Sunday, December 31, 2006

Countdown To Gratitude

Like many of you, I will try to do a last blog entry for 2006. Unlike most, I will not sit here and reflect on this past year's mistakes. Lord knows I made plenty of those and will continue to do so. Also, I don't intend to sit here and make far fetching resolutions for the upcoming year as I like to leave those in God's hands and just follow Him. I like to conclude the remaining time of 2006 with a grateful heart and then steal away and pray until midnight. Like many of you, I did not have a perfect year nor did I expect one. I do have many things to be grateful for both good and bad.

I concluded the evening with about a dozen friends. We all enjoyed the fellowship but agreed we wanted to get home early so as to avoid road rage, cell phone drivers and partying people. People seem more conscious of traveling on New Year's Eve. I get nervous every day I get behind the wheel knowing I have to share the roads with some outraged, careless soul out there. The ligaments in one side of my neck can still attest to this fact two years after I plowed into a lady who pulled out in front of me all because she just wouldn't put down her cell phone. Darlings? Cell phones and driving are just as dangerous as drinking and driving and every day of the year so git that in yer dern thinkin NOW!

My year, as any year, was filled with trials. I am in the habit of surrounding myself with people who are responsible and like to get things done. I avoid those who lean on excuses to not get things done. These people tend to be persistantly negative, lay blame or whine. I ran into more and more negative people that just love to tear down upbeat people. Sad as they may be, they can rob one of their joy and I am guarded about my joy. Rather than verbally lash out at these sort, I must admit I don't know what to do with them other than hide. I have learned to accept the fact that positive people like me are rapidly becoming an enemy in a society that is moving more and more toward lawlessness. While my goal is not to condone negative souls, I have set a goal to learn how to deal with negativity but not to become a part of it.

The one thing that stands out the most in 2006 is the losses of my good friend Jessica and my aunt Shirley within three days of each other. Being at the death beds of friends and loved ones is not hard for me. As a matter of fact I consider it an honor that the dying ask me to be there with them. However, being at Jessica's and Shirley's deathbed was a bit overwhelming in a matter of days as I travelled from city to city to be there for them.

Jessica had lived her life with spinal muscular dystrophy. She was forty-five years old when she passed. She only asked one time why she was born with the disease. Her father explained why it was God's will for her to live the way she lived. After this was explained to her, she never questioned her living arrangements ever again. She lived her life knowing she had a death sentence over her head but I could never tell she was aware that she should never have lived past the age of twenty. Jessica loved people and she loved life. I never heard her complain about anything. This is not to say she was incapable of complaining; she just chose not to complain. To me, she proved that happiness or misery is strictly a matter of choice. She was also bothered that people always told her that she was a source of inspiration. Jessica reminded these people that she faced the same temptations as the next person. The last email she sent me was January 3, 2006. It had wonderful photos of, what else, cats. I kept that email in my system much of the year until I unsuccessfully moved it to another file.

I always sat with Jessica in back of the church on Sunday mornings as she could not maneuver her wheelchair around the pews. We had a ball. When people came in, they always flocked around her and just loved on her. When she was hospitalized for the last time, a gentleman that sat behind me one Sunday morning asked me about how she was doing. I responded by saying that if God's purpose was to have Jessica to live a physical life as He chose, put her in our church only to have her to touch our hearts as often as she did, then He accomplished His goal. This gentleman agreed. Then our Pastor announced to the church that Jessica's family was called into the hospital as her time was short. I then grabbed my Bible and left for the hospital. Suprisingly, when I arrived, her family allowed me to spend an hour and a half with her. She and I still managed to joke around even though she could barely speak and could no longer eat or sleep due to muscle atrophy and muscular failure. I finally stood up in front of her and told her I had mysteriously run out of things to say and was now nervous. She thanked me for being honest with her. I told her I will go home. The last words I said to her was "I love you". I never saw her alive again. I do know in my heart that she walked if not ran into Heaven's gates.

Meanwhile, aunt Shirley was also on her way out of this life. From the time she celebrated her fiftieth wedding anniversary, she spent the next five months in the hospital. Her complications began when her last kidney was removed due to cancer (the Adams curse). She had gotten to the point that she had had enough of the hospitals. I think what brought her down emotionally was that she did not get to enjoy the holidays. She loved cooking during the holidays and she loved being surrounded by family. All Adams' are family oriented, especially around holidays.I made countless visits to Shirley all my life and never was there a time I went in her and uncle Andrew's house what I did not leave without eating a homecooked meal. She expected visitors to eat or else she took offense. We spent a lot of time in her garden every year-- her source of joy. I also enjoyed countless times over the years hearing here tell stories about family and folklore down home. Here was a lady that got along very well with her family. She helped her parents, brothers and sisters and attended all of their funerals. She was the sole survivor of her family and like all Adamses, she never forgot from where she came. Upon Shirley's passing was the passing of that entire Adams generation. Aunt Shirley, along with all Adamses, are the ancestors of whose shoulders I stand upon today. The Adams generation today are now my generation and the little ones after us.

My darlings, don't get me wrong. It does not bother me in the least in being at someone's deathbed as I did this with my Dad and others. Being at deathbeds to hear the dying's last words is an honor. It is when several of these appearances from some of the most influential people in my life happened almost simultaneosly and made the third week of March a bit overwhelming but memorable. Today, I don't remember how I got through that week.

I will conclude by sharing something I saw this morning that I rarely see any longer. As everyone left the morning service, I noticed a elderly married couple with whom I am friends. As they left, the gentleman looked behind him and took his wife's hand. I watched them walk out to the parking lot hand in hand. In an age where gays are fighting for the rights that heterosexuals have God ordained and legally protected but no longer want; the right to marry and the right to raise children, the foundational family is declining, taken for granted, ignored or treated as a matter of inconvenience. However,I respect that gentleman in how he treated his wife today. His wife did not walk behind him. She walked beside him. I am sure throughout their years they tired of each other, fuss and argued and maybe come close to throwing their hands up and saying 'I quit'. But that is just it they did not look like quitting when I saw them. I have a great deal of respect for a man that has been married to the same woman for a million years and can still reach out and take her hand because he wants to do so. I have even more respect for a man that knows his family are God-given and his responsibility is to care for them while on this side of Heaven. Sad to say, many youngsters today can not possibly trace their roots because they have been denied the reality of both blood parents for selfish reasons. Because the traditional family is not taken seriously today, I love to ask couples who have been married for decades what their marriage has been like all of these years. They will tell you that it has never been easy but they still are committed to each other, children and grandchildren. They will teach you that the word commitment keeps a marriage and keeps a family. You will get a blessing when you ask long time married couples about their marriage. The longer they have been married the more you will learn. You will hear about a family that many young people today have not been exposed to but you will learn about the foundation of marriage and family as it was intended. I once asked my aunt Shirley whatit was like being married to uncle Andrew. She said "Sometimes he gets me so mad I want to ring his neck but love outdoes the temptation to kill him". This elderly couple I saw at church today made my last day of the year a blessed day. I enjoy watching people love and respect other people.

Finally, I concluded my cat campaign for the year. I made it a point to wear something or pass out something with a cat on it. Men had the same response; "I hate cats!" or "Don't you have something with a dog on it?". Too funny. Today, a gentleman who teases me about my kitties approached me,handed me a gift and said "Here's something for your stupid cats!". I opened it and there was a beautiful cat comb and cat toy. Teddy ear loves the cat comb but I don't know what Moo did with the cat toy. I told everyone to be with me next year when I start my new campaign. They just don't know that the new campaign will bring. Could it be...more cats? We'll see what 2007 will bring.

In the mean time, I conclude 2006 in wealth-wealth in the many wonderful friends I am blessed to have in my life. These are friends that pick on me (my favorite friends), lift me up, inspire, challenge me to think, make me laugh, enjoy coffee and good books, don't always agree, are loyal, love Moo and Teddy Bear, are old, are young, are of different walks of life, responsible, creative, not creative, love sports, are not into sports, and not one of them knows anything about tether ball. All the same, they just blow my hat off and into the creek!

Darlings the hot apple cider is delicious but the dive bombs are getting heavy-meow and Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Unannounced Dive Bomb

Whenever I shower or bathe, Moo and Teddy Bear are nearby. Madame has taught herself to stand in the dry spot of the shower and hope that I will toss a toy that she brought with her. Teddy Bear usually lays his little butt on the vanity. However, Teddy Bear got a bit bold and decided he would walk a lap around the bathrub. The little darling slipped and dive bombed himself into the bath water. Quickly and almost successfully jumping out, he slipped and fell in the bath a second time. I became worried as I can stand water very hot and the water may be too hot for him. Teddy Bear finally got out soaking wet and scared as this is the first time he fell in the bath. I put on my natural born swim suit, grabbed a towel and went after the little darling. Poor little feller looked like a very drowned kitty. I wrapped the towel around him and took him in my arms. He being docile allowed Mama to dry him off. He is back to being very bushy, sweet, spoiled but smelling like "Coast" Now that he and Moo have successfully been initiated in the bath, I'm sure both know when and where to not do their divebombs.

Until the next dive bombs my darlings-meow.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Medical Insurance Aliens

Darlings, after upgrading my medical insurance, I did not realize how politcal insurance has become until I lost my doctor of seventeen years. Why? He is not in their network despite the fact he has asked to get into the insurance company's network. Why is he not allowed in the network? He is not in their region despite the fact he is discovering more of his patients are getting the same medical insurance as mine. I asked some of the staff at my favorite hospital why they will not get into this network. Their answer was that the hospital wants to keep it's independence because insurance companies tend to dictate how and what services that hospital will render to patients. Thinking that this insurance company will benefit me in what I pay out of pocket, I lost two more doctors. I don't know about you my darlings, I can certainly feel the inconveniences of my medical care. Also, for the past two weeks, I have been set back several hours, trying to sort things out with these new insurance aliens over the telephone. Between them and medical staff, all I have heard is "I'm having a bad day" as an excuse for not being professional, courteous and efficient. This is unacceptable and I'm tired of hearing it. Wonder what their Christmas was like for them? Hmmmm? Since November, I have been given five hundred new insurance cards that I no longer know which one to use. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Somebody help!

On the one end of the medical spectrum, there has been a history of fraud on the part of doctor and patient alike. Doctors have lost their license over erroneous services that were never rendered. Patients have been known to make medical claims that never existed. Therefore, I can understand why the insurance companies have to be gaurded about services for which they are going to pay.

Frivolous lawsuits have skyrocketed insurance costs as well as medical costs. I'm suprised to hear of youngsters who desire to get into medical school with the financial risks involved. The premiums doctors have to pay so as to cover themselves in the event of malpractice is astronomical. Then there are those doctors that just have to have that lavish life style in which to pay. Some get a bit desparate. For example, I had a case tied up in court several years ago. This case involved an auto accident in which a lady ran out in front of me. Needless to say, there were medical bills. Doctors who rendered services knew these services were tied up in court but they would eventually be paid. However, one doctor continued to hound me. He personally wrote letters demanding immediate payment. One of those letters stated that my attorney threatened him. I placed the letter down, picked up the phone and called that boy's office. The receptionist said he was not in at the moment. I advised her that since he wrote this letter then he is the man with whom I wish to speak. Within minutes of my hanging up the phone he called. I asked him how my attorney threatened him. Doctor stated that it was not really a threat but he was warned that he may not get his money. I reminded him that he is well aware that the case is in court. Further, I reminded him that no doctor has ever taken it upon himself to call me at home demanded me to pay my bill. He went further to say that people think he has a lot of money but in reality he lost a great deal of money in investments. I stated that this is not my problem. I assure you my darlings I do not go back to this doctor any longer.

Now that my insurance can dictate to whom my doctors will be I am concerned about in whose hands my health will be. When I go into a medical office, it is as if I'm accosted by some lady in a 'Snoopy' smock wanting to know how I'm going to pay for the office call. In some medical offices, patients will be turned away if their method of payment is not satisfactory. Then there are just outright rude people in those medical offices. Since September of this year, I have refused to return to two doctors offices due to constant rudeness if not outright insults from staff members. One doctor refused to see me any longer as it had been several years since I had been in his office. In another office, the lady who does all of the billing is not permitted to speak to me as she insulted me so outrageously for no apparent reason. Her office manager takes care of my bill from now on. Here is more rude. It is my understanding that if a person has Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and their staff talk down to these patients something awful. I have been told the reason behind this is because of slow payments from the government to doctors. I feel sorry for those patients. Could it be insurance politics or just a sign of the times.

I'm a bit more bold than most people. I just do not accept rude and I will tell you that on the spot! For example, I was referred to a specialist after some tests of mine showed some abnormalities. I faithfully made appoiments only to be cancelled. After I was rescheduled again ( I don't remember how many times he had cancelled me), I walked in to the office to sign in and was told once again I had been cancelled. I stood there and said enough is enough. I stood in front of the receptionist, took out my cell phone, called my regular physician and told him this specialist has done nothing regarding the tests. I was told to wait right there until he called back. So I stood there and told the receptionist that I'm going to stand there and stare at her until my regular physician's office calls back. Sure enough, my call came. I was told that another like specialist will see me now. I then looked at the receptionist and said "Beam me up Scotty!" and I left.

Attitudes in the medical profession are getting defensive that rudeness is common. However, I bet if I were to walk in with a 6'-5'', 300lb man, the medical staff would part the Red Sea and rearrange the furniture for both of us. Sad to say, women in the medical profession are worse and I would take a male nurse over a female nurse any day of the week. I have also noticed that women and the elderly do not get the best of medical care simply for being who they are on this planet.

I would submit that if you are not a people person, you should stay out of the medical and insurance professions. To work with people you are going to be required to listen to your patients and this is next to impossible if you have an attitude. These two professions are ostentatious in letting us know they are all about money. Many of them are brave enough to let you know they do not care wether you like them or not. I realize there may be some exceptional doctors, nurses and insurance representatives out there that have made a difference in the lives of others. If this is you then I salute you with my cane.

I will accept none that three of the best doctors I have dealt with are Dr. Thomas Hughes in Oxford, Ohio; Dr. Robert Reed in Cincinnati and Dr. James Thomson in Camden, Ohio. These three men still ask me "What seems to be the problem?" The first two gentleman have excellent bedside manners and stick to health. The latter doctor is a complete card. He has a big mouth, uses strong language, tells it like it is, is a cheuvanist, and sometimes stuck on himself. He picks on me and I pick on him. He is real tall and I am not real tall. I call him "Jimbob" and this makes my day. He also helped me get my little darling Teddy Bear. Actually, by request, Moo and Teddy Bear have been visitors in his office. Despite his unorthodox demeanor, if I had a medical need, he addressed it the same day I would call in the office. Furthermore, because Jimbob knows my health history as well as the family health history, he knows exactly how to treat the Adams family especially with genetic stuff. My late Dad sure thought a great deal of Dr. Thomson. I had seen countless times when in failing health, that my Dad would come home laughing at Jimbob because of something he said or did to Dad. With the poor health that my Dad was forced to endure, he could not possibly emotionally deal with the likes of attitudes in the medical profession today.

I also like the fact that Jimbob never has beaten me over the head with a medical dictionary. He speaks in plain English and often gets close to his patients. Two of his staff members, Peggy and Brenda have always been outstanding when it comes to paying the bill even though patients have knowingly left Jimbob hanging when it comes to paying their office calls. When I have free time, I love to just stop in and just pick on them. If I have been away to long, they always asked where I have been. There is always laughter in that office even if I have to bring it with me. I think the day that Jimbob gets out of the medical profession, and that time may close, we will loose the last of the old school doctors. I lost him twice as my physician because of insurance politics. Now I have to pack up my health and dump it in the lap of a doctor that does not even know me. Nowadays, when I go to a doctor's office I don't know if I'm going to get my head bit off or just cancelled. I'm wondering if I should just take maxipads or tampons and pass them out to staff members whenever I go to the doctor's office. I know that is not a lady like idea, and my apologies for mentioning it, but it may just get a point across.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas; Epilogue

Darlings, it is indeed a wonderful day as is every day! I owe no one for my Christmas gifts. This giving and receiving was straight from the heart. I don't have to worry about January debt due to irrational shopping. My role model is that Jesus gave from the heart and on the spot. He never has and never will use an I.O.U. I did not wake up hungover nor in jail though some will wake up in this state. I discovered I will be a great aunt for the third time. Moo and Teddy Bear have vandalized the place with their Christmas toys. I do not have to sneak off from work to make returns at the stores. The coffee is hot and fresh. Through all of this, I did think of my Dad. He never let go of holiday tradition. I think if he were here today, he would be appalled at the nonsense that happens at Christmas.

If you read my previous blog, Coalminer's Christmas, you will get more perspective regarding my Dad. Dad always strived to please everyone at Christmas but he expected the season to be a family affair. He always managed to get everyone for what they asked. He called upon or received family from out of state. Locally, he expected all of us to be present-no excuses. The Adams household was packed with good home cooked food and family because of Dad's efforts. When Dad passed many years ago, he may have taken with him, the ability to draw family in during the Season. Today, I have noticed that all family, not just Adams', seem to go through the motions during major holiday seasons. During this Season, I did become aware of people who have family that did not spend nor invite them for the holiday. As Christmas becomes more commercial, traditional family gatherings are disappearing. I tell my family that old cliche; times are short but give me your rose now while I am capable of enjoying it. Don't wait until I'm flat on my back in a hospital only to then give me the rose in hopes you appease my conscience and yours.

Enjoy and love your family today and every day. Trying to change them to be like you doesn't count for anything but anguish. For those of you who are parents unexpectedly, your life is over as you know it and you have kids to raise. If you feel your life has been interrupted because of an unplanned family, you should have thought about that the night you were out looking for love to come to town via Planned Parenthood instead of Santa Claus. Don't expect someone else to do what you are supposed to be doing-raising your own kids. I got a novel idea. Spend Christmas with your family. For those of you living an irresponsible life that you are grieving your family-stop it! Please do not use a Christmas holiday to let all of this junk surface and then be a emotional curse on you and everyone around you for the upcoming new year. Believe me, I want no part of your misery and neither does anyone else for that matter. I am too old for this nonsense inyhoo.

I feel blessed to hold on to the tradition and meaning of this Season. I am blessed to wake up with the grateful heart that I have in my spirit. As I have already been out and about today, all I encountered were people returning gifts. Where is your gratitude my darlings? If that sweater is too big find someone else who can use it. It was a gift to you so you're not out anything. So you didn't get a Play Station? Go get a job, save your money, camp out on a mall parking lot and get your own Play Station but you may be required to go to work after Christmas along with Mondays and Fridays. Ok, so Aunt Martha gave you a fruit basket and you don't want it. Send it to me. I love fruit! As a matter of fact if there is anything you got for Christmas but do not like; shut up and send it to me my darlings. Oh wait! What about all of those Christmas cards you got? Someone thought enough of you to send you a card right? Didn't those mean anything to you? How about that guy who cussed me out in the elevator today? What kind of spirit is that all about? Wow! I bet he won't do that again. On purpose I took the elevator to his floor, drove him crazy that he was glad to get off the dern thing. What a piece of sandpaper! Too funny yet sad for the miserable soul.

Sound like an angry blog? You bet my darlings as this is what transpires around me so don't get mad at me. I'm documenting exactly what people refuse to acknowledge. Here is more...

Cincinnati has recorded it's eighty-second homicide of the year-the highest recorded homicide rate for this city. This is not the 'Reason For The Season'. I will be willing to bet you that it will only be worse next year. I don't know if I should cut back with attending Reds games or take a pit bull with me. I'm still pulling for the Reds.

The good news of this Season other than my joy-the baby Jesus was NOT kidapped in Cheviot this year. Amen.

My darlings, I hope the Season brought you many blessings as it did for me! I don't have much nor do I need much but I am truly blessed.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry CHRIST filled day for you my darlings!

I began the day will a bit more rest than usual but as Moo and Teddy Bear would have it, they wanted their mom up and awake. I got up and got the coffee going. While that was under way, I got the kitty stockings down and let the darlings have their toys. Moo has been on top of the refrigerator trying to get into their little Christmas stockings as you can see. Here it is several hours and a pot of coffee later and the little darlings are still dive bombing the place.

Then of course I had to call my Mother to wish her a very Happy Birthday. I did tell her I'm still trying to give my pack of brothers away (they are still up for grabs). They still live and think like a football team. I hope they and theirs have a wonderful Christmas.

In my quest for some quiet time, I think this will be the only day for the opportunity. So I've elected to run around in sweat pants and beat up Miami University t-shirt and hide. Rainy as it may be, today is still a wonderful day. Sooooooooo, I'm going to throw another imaginary log on my imaginary fire place and relax. Tomorrow, I will be entertaining a long time college friend from out of town so I want to be rested up.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Please Leave Christmas Gifts Here

I awoke this morning to find more Christmas gifts at my door. I found a beautiful notebook and box of chocolates from a gentleman whom I pick on a lot! He was very thoughtful. Then I went to church for a wonderful sermon. Prior to services, I stood in as a greeter but received unexpected gifts. One of those gifts was about five pounds of the new cherry cordial Hershey's kisses from a gentleman whom I pick on a lot. Getting back to my door at home, I think for the fun of it, I will have Randyman Sign & Graphics design my door next year saying "Please Place All Our Christmas Presents Here" for all of the goodies left there for Moo, Teddy Bear and myself. Just kidding. The thoughtfulness of all my neighbors is a blessing and it is wonderful to have great neighbors.

Well my darlings, I wish the peace of God upon you this Season.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kitty's Secret Santa

With just two days before Christmas, I was delighted to spend the evening ministering to the elderly. When I came home, there was a gift bag left at my door. As I looked inside the bag, I became amused that Moo and Teddy Bear continue to steal the hearts of our neighbors. This is the third Christmas that different neighbors bring by little gifts for my kitties. Inside the gift bag were little toy fur balls, a tray to sow green grass (for those who are unaware, cats do crave green grass) and a host of cat nip. Moo is partial to cat nip but Teddy Bear does not respond. He is enjoying the fur balls. Of course, as their cat mom, I do put up little stockings for them at Christmas and I get them little toys for their birthdays. As a cat mom, I confess I am a hopeless sucker for my kitties. Moo stole a ninety-one year old lady's heart today. When Moo darts off, she knows I can not run. I found Moo down the hallway in this elderly lady's arm's enjoying kisses on the head. It touches my heart that Moo and Teddy Bear bring so much love and happiness into hearts of people.

Merry Christmas!

Until the nest dive bomb my barlings-meow

Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Cat Memorium

I can't help it my darlings but I always see the little things around Christmas. These little things cannot come from anywhere but the human heart. It is these little things that not only last but grow very big inside my soul. For me it is the things that people say that touch me so much during the holiday season.

Today, I was in such a rush meeting appointments and other obligations, none of which included any shopping, that I felt that I was going to hyperventilate. I was also starving to death. In my mad rush, a dear eighty-eight year old lady yelled for me and said she had something for me. I turned and said I was so rushed that I had to hurry and leave. She seemed pretty persistant and sad to say I felt annoyed. I walked up to her and asked her what she needed. Virginia said "I know how much you love cats so I want you to have this. It belonged to my daughter that passed away in 1998". She put something in my hand. I looked into my hand and there was this beautiful gold plated pewter pin with a cat, candy cane and mouse. I was speechless! I told Virginia that I felt so honored to have her daughter's cat pin. I felt bad that I had to rush off to a medical appointment but I managed to thank her. I plan to set time aside tomorrow to meet Virginia just to spend time with her. I am still looking at this pin and have decided to wear it at services Sunday. As a tribute to Virginia and her daughter, this little cat pin will be worn on Christmas by me. I also have a special cat box in which to put this pin. Out of love, she thought of me and something I love very much. It is this spirit that means more to me than what could come out of a mad rush at the mall.

Three more days 'til Christmas! God bless you Virginia.

Unitl the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jesus Whoopin Crime

Darlings, I glanced at the front page of our Middletown Journal to see proof that the holiday season is indeed in full swing. Johnny Ray Watkins was finally found guilty for killing a homeless man over a twelve pack of beer. Retailers are encountering some really vicious shoppers (I hope I'm not on their gift list) that items deemed potentially anger provoking for fear of confrontation between shopper and clerk, are being removed from the shelves. A pizza delivery man was set up to be robbed only to be killed by his attackers. Raymond Tanner of Fairfield, who cut off his wife's head in 1990, now gets a Christmas slap on the wrist by getting his counseling sessions reduced to eight sessions a year at the mental hospital to where he was confined. Now we have an increase in Christmas vandalism dubbed by the Butler County Sheriff Department, "Jesus whoopin crime". This entails stabbing or stealing inflatable outdoor Christmas decorations. Of course the local news has been replete with brutal beatings if not killings of little kids by an angry mother or mom's current live in boyfriend. We have yet to hear of the reports whereby some guy will beat to death his girlfriend or wife for getting him the wrong shotgun for Christmas. We have to wait until after Christmas for this. I ask you; Is all of this in the name of Jesus? Would you want your good name attached to all of this crime as the name of "Jesus"? Though He is hardly mentioned around Christmas, He was born to die for all of this seasonal paganism.

You may say that some of my blogs during this season have been rather negative. I agree lawlessness abounds more and more each day. When I submitted to my friends desire for me to creat a blog, I promised I would talk about things that "You never think of or you are afraid to talk about to the Thawt Police". Therefore, some things may not be pretty to blog about which to blog. However, the wonderful thing about blogging is that the every side of the human race can be exposed. So remember, your behavior, whether good or bad, can appear on someone's blog. It seems unfortunate that humans real capabilities, such as I have just mentioned, seem to come out of a cage during this Season .

Do I see anything positive during the Season? Absolutely! I received a card from an elderly lady here, whom I do not know. Amist the numerous holiday cards I have gotten thus far, her card seems to stand among these cards because of what she said in the card; "Thank you for your friendly ways and welcomed smile". Now that comment may not mean much to you. I just found a note from a gentleman thanking me for giving him a 2007 Bible reading calendar. In his note he stated that he is really getting passionately involved in his daily devotion as a result of me not only giving him that calendar but talking to him in general. These are two examples that tell me that people are watching me and that somehow I have impacted their lives. This is the true spirit of giving. What these two individuals have just given me will not be found on the front page of the Middletown Journal nor can it come from the likes of people mentioned in the introduction of this blog. I would rather receive what these two individuals have just given me than what you can get out of a mall.

I think the more we get away from the true meaning of Christmas, the more lawless we become. I always say that you have a right to do anything you wish to do on this side of Heaven. You do NOT have the right to step on someone else while doing your own thing. Grant it, I enjoy the holiday decor, dinners, giving, etc. Most of all, come the day after Christmas I want to be spiritually refreshed and grateful. I do not want to celebrate the day after in debt, in jail, in front of a psychiatric witch doctor, hungover, or worse-dead as a result of sheer stupidty.

My darlings, I encourage you to read Luke, chapters one and two? Then the Spirit Of Christmas will no longer be a "Jesus whoopin crime" for you.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

NOTE: As I conclude this blog, 50 children have just arrived to sing Christmas carols. I opened a window and shouted "Merry Christmas!". It was really neat to see all of those little faces look up to smile and wave. Can't get this in any mall, morgue, jail or courtroom.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas In Hiding

As I try to finish my role as domestic diva today, I ponder my attempt to hide for Christmas. What my darlings? Hide? Why would I hide? Well, being surrounded by politically correct Christmas interpretations, hateful shoppers, and just people in general, I crave the quite time. Of course I try to enjoy the traditional stuff and church services. I think when all is done and over, I will steal away, put up my "Gawn Fer The Holidays" sign on the door, round up Moo and Teddy Bear, fix some hot apple cider, light a candle, put "Polar Express" in the dvd player and enjoy. To be honest with you my darlings, I have been craving this special evening all year. I am really hoping for five hundred pounds of the new cherry cordial creme Hershey's kisses and snow on the ground. I think I stand a better chance of getting the kisses instead of the snow.

Only five more days 'til Christmas! Merry Christmas.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mike Is THE Man

On this date one hundred years ago, I finished my course of study at Miami University. If any one individual stands as being the most influential on this side of Heaven, hands down, professor Michael J. Griffith is the man! The aesthete of all time, Mike taught me the value of patience in art. As a result, I probably take more time to observe my surroundings and appreciate what I see while others trounce down everything. Aesthetics knows no end and is constant. While I may not make a fortune as an aesthete, I have a wealthy sense of inner peace. What I wouldn't give to have a huge portrait of Mike with his trademark pipe hanging in my home. I can just smell the Captain Black now just as if I were standing in the Center of Performing Arts. Never was there a time I left his office what I didn't go without answers to my many questions, a good cup of coffee, many laughs and leaving with my head up. Mike, as he was known to all of us, could take you into artistic places that you felt you did not belong. Believe me darlings, the day he taught me how to "marbalize" with paint, I stayed close to this boy as I was anxious to see what else he could drag out of me. Because of Mike, I love paint. He just had this ability to get all of his students to honestly examine where they are and where they are going. His syllabi were hilarious and something in which to look forward. Who can say they actually enjoyed getting those? Of course I could never forget those infamous peanut M&M's he passed out during finals. My one and only final exam that I actually enjoyed was the day Mike brought in a five gallon paint bucket chocked full of stage scenery hardware. We did not know what to think. Proceeding to light his pipe, he emptied that bucket of hardware on the seminar table telling us to identify each piece and explain their use. I do not recall the remainder of the exam nor how well I did but I do recall having a good time.

Mike? You gave me the very best and I could only wish you the very best. Many thanks!!!

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Frosty The Snowman Brutally Stabbed

People in and around Cincinnati continue to amaze me when it comes to Christmas. In the past we have had the KKK fighting to erect their cross at Fountain Square under the guise of Christianity. Last year, we had the baby Jesus kidnapped twice in Cheviot and now in Colerain two eighteen year old men are arrested for viciously stabbing an inflatable snowman in some guy's yard. These young men were caught because the owner did what other people are doing with their Christmas decor; he put up security cameras. I mean these people have really over stepped the dern Grinch and Scrooge! How hard is it for hateful people out there to leave Jesus, Frosty and the Spirit of Christmas alone? Is your IQ bigger than your shoesize or not? If not, is this why you hard hearted people feel led to ruin the holidays for others? What next? Will Rudolf be attacked by pitbulls? Will Charlie Brown's Christmas be nuked by your Play Station? Will you clothesline Santa? Will a power transformer be trashed to cut power to heavily decorated parks with Christmas themes? If you don't like Christmas then accept the fact that you don't like Christmas. However, if you plan to get out and destroy Christmas I sure hope you have something better to put in it's place-which you probably don't.

Merry Christmas and until the next divebomb my darlings, meow.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What Did You Really Mean?

At evening church services, a Yankee friend of mine constructively commented on my previous blog The Haunting Of Reilly. His real concern was a word choice I printed in the story; "whorehouse". I agreed as I felt the choice of words were a bit harsh coming from me though political correctness was not and is not on my writing agenda. I explained that I carefully edited the word to a phrase; "house of prostitution", but after four attempts trying to post the story with the photos, the original word choice was instead printed. Nonetheless, I took no offense whatsoever. Rather, I was glad he spoke up. Our discussion got me in deep thought as to how we treat words especially over a period of time. Geography of course has much play on words as well. Most importantly is HOW we mean what we say. I have learned to read the human heart by exactly what and how people say the things they say.

Since I began to ponder this subject while sitting in church, allow me to begin from a biblical perspective. There are a host of biblical words that have now become derogatory. The King James Bible has been unchanged since 1611. Yet, there are Christians out there that claim they cannot understand the inspired Word of God. Perhaps their heart is in the wrong place that they resort to watered down versions of the bible that have ripped out valuable scriptures. Or perhaps derogatory meanings have replaced true definitions of biblical words. Or maybe they just don't read the Bible regularly. Who knows the reasons? Bible versions are now becoming gender friendly that the diety of God is being profoundly lost. May I say to you darlings that a standard MLA format has broken down the English language into three eras: Old English; Middle English; Modern English. Modern English began in the 1500's to our present day. Darlings you and I are still in that time frame. We have drastically altered our manner of speaking. Let's look at what we have done with the language in the bible.

Though a best seller, the Bible has bore the brunt of slander by those who are not familiar with it. The most common and ugliest use of slang is the use of the Lord's name in vain even though Exodus 20:7 tells us not to do just this. How can you expect the God of the universe to bless you while you curse His very name at the same time? How would you like it if I dragged your family name through the gutter?

Other words such as "ass", "pisseth", "whoremonger", "fornacation" are common throughout the Bible. Yet, today these words have very derogatory connotations today. "Fornacation" has lost it's true meaning that it has become a way of life in this country. While God may not change the way He speaks, unfortunately the human race has destroyed the way He says what He says.

It is interesting to note that the English language is considered the hardest language to learn because of the slang we use and our language is derived from other languages. Don't take my word for it, look at a standard English dictionary and examine the derivatives for yourself. We change the defination of words so often that it is obvious as to why a standard English dictionary is updated every ten years when the U.S. takes a census. English is considered so sloppy that the French Academie refuses to allow any English word within it's relms. Because the French language is so guarded by the Academie, it is little wonder that there are only 17,000 words in French.

Geography has a vital role on our play with words. I can personally attest to that. Where I come from, it is common that we know everyone by the first name, "Darlin". We may be the only people that know the exact location of "yonder" and I personally have taken people yonder many times. I love to have fun with all my Yankee friends with regard to the Appalachian language. I enjoy dialects and linguistics from all over the world. While I and relatives have taken life long stabs from the rest of the world, may I submit to you that the dialect of southeastern Kentucky is closest to Elizabethan England than any other dialect in the world. I have only encountered four other people that are aware of this fact.

Let us consider how people say what they really mean. For example, I have a family member that constantly uses very strong language. His goal is to humiliate the person to whom he is talking. I have seen many a person feel like they could slide under a closed door as a sheet of paper when he is done talking to them. The end result is a sad one as it alienates him from just about everyone. Grant it I feel for those to whom he belittles as it is hard to recover from humiliation. Do I correct him? No. I have no right to go into anyone's home and tell them how to speak. Years ago, I learned a valuable lesson from using the same vile choice of words. I had worked in a factory where one is liable to hear anything. Worse still is to hear women speak like men in this kind of work environment. I was no exception. Finally, a male worker came to me and said "you are one heck of a little worker and very likable but you have a filthy mouth!" Best lesson I ever learned! I learned not only to get along with the guys without the foul language but I gained their respect. Today, it would be strange for me to use vulgar language because of what that man said to me that day. Looking back on my former tongue, I am shocked that I ever uttered one foul word.

Have you noticed how strangers are choosing to be offended if they are addressed as "sir" or "mam"? These are usually the ones that do not use respect when speaking to others so it is little wonder they choose to be offended. Darlings, let me just stop and say that until I know who you are, you will continue to be "sir" or "mam" and I expect the same courtesy in return. I do not apologize for this. Furthermore, if you are gender confused and I do the best I can to address you as "sir" or "mam", don't bite my head off because of your gender-want-to-be. Maybe you choose to throw common courtesy out the door but I refuse to go out with it. I am not going to reduce myself to common paganism when I speak to anyone.

Next, there are the gossips. These are the most destructive people with any language in their mouth. I have seen good people run into the ground because of someone else's tongue. We are all guilty! What turned me away from this is watching a family member constantly be in someone else's business but her own. She is known to slander her own kids and grandkids. As a result, this family member has lost the respect and trust of everyone with whom she comes in contact. I learned many years ago that the hardest business that one could ever be in is their own business. If you want to live in absolute destitution, just live in someone else's personal life while ignoring your own affairs. I promise you will get a life of total misery

I learned to avoid those who like to talk just to hear their brain rattle. These are people who are constantly angry because the world refuses to bend down and kiss their feet. I encountered one such person several years ago in all places, a church. This man, in his piety was taking prayer requests. Finally, as he stood in front of everyone and requested prayer because he had a run in with a school principal regarding an incident at his daughter's school. Even uglier was the fact that this man stood in God's house and proceeding a childish name calling episode. Then the man claimed that "he was arrested for his religion". All of this bore the typical blame game scenario. Something just did not sound right. I asked in front of everyone the name of the principal. When he stated the man's name, I blurted out "He's my cousin". I then stood and watched the pious pitiful soul turn my favorite color-red. I spoke with my cousin about the matter. He stated that the "saintly" man has repeatedly burst into that school that the staff are fed up with him. The poor soul was arrested for bursting in the school again and shooting his mouth off that the resource officer arrested him on the spot. The end result is the poor soul lied, seriously hurt his testimony, was fined and then banned permanantly from the school. This pitiful soul is angry at me because I am related to said principal and I found the truth regarding this matter. He is bitter in that he has failed to gain any sympathy from anyone. All the while this poor soul has missed the point; he has a free choice to put his child in a private Christian school. If he cannot afford to do this, I would suggest the obvious; speak softly and use what little resources you have sparingly and wisely. May I say, that the average person could approach a public school staff member in a civil manner and gain an audience if not a friend. I personally experienced this in May. Rather than burst into the school like a bull in a china shop, I opted to write a friendly letter. After I received a two hour long distance phone call from a certain teacher regarding the use of a family graveyard for her class field trips, not only did I gain a friend, the teacher has invited me to teach her class on how to trace family roots and proper graveyard etiquette by using a graveyard as a textbook (please note the geographic use of "graveyard" after Appalachian traditon). My point is that I can take the same words commonly used by this angry soul and use those words to gain an audience if not a friend. It is the tone of the human voice behind words that can make or break your listener.

Though I am not perfect in how I always speak, I always try to respect my listener. My accent may not be as yours and my definition of words may not be the same as yours. I can only hope to adjust that as you and I communicate along the way. I invite friendly criticism but not correction to the point you want me to say things that please you. I am not a politcally correct woman nor to I plan on becoming one in the future. If you do not like what others say then excercise your freedom to walk away rather than report them to the dern Thawt Police. If you enjoy the people with whom you communicate then be willing to learn from them keeping in mind you may not always agree with them. If you fail to agree with them remember, you don't have to use this as a means to kill a friendship. As a friend in church taught me recently; learn to be a big ear. Finally, I want to thank my anonymous Yankee friend for the manner in which he shared his observation. It is his presentation that got me to listen and learn.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Love On Ten Legs

I am amused by the attention that Moo and Teddy Bear draw into our home. Friends and strangers somehow know them by name. These two darlings are loved by just about everyone. I am amazed at the passersby that always look up to our windows, call them by name and say hello to them. Most who know me know what an animal lover I am especially with cats. I hope that with my cat fascination and the reputations of Moo and Teddy Bear others will learn to appreciate what I consider the most misunderstood and most mistreated animal within the animal kingdom--the CAT! However, for us here, we are just love on ten legs.

Moo pretty much owns this place along with me and Teddy Bear. If she could speak, I'd swear that she would card every human in whom she comes in contact. Teddy Bear and I no control of anything here. We have no life of our own. We are enslaved to Madame. I just pay the bills and feed all of us.

Teddy Bear is just content in his role as "Mama's Boy". He is a big orange sloppy spoiled rotten lazy ball of sweetness. It is when he gets around other people that he becomes incredibly nervous. He is happy with life between Moo, me and himself.

The one thing these two little darlings agree on is the living room window. This window is strictly theirs and they love the attention they get from passersby. This is why we get so many visitors. Other people in this building own cats but mine have become celebrities. As a matter of fact, I never see other cats in this building's windows. I think it is because I open our windows as they love fresh air. I'm also guilty of allowing my kids get their way. I strive to maintain a clean, healthy and fun environment for us. I have observed that some pet owners just feed and water their pets and nothing more-this is emotional robbery on indoor pets.

I am often amused that we get curious visitors that just have to meet the little window darlings in person. Just yesterday, two ladies stopped by to meet them. They were amazed that Teddy Bear understands the words "friskies" and "groom". I had to explain that he is addicted to his favorite food and favorite lazy pastime. Later in the day, a gentleman stopped to inquire if I was the lady who owned the two kitties in the window. Just a few moments ago, I found some cat pictures under my door that someone left for us. We always receive cat collectibles from strangers and friends alike.

So, we hope that we have peaked others interest in the feline world. If you out there are current cat owners, we hope that we can encourage you to love your feline friends as much as we love each other here.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings-meow.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Haunting Of Reilly?

Always gleaning through my photo library, I came across some photos I shot in 2004 of a ghostly little town. In all my years of visiting historical sites, Reilly, Ohio stands as one of two places that gives me the creeps (the other place, Jeremiah, Kentucky will appear in a future story). Reilly sits on route 732 just minutes from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and minutes from the Indiana state line. As a youngster I had heard Reilly was a rough place. It was rumored that it was a hotbed for societies such as the Ku Klux Klan. If this is true, they won't tell and I'm not about to look. However, this is not why I went to Reilly. On the day I visited this little town, I had been nearby shooting in black and white with a new digital camera. My route just happened to take me through Reilly. I got bold and decided to stop at the infamous Springhill Tavern. The Tavern generated much violence in years past according to my Dad. Violent to the point that Dad once told me if I ever find myself in trouble there just mention his name. With all the violence I had heard from decades ago, believe me, I had no desire to spend any leisure time here. On this day, I went for the sake of history and curiosity.

As I first stepped inside the Tavern, my Dad's words were ringing in my ears as an eerie feeling came upon me. Do you ever get that feeling that you are in a place that feels so evil that it would be better to leave? This is how I felt. I could not only feel the "evil", I could smell it.

I walked up to a lady standing behind the bar. I told her she looked familiar. She agreed. She indicated that she used to work the bars in Oxford. I told her that maybe she had served me during my college days at Miami. I told her why I stopped in and asked her permission to shoot some pictures. She gladly agreed. I had indicated that years ago, my family and I used to live in Reilly. She and I started throwing out names of residents from long ago. So long ago, in fact, that I told her that I attended school in the old school building that has been torn down for several decades. Needless to say, many memories came back for both of us.

I began asking questions about the history of the Springhill Tavern. She offered to show me around and I gladly accepted the tour. She took me outside, up what we call "creekbed" rock steps. At the top rested a cleared level parcial of ground, with a steep hill behind this clearing which was partitioned by a creekbed rock wall. She walked over and picked up a garden hose and indicated that it was connected to a spring. Thus the name "Springhill" Tavern.

We went back in the Tavern. She stated that her boyfriend now owns this tavern but she helps run the place. They only serve three kinds of beer. She really got down to the tavern's history and I was all ears.

Originally, the Tavern was operated as a house of prostitution in the late 1880's. She stated that this is still indicated by the fact that over the Tavern, where she and her family now live, there is a door to every room regardless as to what kind of room. She asked if I would like to see the proof. I declined as I was not comfortable going up there do to the eerie feelings that was overwhelming me. She asked if I had seen the old water trough out front. It was a cement watering trough that watered the horses of male patrons. I went back out to see there was the trough, though overgrown with weeds. Very intact and solid, it still had the spicket in it.

I went back inside. She and I resumed our conversation. She stated that the very structure of the bar is the original bar that came with the Tavern when it opened. Wow! We continued talking about residents of long ago, most of whom have passed. I thanked her for the opportunity to spend a few minutes with her and told her how much I enjoyed the history lesson. As the eerie feeling continued, I had to tell myself it was not this lady's fault. She was too happy to accomodate my questions and my photos.

As I left, I passed "Jocko's Pizza", the former Reilly Inn. Listed as one of Butler County's hauntings, if you go by at the right time, supposedly, one will see the lights flicker on and off after hours. I do remember that as the Reilly Inn, locals who wanted to go out and drink but without trouble, would come here. Those who expected a rough night, went to the Springhill Tavern. My time was running short thus I decided to go home.

Since I was near Reilly on that day with a new camera, I just had to stop and find for myself if all the stories Dad told me long ago were true. After that evening, I may never know the truth of Reilly's past as most of the participants have either moved on or have passed on. While my goal is not to pass on judgement to the Reilly residents of today, I know I left with the most awful sense of evil that day I visited.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.

NOTE: With a click of the mouse you should be able to enlarge the photos for more detail. I own the photos so no copying my darlings.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Merry Mother At McDonald's

This past Saturday, I visited a friend at the hospital in Hamilton. Praying that all will be well with him, there is no doubt that we count our blessings when we find ourselves lying in a hospital bed. However, there are those misfortunates that do not view their circumstances this way as the mother I had seen in the nearby McDonald's later. They seem to be born this way.

Saturday was indeed a busy day for me. As usual my kitties kept me awake so I was surely lacking sleep. Nonetheless, I got up as I had much to do. I had a great deal of baking to do for tonight's fellowship and errands to run. I received a phone call the night before about a friend of mine who had been admitted to the hospital so I comitted to go visit him. It was not until late in the day that I realized that I had not eaten all day. I resolved to go where most go when they need to hurry and eat-McDonald's.

As I drove up to McDonald's I saw that the drive-thru was packed. Rather than waste gas waiting at the drive thru, I decided to go inside. Experience has proven to me that sometimes things move faster inside than at the drive-thru. After washing my hands, I got in line and placed my order. I noticed a lady with a boy of about six or seven years of age standing next to me. She began to get impatient because she had to wait. Not caring that other customers had to wait like her, she began cursing. What inspiration for the boy waiting with her. A young male employee placed a couple of soft drinks on her tray. She responded by telling him the soft drinks did not belong to her tray. That not being enough to convey a simple misunderstanding to the employee, she just had to proceed further when she humiliated the young man with her obscene mouth. My order was placed in front of me and I thanked the young lady who waited on me. However, the irate mother got angry at me when I got my order. This poor pitiful soul had an opportunity to express her displeasure to the Manager standing in front of her but cowered from the opportunity. All the while, I kept thinking this lady is teaching a poor lesson to her son when it comes to customer service. I also knew that I could easily teach the young son what happens to his mother when she shoots her mouth off to strangers. To be honest, I would have loved to have told the lady to shut up and this would have been fun to do so. Instead, I opted to just demonstrate humility. As I write this I still wonder if this lady talks to her own mother with a filthy mouth.

I found a table, placed my tray down and said grace. Realizing I had no ketchup, I returned to the counter and asked "If I don't cuss you out will you give me some ketchup?". The young lady laughed and was happy to help. I told her there is no sense in talking to others in the manner the hateful "Blair Witch" mother talked to the young man that took her order. This attitude can make or break the day of someone else. The more this mother was determined to make a scene, the more of a miserable soul she proved herself.

Rememember, evil communication corrupts good manners; Romans 15:33 KJV.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The City That Stole Christmas

Yes, that's right my darlings, a city that stole Christmas right here is Middletown, Ohio! For the year of 2006, I have seen Middletown grow as beaureaucratic at such a pace equal to the federal governement that I'm rethinking my stay here. What Middletown city council has failed to do is simple; listen. For goodness sake, children listen why can't grown up government officials do likewise? When any form of government fails to listen to it's constituents, government policies tend to work like a boomerang. Unfortunately, the boomerang effect knocks constituents in the head. Just when recovering from this politcal headache, constituents are powerless to stop laws being thrown out by fiat. What alarms me the most is the tactic of holding necessary programs hostage right down to simple Christmas decorations until voters give the beauracracy what it demands. Then what good is my vote? Middletown city government, like the federal government, forms under the guise of "democracy" while denying this very priviledge to it's citizens. You, as well as I, should be gravely concerned.

For you, the outsider, I need to tell you about Middletown. Middletown is a city of approxiamately 55,000 people. Like it's sister city, Hamilton (Butler County seat), Middletown used to be a thriving industial city thus many residents had good paying jobs. This city used to be so busy that railroad crossings or busy shoppers always created traffic conjestion. Today, however, like most industrial cities, Middletown is repleat with brownfields as the computer age has replaced the industrial age. The remains of the manufacturing sector have accepted tax breaks and moved to other countries. AK Steel is the only giant industry still in the region. Unfortunately, AK locked out it's hourly workers March 1, 2006 while AK's CEO, shy of earning an annual salary of one million dollars a year states "we must remain competative". While he is not suffering, there have been more foreclosures and divorces in the city of Middletown this year than anywhere else in the state. Small businesses have been moderately to severely hurt financially by this lockout. All the while, Middletown city leaders have been keen about this.

It has come to the national forefront that Ohio is the third highest taxed state in the country. Young people are leaving at a record pace in hopes of finding a lower tax bracket in another state. Roughly, thirty eight percent of a person's pay check is taken in taxes. This is just twelve percent less than citizens of Norway. Then one has to consider astronomical healthcare costs no matter where one lives in this country. Working or not, healthcare is an economic time bomb for any employee/patient. Medical professionals are not alien to this reality and this could be the source rising unprofessional attitudes among them.

Before November's elections I ran into a gentleman that told me in the past five years there have been five passed tax levies and he can not afford any more taxes. His observation, though thoughtfully stated, got me thinking. Not being from Middletown, I am suprised at the carelessness of voters when it comes to levies as they fail to consider backlashes. I have lost count of how many new schools have opened this year in Middletown yet kids are graduating from these multi-million dollar schools and can't answer simple questions from a televised gameshow. Even worse, in our multi-million dollar schools kids are smart when it comes to teen pregnacy, drug dealing, attacking a teacher, vandalizing school property, carrying weapons or timing when they will drop out of school completely. When residents had to pay up on their property taxes, this is when the outrage began--property taxes soared. Moreover, Butler County residents felt the brunt of taxes when it came to the new jail yet crime continues to soar. The last I checked there are twenty-seven sexual offenders living within a one mile radius of my address. Scary stuff!!! This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that responsibilty does not create ignorant graduates and pedophiles. Taxes and new buildings not only are ineffective to these problems but are becoming a financial strain to those who choose responsiblity as a means of a quiet simple life.

This past summer Middletown council meetings began to take the form of kids fighting over candy. Meetings were about slinging insults and accusations among council members. As council meetings progressed into the summer, this behavior was directed from council members toward concerned citizens. Then when the shoving among the little darlings got rough, a mayor was removed and several council members resigned. The real joke is that there is no clause in the city's charter that explains how to fill these vacancies. This conduct seriously damaged council's incompetence to accomplish anything for the future of Middletown. You better bet that voters took an inept council to the polls with them. The result was voters' denial of city tax increases.

Then at the federal level the Bush White House is pouring two billion dollars a day fighting a war in a country whose citizens have made it loud and clear for decades their sentiments about Americans. This Iraqi war is being fought under the guise of democracy while the US government slowly strips democracy from it's own citizens. In effort to fund this war, our government is slowly cutting programs needed by it's own citizens. I've always been a hawk at heart but my Mother told me to never to ignore your own house by worrying about the house down the street.

Oil? Notice how oil prices went down before elections? Yet, all year investigations revealed that US oil companies profited billions while average citizens went to pawn shops more than ever in hopes of finding a way to pay for a tank of gas to get to work. Corporate scandal is out of control and ordinary people are powerless to respond. Oh but if the average citizen encountered sudden hardship, the bank would be at their doorstep (I mean figuretively speaking. It is illegal for banks and collectors to appear at your door except when reposessing an automobile).

The United States government has not only become corrupt but losing much of it's power it claims to wield. Just who holds the most authority in this country? It used to be the US citizens of several hundred years ago. Today there are five and only five powerful people in this country--the majority vote in the United States Supreme Court. These five people have legislated more rights away from American citizens than any other government entity.

I'll admit that my conservative attitudes have been drastically altered as big government spills into the local arena and ostentatiously at that. Middletown council has retaliated by taking away traffic lights, city Christmas tree (though a tradition not a necessity), leaf pick up, ignoring deteriorating streets (ungraveled roads down home in the hollers are now better compared to some of the city's streets up here). City Manager, Bill Becker announced this week he is going to resign in the wake of Middletown's tax woes. Wow! This will save the city over $100,000, plus pension and medical insurance annually. Maybe the city can fix Santa Barbara Street. That poor street looks like a mine field. NOT! The city has begun to look for a new city manager. For now, Middletown has unleased an aggressive tax campaign after the voters said no to further taxes.

Their aggresive tax campaign became the last straw was when I attended a church business meeting last night. Our Pastor and church staff are faithful in accounting for every dime of our tithes. However, Pastor pointed out something on the chuch budget-a new $3600 tax. He explained that he contacted to city for an explanation. The city stated that this new tax is for "rain run-off". Since when does anyone pay a tax for rain run-off? Will we be taxed for today's snow? Tomorrow's fog? This Spring's thunderstorms? High winds? Flooding? Even more, why is a church paying any tax at all when it is legally tax exempt? Pastor stated the church should not be paying any tax at all due to a church's tax exempt status but for every new brick that goes into the new Middletown Regional Hospital, taxes are being slapped on everyone in that area like you would slap an unruly kid.

Scalawag Lyndon B. Johnson initiated tax exemption to churches as long as churches not advocate politcal candidates. Churches have complied with this federal mandate since it's inception in the 1950's but why are watchdog groups stealthly infiltrating churches today? Pastors are forbidden to stand in the pulpit and tell their congregation for whom to vote but he can tell you to go vote. He can also go to the back of that church and say anything he wishes. During the last presidential election watchdog groups went beyond worry because they saw the voters still had a choice-the choice to vote and a blessing from churches to excercise this priviledge. They admitted this helped Bush to get re-elected. Watchdog groups have vowed to return to church for the next presidential election and they will not be there sing praises. These groups were all over this area when Bush ran for office a second time. Too bad watch dog groups do not have enough sense to realize that my birthright as an American citizen does not cease when I attend church services. Duh!

Thus far, federal government is not trickling down in Middletown. Rather it is storm trooping it's way here in the guise of democracy that is affecting our pocket books and religious freedoms. Voters still contend voting is a freedom that should be excercised but what does one do with so little choices that necessary services are held hostage right before the citizens if they fail to vote "yes". Our city leaders have turned a deaf ear to what happens around us that inspire us to say "no" to more taxes. When many citizens are sent off to an expensive war, workers are locked out from their employment, jobs are lost because they are going overseas, medical care is no longer affordable, gas is strain to buy, previous levies are draining homeowners, new jails fail to reduce crime, religious freedoms are being monitored if not threatened, voters do not do their homework, the time is now to say no more. Elected officials have gained the worst reputation than anytime in our nation's history.

As I sit here sharing my thoughts, I look at what is around my computer. There is this laptop, electricity, heat, hot chocolate with marshmellows, the mug for the hot chocolate and marshmellows, salsa snack crackers, paid transportation and insurance invoices to go get all of these goodies, the clean clothes I'm wearing, the Tide and Downey to clean these clothes, Christmas cards, note pad, ink pen, journal, cat stapler, cat box, cat tin with staples, King James Bible, photo gear galore, phone, books, clock, burning candle, new box of checks, cane, handicap placard, cat photo album, cell phone, address book and other junk. All of this came with taxes. I guess the day Mother passed me through her birth canal and a social security number was mandated on me I am nobody without taxes. I just think it is a shame that my being born is only another tax id as a US citizen and nothing more.

Moo and Teddy Bear are the only two untaxed posessions I have and they are darlings! Thank goodness they have been spared from the Tax police AND the Thawt police. Who knows, someone is probably out there right now drumming up a cat police force for the little darlings.

Enough is enough! We have spoken now it is time for Middletown and all levels of governement to listen! Middletonians' wallets are starting to resemble a piece of bubble gum when it is stretched; eventually it is going to snap! If the best this city cane come up with as far as holding our Chirstmas traditions hostage and taxing people when it rains, then you can have it and become a destined ghost town. Don't worry, I'm confindent that centuries down the road some archeological team will find you. I can only hope to bloom where the Lord plants me.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings, meow

Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday, Mission and Mama's Boy

Well my darlings, my "Mission With Power" was not as successful as I'm accustomed. To be honest, it was too dern cold for me. While I found no owls, kestrals were active but swift for the camera sensors in the extreme cold. Nonetheless, I always enjoy the open country. Better luck for me in the future I'm sure. I did, however, find a photo of me on a previous "Mission With Power". Actually, this was part of a photo workshop. I still much prefer to do the "Missions" alone as there is the obvious solitude.

I decided to go home, warm up and get started on my domestic goddess duties. As you may not be aware, when I do a major, major cleaning, my little darlings (not you darlings but my cat darlings) are always there. So take note of Teddy Bear, aka, "Mama's Boy" in this very antique industrial age cabinet. I turned my back and there he was just having a grand time wollering around in the drawer. He stayed there until he went to sleep.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings...meow.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Updates Galore!

Well hello my darlings! The dive bombs have died down so what an opportunity to close the night with a blog. Of course what would my blog be without my editor, Teddy Bear, by my side begging for a belly rub.

I got to see my friend from Indiana, Larry Harrison. This guy can get me those history books on the War Between The States by southern authors. I don't know how he does it, but he always has exactly what I'm looking for in southern history. While I have been educated by the North, I want to hear the southern version regarding this war. My, oh my, what a line of demarcation between North and South when it comes to written history. How does a guy from Indiana get a hold of southern history by some of the best southern authors? I get strange looks from libraries and bookstores up here when I request certain southern titles and southern authors. Thanks Larry and great to see you again. I will contact you soon for The South Was Right.

As a follow up to my previous blog, The Secret Of Seco, I had the pleasure of talking by phone with Mrs. Looney Thursday. What a lovely lady not to mention a marvelous conversationalist! She recommended Millers, Minehands And Mountaineers for my reading pleasure of coal mining history. We had a wonderful discussion of Seco as well as other nearby former coal camps. Sounds like she is gearing up for Christmas there for her customers. Call 606-855-7968 for reserves my darlings. I'm telling you folks, you have got to stop in or better yet, STAY at her bed and breakfast. You will not be disappointed. Go on line and do a search of Seco, Kentucky to learn more.

WCPO and WKRC out of Cincinnati are reporting that security cameras will be in place at the Nativity scene in Cheviot. As I had mentioned in my previous blog, Merry Christmas But Don't Shoot, about this time last year, Cheviot's baby Jesus was stolen twice. The second time He was stolen, a twelve year old girl donated her baby Jesus for the scene only to have it stolen as well. This past week just up the road in Hamilton, someone drew a pentagram on the baby Jesus in someone's Nativity scene. Gee! Grow up people! The hunt is still on for Osama Bin Laden and I'm sure someone could use your help in finding him provided you don't have to get up early to go to school.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings...meow.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Mission With Power

Time for another "Mission With Power". This "mission" usually consists of me taking my cameras, sandwich, thermos of coffee and an open heart to an undisclosed location. The location is undisclosed as I use this time for quite time. I also don't think the average person would appreciate places I go. I usually refer to the places as the "Secret Spot" which, if you must know, consists of a nature site or a historical site. If you will, I'm kind of like the local National Geographic lady. I don't like to disclose the locations for fear of everyone else frequenting these areas and trashing them. I do enjoy peace of mind and sharing my photos upon my return. I am currently considering owl and kestral hunting to photograph and just to enjoy.

Kestrals are considered Ohio's smallest falcon. This photo I shot of a little kestral was injured and turned over to a nearby "secret" nature reserve. He has one eye. For the unfamiliar, kestrals can be found along telephone lines that stretch along open but harvested fields. They are constant hunters for field mice. I love their swift flight. The past couple of months has been a great time to get out to observe them now that farmers have harvested their grain.

Owls are not as easy to find. They can be found in old barns and old trees. Signs to alert the observer of a nearby owl consists of "pellets" at the tree base they occupy. Pellets contain bone and hair fragments from their prey. Owls can not digest this stuff . Another sign of a nearby owl is a flock of birds, usually crows, flying over a tree with an owl inside. It is not known why birds like to harass owls.

I shot these photos at an owl workshop. "Larry" is the Great Horned owl. This owl is approxiamately 31 years old and has been with the sanctuary since the age of four months. After four months it was soon discovered that Larry is a girl. She was never injured but found abandoned. Needless to say, she imprinted. They tried to release her several times long ago but she returned every time. I asked if she tries to nest even though she has no husband. Her handler stated that Larry will lay an egg each year during season. When she realizes nothing comes of her egg, she gets depressed for a short while.

"Barney" is the beautiful Barn Owl. Pretty much his own owl. Serious minded fellow. I do come across these in big old barns more often than any other species. They are active and noisy at night.

I probably saw more of these beautiful birds when I was a little girl. The urban sprawl was not grand long ago as it is these days. Today, with the housing explosion, I have never seen nature scrounging for it's habitat as I have seen today. If anything, I've probably have seen more nature confusing it's way into suburbia. Sometimes, nature comes to an end when it does find itself in suburbia. It is little wonder I enjoy the secrecy yet the beauty of what we are destroying all around us. Therefore, I always encourage people in sub-divisions to respect nature when it wanders into a new yard. It was there before your yard and requires the once natural habitat your new zillion dollar home rests upon.

Until the next dive bomb my darlings...meow.