now instinct tells me to preserve it in a big frame.
I would also like to make mention of Big Ben's coach and our coach, the late Terry Hoeppner. It was Coach Heoppner that put Miami University in the sporting spotlight with great humility. Coach Hoeppner was honored today in Miami's "Cradle of Coaches". It is probably Coach Hoeppner's success with Miami football and Ben Ben that now has the NFL taking a closer look at the Mid American conference.
Ben and Terry, thanks so much for the memories. We love you guys.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW!

De Roodneuzen First American Appearance
Since it's inception in 1981, the city of Middletown has been blessed with an international cultural event called MiddFest. The only festival of it's kind in cooperation with other international embassies, this event annually hosts a foreign country during the first weekend of October. After twenty six years and much personal partiality, MiddFest finally hosted the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Dutch Queen Beatrix even sent a Dutch representative to greet us. Being a Dutch American (Black Dutch), I knew I was going to take in the entire event. I actually followed Dutch guests around because I love how they talk! Love it! Love it! Love it! I have never met foreign guests who were eager to teach their culture, show hospitality and just be down to earth as I did our Dutch guests. Unlike past Middfest guests, our Dutch friends blended in and had as much fun as American festival goers. However, our next surprise were De Roodneuzen (Red Noses). Hailing from Utrecht as Utrecht's Feestorkest, they stole the show without realizing it!!!
On Friday evening when these big tall men took the stage for the first time with their brass instruments and percussion, I thought they will just be another big band. These guys are tall! At first, I was guilty of not being fair of taking them seriously. Why? Musicians at past MiddFests have not always been all too impressive to me. As I watched them play in 90 degree temperatures, they did well. Here I am with all of my digital cameras needing service and I did not care. It was just hot and I wanted to go inside the city building and ask all of my questions of our other Dutch guests.
I got into an elevator with some of these really tall Dutch musicians. My how I loved to hear them talk! They sound like they sing. I then went to a makeshift Dutch gift shop up on the fourth floor. I met two lovely Dutch ladies who were glad to answer questions. Though their names escape me, I will never forget these ladies. It is at this time I met De Roodneuzen manager, Patrick Nieuwendijk. Very friendly, the first thing Patrick said to me was "You know, Dutch men are considered the tallest men in the world". I stated that I agreed as De Roodneuzen were proof of that and this fact was also reported on US national news this year. Nonetheless, I found Patrick to be witty and down to earth to say the least.
The next night, my best friend and I attended. Patrick strolled by whereas I stopped him and asked him to tell my friend who are the tallest men in the world. He towered us and looked at my friend and smiled and said Dutch men are the tallest. My, what a great sense of humor.
Ok. I am being very partial to this festival because of my far removed Dutch heritage. However, I have to say the real true highlight of the festival was De Roodneuzen. For their first American appearance, these guys got better and better with their performances despite the intense heat. Each performance was fresh, energetic and fun and they made it this way. I really enjoyed the percussion as this has always been my favorite in big bands. However, I thought Ron van Zanten's trumpet playing stood out as very distinct. I don't know why his music stood out but it reached my ears. Clearly these big Dutch men loved what they were doing and because of this they made us love what they were doing. Most musicians tire out and start to treat their performances as a routine. Not so with De Roodneuzen. In past MiddFests, I have seen guests treat their visits as simply routine and they are ready to go home. Not so with De Roodneuzen. When these guys were entertaining us, they would mingle with the crowd and have fun. I think they revived our MiddFest!
Finally, on the last day of the festival, Patrick and I posed for a photo. He is so tall in that picture. Before that last performance, I sat with him and some of the the band. He asked me if I got a copy of their cd, "Net FF Anders". Guiltily, I said no. Patrick graciously handed me a copy of which I am am still enjoying immensely (I love the Mooie meid medley). His band mate, Marco was a lot of fun too.
Finally, their Sunday night finale was awesome! I would have thought after doing all of their performances in the heat and humidity would have got to them at that point. No! They performed like it was their first concert. At some point I felt like I was in a Mardi Gras. I mean they had people dancing and jumping up on that stage like their was no tomorrow. Some band members would stop, take their own digital cameras and take pictures or hand their cameras to audience members to take pictures. At no time did De Roodneuzen ever let the audience down. It was hard for me to believe this was their first time in the United States. I got a kick out of the reaction of co-chair, Judge Mark Wall. He was surprised and did not know what was coming. Sad to see all of it come to an end. I think they were sad to bring the festival to an end. Now a week later and temperatures ranging a 40-50 degree difference, I think De Roodneuzen took the heat with them.
For those who chose not to attend this year's Middfest, you missed out on great music and great people. I myself, learned a great deal, heard great music and most of all, made great new friendships. As for De Roodneuzen, We love you guys and want you to come back!!!
For further interest, De Roodneuzen does have a website at www.roodneuzen.nl. I encourage you to check it out. They would love to hear from you.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlins, MEOW! Ik houw mein katjes!!!!!!!
NOTE: Photo courtesy of Patrick Nieuwendijk. Used by permission.

Lawn Ornaments Of A Moron
Hello my darlings. I'm sad to greet you this morning with a negative story but reality abounds.
I received an email from Animal Friends Humane Society that broke my heart. In it was a report of an ongoing investigation with the Preble County Sheriff's Department and AFHS. On October 9, both agencies had raided a farm on Winnerline road north of Eaton, Ohio. Authorities found animals without food, water, some of which were tied to run down school buses. Authorities found no water on the premises and all these animals were being fed was white bread. Around 100 animals were found in deplorable conditions. These animals looked like run down lawn ornaments. Those that needed immediate medical attention were removed. Some were found dead.
Fox 45 News out of Dayton, Ohio found people living in the house with small children. Red flag!!! Abused animals and children do not go together. When one finds the two together then one has to wonder how the children are being cared for by those who are supposedly caring for the animals. I am concerned for those children.
Fox 45 News also tried to talk to a man living there with small children. He claimed he did not know what they were talking about. A lady found walking among this mess with a bucket of white bread made the same claim. Excuse me, but if people living among starving animals claim they do not know what is going on needs a reality check and I'm afraid they are going to get one soon. In my experience, when people such as these on this farm get caught in the act of animal cruelty, they commonly make the claim of ignorance or the claim of being bipolar. In every animal cruelty case I've listened to in a courtroom, I've heard the same defense; "I didn't know".
Another alarming fact is that this same news station investigated the owner of this farm. It has been discovered that he has had sixteen animal cruelty violations since 1992! I'm alarmed that this man has been allowed to live among his community for fifteen years with just one animal cruelty violation.
Unfortunately, Ohio law does not prevent owning animals even if you have been cited for animal cruelty. Furthermore, this lame law only charges animal abusers with a misdemeanor. As I had said before, judges have the animal cruelty law at their disposal but rarely use it. As a result, abusers get their slap on the wrist, go back to their communities to quietly elevate more crimes against people. This is exactly how every serial killer in th US grew into monsters.
Animal cruelty and neglect are a red flag and against the law!
NOTE: Photos submitted by AFHS.
Until the next dive bomb...

Been Thinkin' Orange
After Electric Blue, I got to thinking about the color orange. It is the least of my favorite colors. After looking through my apartment, I was amazed to discover this unpopular color on things I love and use. Yet it remains an unpopular color for me. I further realized that I'm guilty of taking advantage of this hot color.
If we stop and think about this color, it does not seem to be popular in clothing design, team sports (Sorry Cincinnati, Cleveland and U Tenn but I love you guys) nor home decor. Around here, I'm accustomed to seeing this color used in construction sites or by a county jail chain gang-a road use color. Also, orange is the color of one of my least favorite candies-candy corn! Then let us consider the color orange as a source of heat whether it be the sun (for those who do not think of the sun as yellow) or a simple fireplace-we are guilty of these oversights.
As I began the search for orange in my home, I was amazed at what I found. First and most importantly, there is my beloved red Tabby, Teddy Bear. Mama's boy never goes unnoticed. Yes, Yes, I know; red tabby cats are orange. Then I found orange on things that I use from the florescent orange container for Tide, Halloween decor, even my photography.
Now that it is October, I, like most people enjoy the color orange. I love to see orange come to life during harvest as the cycle of planting ends and harvest begins. I have to admit, though it is finally getting cold, the presence of orange with a good nippy frost and a good cup of coffee tends to keep my surroundings warm.
Aesthetically speaking, and from now on, I'll have to look around before I say to myself I'm not much on the color orange.
Until the next dive-bomb my darlings...MEOW!

Electric Blue, Very Blue
Here is my favorite flower, the blue Bachelor Button. I have loved this under-rated flower since childhood. I recall as youngsters, my brothers and I use to get these little flower packets out of Butternut bread consisting of Bachelor Button seeds. I planted every packet I could get my hands on. I guess the beauty of this little annual takes me back. One of the easiest little annuals to grow, I'm just sad I do not often see it anywhere else.
The peacock is my friend at the Cincinnati zoo. He is one of few animals allowed to roam the premises. He enjoys following people around. It seems after he gets his picture taken he moves on to the next photographer. Very aesthetic indeed. He won my heart. He is my one and only favorite flasher.
I've been sitting here going through my photo archives and these blue colors stand out as the best color I have ever photographed even though red is my favorite color. Believe me, if there was such thing as a red Bachelor Button, it would definatly be my favorite flower. Peacocks are so beautiful they do not need red. Wow!
Ok. So maybe your eyes do not see things as mine do. Maybe I'll analyze another color later...
I am still swamped with much to do here at home but could not resist sharing this beauty.
More to come...
Until the next dive bomb, my darlings-meow!
Animal Cruelty-Ohio Is The Worst!
Greetings my darlins! Let me first say it is great to be back. Without going into detail, I've been swamped with many projects. With these and the fact that I keep a handwritten journal, I've neglected my blog. I hope to make up for my absence in the future. Of course, Moo and Teddy Bear keep things lively around here. The little darlings have now learned to take my ironing board hostage. When I need to do my ironing, I always find the ironing board in a hostage situation. Too funny!
I've spent the last months within our local courts listening to animal cruelty cases. Animal cruelty has now become a weekly routine. Even the court staff are asking what is the problem with animal cruelty. I wish I had the answer. I also wish I had the answer as to why those who mistreat animals are getting an judicial slap on the wrist. Having been found guilty of animal cruelty, these people take their slap on the wrist back to their communities only to elevate abusive behavior toward others-especially children. I'm not comfortable living around abusive people.
For those of you outside the state of Ohio you may need to understand that Ohio's animal cruelty law has not been changed since 1875! There have been a couple of amendments but nothing more. Senator Gary Cates, R-West Chester, Ohio, stated that Ohio judges have the state's animal cruelty law at their disposal but they refuse to use it. Well said Senator.
Furthermore, for some elusive reason, state lawmakers refuse to change the charges of animal cruelty from a misdemeanor to a felony. As voters, we can not change the current law-only state lawmakers have the authority to do so. However, as voters we can continue to lobby for change.
Why did I suddenly decide to observe animal cruelty cases in court? Since animal cruelty is a routine crime punishable by a slap on the wrist, I wanted to see and hear with my own God-given senses why these evil people are literally getting a free pass for irresponsibility. I have heard first hand the same excuses from abusers; "I didn't know", "I didn't have the money to take better care of my pet". Give me a break!!! These people seem to have money to pay an expensive attorney to get them out of trouble. Furthermore, ignorance is a common excuse to lay blame somewhere else. My darlins, I will never fathom an adult having any reason to neglect, torture or kill an innocent animal.
Along with my concern for abusers being back among the responsible part of society, I'm alarmed at judicial decisions to pick apart if not throw out by fiat the current animal cruelty law after finding defendants guilty! For example, this past August, Judge Robert Lyons of Area I Court in Oxford, Ohio, found Otis Clark Jr. of Somerville, Ohio guilty of animal cruelty. Clark admitted he left his dog chained 24/7 and had no intentions of getting vet care for the dog. Yet, Clark refused to sign ownership of the dog over to the shelter so as to allow it to be put up for adoption. He pleaded no contest which is saying he is guilty but does not know what laws he broke. Judge Lyons agreed Clark was guilty of torturing the dog as defined by Ohio law. Judge Lyons ordered Clark to pay the shelter for surgery and boarding, take the dog to the vet every 90 days, read a book on dog care and be subjected to random checks on the dog. Judge Lyons signed a court order for the dog to be returned to it's abuser!!! What if this had been an abused child? Would Lyons return the abused child back to it's abuser along with a book on child care?
The real hypocrisy is when county auditor Kay Rogers discovered after Judge Lyons decision, he failed to license his own dogs in 2006 right up until July 12th-before he heard this case. Ah ha! In order for Judge Lyons to claim he was unbiased, he had to get his own dogs licensed or the Clark case would have been thrown out of court. For nearly five months, Lyons refused to talk to the very animal control officers and veterinarian after he subpoenaed them to court.
Not being one for organized protests, I did join in the one organized against Judge Lyons. I have learned to be careful where I lend my support because people can take my support and abuse it. Moreover, people involved in protests can act like complete idiots. I'm not comfortable getting involved with people who instigate shouting matches, name calling and religious arguments. On behalf of these poor animals I had to do something. I attended this one against Lyons with my sign to send out a message the he has intensified a hostile environment toward innocent animals.
So for the past months, I have been involved in the animal crusade and will continue my involvement until our laws are changed to protect every last animal. Moo and Teddy Bear would greatly appreciate this.
Until the next dive bomb my darlins, meow!